#986: The power of…kindness. As you’ll hear right at the top of the show, set aside your altruistic thoughts about “kindness” and hear Tom Ziglar and I present it as a primary tool you can use to gain trust, attract people to you, and be the biggest person in the room. The spirit of today’s media polluting our culture today is one of massive unkindness and I’m concerned we may grow to think strength is standing up for your rights and correcting injustice by calling out wrongs and giving...
Published 04/20/22
#985: Think about the idea of going home to your happy place. Your comfort. Where you feel safe and you just get to be you. Now imagine it’s not a place, but it’s just finally being your healthy and authentic self, totally at peace and joyful. If you’ve ever known a place or time, you can relate. If you’ve never known it, this is about your hope to find it. You’re about to hear my conversation with Dr Thema Bryant. Thema is a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at Pepperdine...
Published 04/18/22
#984: Before I started recording this episode with my buddy Tom Ziglar he starts telling me about his weekend speaking alongside a Navy Seal and I stopped him and said…”Wait, this is good, let’s just record it.” He ultimately got into the preparations of Navy Seals and the power of mental models and rehearsing our performance and I wanted to stick with it and abandoned my intended talk on the power of kindness. Maybe we’ll do that in the next episode. What you’re about to hear is a candid...
Published 04/13/22
#983: I’m back with beloved superstar author and speaker Andy Andrews to talk about his personal habits for success. Though in addition I asked him to discuss some of the top habits he would espouse for us all as he seeks to influence the world with positive cultural literacy. He brings us back to, as you heard, the power we have over what we let into our minds. What we allow to influence us for better or worse. It’s incredibly elementary but the profound common sense that is not so common....
Published 04/11/22
#982: I recently had Ethan Kross on the show, one of the foremost experts in controlling our minds. His new book is Chatter, The Voice In Your Head, Why It Matters, and How To Harness It. That was episode #977. Today I wanted to discuss the concept in union with self-talk and personal affirmations, made popular by none other than Zig Ziglar. Tom Ziglar and I just pulled out all the issues around these concepts and held them to the fire in an effort to help us all literally just roll up our...
Published 04/06/22
#981: In a rare entry into current events, tabloid headlines if you will, I asked Andy Andrews about a public statement he made regarding the culture as it relates to the recent Oscars and Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. My point wasn’t to weigh in on opinion, but as you heard in the intro to hear Andy’s perspective on the symbolism. Andy Andrews is a multiple New York Times best seller with his Traveler’s Gift selling millions. He’s a highly sought for and highly paid speaker, he’s spoken...
Published 04/04/22
#980: “Have you ever paid for personal coaching? What were the biggest turn-ons and turn-offs?” This is the question I posed to our listeners and the responses were very telling. Number one turn off? Having a strategy pushed on them without feeling heard and understood. A top turn on, individualized guidance. This is a show to help anyone interested in getting coaching or consulting to vet a prospective provider. And conversely it’s highly valuable for providers to hear what people really...
Published 03/30/22
#979: I’m back with Ethan Kross, author of Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It. Ethan is a PhD and one of the world's leading experts on controlling the conscious mind which we discussed in episode 977. Here we walk through his personal habits for success and as all of our habits are generally achieved, or not, as a result of the winning voices in our heads, Ethan has some profound perspectives on how to achieve his habits. Perspectives you’ll be able to...
Published 03/28/22
#978: How you perceive people and institutions of power and their so called success influences you to the core. So this episode is not a mere discussion on world views and power and morals, but an audit of your own perspective and how it’s influencing you specifically, for better or worse. I was given a VIP ticket to see Jordan B Peterson and as he’s a significant person of influence as an author, speaker, podcaster, and youtuber, I went, out of interest from a few angles. His talk was based...
Published 03/23/22
#977: It’s no secret we all have an inner voice, whether you speak it out loud, write letters in your head like I do, or it’s just the constant stream of thoughts and feelings running amok at all times. A frequent directive is to shut the voice up or ignore it. One this is impossible, and two, that voice is there for a reason and the opportunity we all have is to harness it for our personal success. Ethan Kross is a PhD and one of the world's leading experts on controlling the conscious mind....
Published 03/21/22
#976: I asked our audience this question, “If you're having surgery, do you want the absolute best surgeon working on you, or the one with the best moral character? How about an accountant? Car mechanic? Professor?” The responses added up to saying, it depends. Of course everyone would like both, but we have an older culture who generally says character and a younger generation who wants to be given credit for skill alone and I wanted to flesh out where we really put our personal values when...
Published 03/16/22
#975: Anthony Trucks became a player in the NFL because he followed certain successful habits day in and day out to a somewhat severe degree. The reason he lost his marriage and went bankrupt was from following other habits which didn’t produce such success. Today he talks about his habits progression and pulls out his quest to employ active and passive habits and gives us a great perspective on this distinction, and as you heard, how the good habits we associate our identity with are the...
