For most of us kitchen magic refers to our ability to make tasty and nutritious food. We live in such a consumer society but even those of us who have managed to ditch the processed food still trot off to the drugstore or the health food shop to buy out skincare essentials. In this podcast episode Militza Maury talks about the ah ha moment when she realised the outbreaks she was experiencing on her skin were related to her internal thoughts. She shares how she started making lotions and...
Published 01/07/19
In Japan, the concept of Ikigai means our purpose in life, or our reason for living. This idea is very interesting to observe across the world, especially in the few blue zones, where people live the longest. On the isolated island of Ojima, many centenarians report their Ikigai as supporting those in their small communities. In fact, Elise emphasizes that one thing that the blue zones have in common is strong community bonding and involvement - especially across generations.  Cate explains...
Published 12/31/18
We often find ourselves in situations where we react with frustration. Mary and Cate chat about the potential that we all possess to transform our frustration into a much better alternative: amusement. The truth is that we all have “buttons” that trigger emotional responses in a patterned way. By taking the initiative to become aware of our triggers and reactions, we can encounter a new perspective. Mary discusses her own experience with developing a new understanding of her own negative...
Published 12/26/18
Smoothies, soups and sweet treats, Oh my!! Listen in on the Cate and Kate show today and learn how to create new and exciting meals and desserts with Kate O’Donnell, author of The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook and Everyday Ayurvedic Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind. We chat about delicious, nutritious Ayurvedic recipes that are easy to make this winter season for yourself or to give as gifts for the holidays! It is so important in today’s society to spend some quality time preparing your food...
Published 12/23/18
When it comes to getting better sleep, Ayurveda has a lot to teach us. With more than 20 years of experience learning and teaching Ayurveda, Mary Thompson has a wealth of information to share about how we can utilize Ayurveda to address the rampant sleep issues we are seeing in our society. Sleeplessness and sleep issues are now not only an issue in adults, but also in kids. How can we address this detrimental and widespread issue? Cate and Mary chat about the culmination of our various...
Published 12/10/18
Craig Dubitsky started his entrepreneurial career as an investor and was fortunate to be involved in the beginnings of both companies Method and eos. Today, he still looks back at the networking opportunities that he had and the steps that have brought him to his successes with gratitude. He began Hello with a great idea and a group of really motivated people that wanted to provide honest products for everyone. Now, their charcoal toothpaste in available in everyday retail stores including...
Published 12/03/18
Yoga can be a great form of spiritual practice or a method of physical activity. One less common way to practice that deserves attention, however, is through embodiment. Mark Walsh is a powerful advocate and teacher of embodiment through yoga. By focusing on ourselves and how certain posed make us feel, we can really connect with our feeling and our personalities on a deeper level. Mark’s embodiment yoga courses teaches us how to utilize the different archetypes present in yoga poses to...
Published 11/26/18
For the first time, Yogahealer is making powerful ayurvedic knowledge even easier to attain with our Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. For this limited time, some of our most popular classes are available for 50% off! Take the step to recharge your health and habits with Immune System 101, Allergy Relief, and Healthier Hormones! Learn how you can heal difficult hormone and immunes system issues through lifestyle changes and habits that can change your life. Get the kids involved with our...
Published 11/19/18
Joel Einhorn began his journey into an entrepreneur of Ayurvedic medicine with a personal tragedy. In 2008, he was in a bike accident that lead to a traumatic brain injury. Desperately in need of a treatment that would help him heal, he found himself introduced to an Ayurvedic doctor. After a treatment regimen of herbal remedies, he found himself stronger than ever in a matter of months. With a newfound desire to share the powerful healing properties of herbal remedies with others, he...
Published 11/12/18
Joel Einhorn began his journey into an entrepreneur of Ayurvedic medicine with a personal tragedy. In 2008, he was in a bike accident that lead to a traumatic brain injury. Desperately in need of a treatment that would help him heal, he found himself introduced to an Ayurvedic doctor. After a treatment regimen of herbal remedies, he found himself stronger than ever in a matter of months. With a newfound desire to share the powerful healing properties of herbal remedies with others, he...
Published 11/12/18
New Year season and Holiday parties. Late, heavy meals. Over indulging. Overbooked schedules. We all understand the busyness of the holidays and how so often we enter into the new year from a place of depletion rather than nourishment. What if this new year you were able to change the pattern? Now is the ideal time to tap into the true offerings of the season and shift your habits to reflect who you want to become with the support of a thriving community on the journey with you. Join Cate and...
Published 11/05/18
Fern Olivia found herself at rock bottom when she fainted in a New York City subway and was rushed to the hospital. She now interprets this event as her soul wanting her to know that she was in misalignment with herself. After finding that the standard medical prescriptions weren’t healing her, she began a journey of investing in herself and her health through yoga and Ayurveda. Now, free from Hashimoto's disease, she lives in Nosara, Costa Rica, where she fills her days with the activities...
Published 10/29/18
Melanie Phillips built up loss over her lifetime, as everyone does. When her partner committed suicide, however, she found that all of that loss and grief she never dealt with became exposed. She came out of her struggle with loss with new knowledge of the grieving process and with a profound desire to help other deal with loss. Melanie and Cate discuss the importance of building up resiliency with good habits before life gets tough. It is so much easier to establish those habits when we are...
Published 10/22/18
James Clear’s life was forever changed when he faced a devastating injury to his brain in his junior year of high school. After months of hard work and determination, he fought his way back to success in sports, school, and his life. He credits these astounding successes to his “atomic habits.” This concept is something that he wishes to share with the world. James wants to educate people about a new revolutionizing system for change that has the potential to alter the way we pursue goals....
Published 10/15/18
In the chaotic and stimulating modern age, we often find ourselves living in our minds rather than our bodies. This can lead us to getting out of sync with the habits that allow us to thrive. Richard Hudak began his detox journey with Yogidetox in the fall of 2010, and has regularly returned to the practice seasonally ever since. When he began this transformation, he was 45 lbs heavier and out of tune with his body. The Yogidetox program has provided him with a support community that has...
Published 10/08/18
When we first begin a detox, we may start off with plenty of excitement and motivation. However, once we actually eliminate those foods and activities we are used to, we often find that our detox goals fade. Why is that? Jill and Carly discuss their multiple Yogi Detox experiences, and how their preparation and expectations changed from their first detox to their preceding ones. Especially when we are doing a serious detox for the first time, we try to go all in with strict limits, which...
Published 10/05/18
When we commit to a detox or a cleanse program - we often want to set strict boundaries and push ourselves to the limit. This can not only increase our risk of failure - but also decrease the chance that the effects of the detox last past its conclusion.  Lynne describes her struggle with the tendency to “Stop, Drop, and Detox.” She explains how her perspective on the detox experience changed during her multiple experiences in the YogiDetox program and what she has learned. Jessica and...
Published 10/01/18
The YogiDetox experience is one that involves complex emotions and challenges. While its rewards can be astounding, it is definitely not an easy journey. Grace Edison explains that before her detoxing experiences, she was not in touch with her emotions and their influence over her actions. Subconsciously experiencing an emotional trigger would lead to her eating comfort food without understanding why. A detox from things we are addicted to can aid us in realizing why we actually seek these...
Published 09/25/18
Fertility is a strong reflection of the health and resilience of our bodies. In today’s population, especially in millenials, we are seeing an increase in infertility. With a modern environment that constantly provides a plethora of stimuli and stressors, it is easy to lose the space that our body requires to reproduce. Vrinda Devani, OBGYN, explains how infertility is often a sign of an underlying health imbalance in individuals. When our ojus, the element that creates homeostasis and...
Published 09/19/18
When we are looking to feel better or to improve chronic health issues, we may turn to a range of remedies, including drugs or lifestyle changes. However, it is easy to lose hope when these remedies or changes do not work, which is oftentimes the case. Drugs are likely to target only symptoms of disease, and not the actual root cause. People following Ayurvedic habits may find they feel better, but that they can’t completely achieve the health transformation they seek in order to thrive. ...
Published 09/08/18
Being a nurse, Miranda was apprehensive when she first heard of detox growing in popularity. After having gone through YogiDetox herself, however, Miranda has seen first-hand the massive benefits detoxing has had on her health. Grace and Miranda chat about the transformational experience that this program has brought to so many people. Often in our busy modern lives, it can be really great for us to take a step back from things that aren’t serving us. Detoxing allows us to remove ourselves...
Published 09/08/18
In our enculturated western lives, we often neglect our relationships with nature. There is a lot we can learn about this relationship from the Andean people, who follow indigenous wisdom regarding their interactions with the Earth. Our ancestors all over the world lived as land stewards in harmony with their ecosystems and with the cycles of nature. The Andean people not only value their relationship with the Earth, but also those within their communities. In the Andes, the Andean people...
Published 09/05/18
Intermittent fasting is more than a way to eat. It is a lifelong journey of refining and creating space in your mind and your body. Cate used to experience challenges with her weight, food sensitivities, and her overall health. In our modern complex world, we often feel stressed, rushed and overwhelmed. Through intermittent fasting, Cate discovered a way to bring back a rhythm into her life that allows her to do so much more with much less. Cate and Jessica discuss how establishing a regular...
Published 09/03/18
Relationships are a vital part of our lives. Acharya Shunya struggled with her relationships with others and with herself for years. Through ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, she learned valuable pointers that have caused profound transformations in her relationships. Now, she hosts retreats and events for people around the world so that she can share this powerful wisdom with as many people as possible. Cate and Acharya chat about how often we feel stuck in stagnant relationships. This doesn’t mean,...
Published 08/27/18
Lea Horvatic spent years of her life helping and healing others as a nutritional therapist, naturopath, and homeopath. Through her extensive reading into Ayurveda, she became very knowledgeable in holistic and healthy lifestyle habits. Her career path allowed her to disseminate this knowledge and advice to those around her. It was not until she started her journey with Body Thrive, however, that she realized that she was having trouble listening to her own advice and sticking to habits that...
Published 08/20/18