Published 03/14/22
#974: If you’ve seen the Matrix you remember the spark of the entire movie, when Neo takes the blue pill and he ends up in the construct of what he’s shown is a made up world. Inside here he sees himself dressed a certain way and is told he’s seeing himself as his residual self-image. And there you go. We all have this image of ourselves we believe is simply who we are. It’s our default mode and this is where we generally live unless something significant happens in our lives. Victor...
Published 03/10/22
#973: The self-help and personal development world gives primary focus to increasing our performance so we can achieve greater successes in our lives. And it’s true we all are capable of more. Nobody is performing at their max capacity. But we won’t outperform the level of ability we believe about ourselves and all we have to go on is the proof of what we have and haven’t done thus far. It brings to mind Roger Banister breaking the four minute mile mark in running, which was deemed humanly...
Published 03/07/22
Wouldn’t we all like to know what is essential and what is frivolous in our lives? Maybe we think we subconsciously know, but I for one would be interested in getting it all out on the table. This is our habits show and our muse today is Jonni Pollard, founder of the to ranked meditation app, One Giant Mind. He was our guest in show 671 where we discussed, how to free ourselves from...ourselves! No surprise that a mainstay habit of Jonni’s is meditating. But it was the financial spoke where...
Published 04/22/19
You can’t do it all and chances are 99% you are currently doing too much. But you are stuck, right? Join the crowd. But insanity is doing the same things over and over and hoping for different results, right? In who #663 we talked with Michael Hyatt about his book, ‘Free To Focus’. There are three segments of the book; Stop, Cut, and Act. I really honed in on the difficulty of CUT-ting. STOP-ping to take things into account and chart a course, then ACT-ing on the course...I think most of us...
Published 04/17/19
Jonni Pollard is renowned for bringing meditation mainstream via his organization and app, 1 Giant Mind. In show #667, Michael Hyatt referenced using the 1 Giant Mind app as part of his daily spiritual habits, and more than half of all guests on The Ziglar Show are attesting to using meditation as a primary part of their daily habits and routines. While meditation seems to often have spiritual undertones to it, it is ultimately brain training. An example; if you are familiar with the sport of...
Published 04/15/19
Have you ever, for your work or personal life, practiced and/or gotten coaching for a presentation? For sales, a live and on-stage presentation, for getting a date or a job, anything? This is the question we posed to the Ziglar audience. Zig Ziglar starts us with a five minute lesson on mastering our personal presentation, whether for sales or in our personal life. Zig mastered sales, then the stage, but even more, he realized all of life is a presentation and how we are perceived is up to us...
Published 04/10/19
“Constraints” is not a word I’m fond of, but our guest today gave me a compelling reason to desire them! This is our Habits show, and our muse is best selling author and business leader, Michael Hyatt. He was my guest in show 663 where we talked through his message and the title of his book, “Free To Focus”, Achieve More By Doing Less. Michael is my first repeat guest who had already done a Habits show with me, it’s show 517 if you want to check it out. So in this Habits show I asked him for...
Published 04/08/19
Having confidence in yourself and faith and support from others is priceless. Yet, there is also something sweet about achieving something others didn’t think you could. Maybe you weren’t so sure either, or maybe you absolutely knew you could do it. The greatest stories are made from the “stupid” ideas that worked, and many worked like magic. What Richie Norton helped us understand in show 663 is that for any new idea to be truly valuable and viable, it must by proxy be “stupid” in that it...
Published 04/03/19
You are overwhelmed. You have too much to do. So I have a question for you - if you could wave a magic wand, would you rather get more done or have less to do? Productivity messages generally focus on getting efficient to get more done. But the greats of our present day and history don’t...do more. They figure out ways to spend more time doing what only they can do. Their art, in essence. Michael Hyatt joins us on The Ziglar Show for the third time, our first guest to do so. His new book is...
Published 04/01/19
Show 666, “The number of the beast!” While I don’t fear a number, I know this number has some weighty baggage that I do not discount. I decided to take the opportunity to hit some hard things head on. Recent headlines cited, "The number of deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide in 2017 hit the highest level since federal data collection started in 1999." I posted this on Facebook and asked…”Why? What's your take on why this tragedy continues to increase about 4% per year?” The responses were...
Published 03/27/19
What are the habits of a guy whose fame comes from doing stupid things? Pretty stellar, and showcases how Richie Norton is defining stupid as the New Smart. My favorite spoke on the Ziglar Wheel of Life from Richie? Number four, Financial. Richie says, “Better than budgeting, learn how to make money.” With number six, career and business, his opportunity requirement is he must be able to do it all via his cell phone so his family can stay flexible and mobile. Number five is spiritual and of...
Published 03/25/19
You are not emotionally perfect. Neither am I. You have had some level of emotional strife in your life. Me too. So how are you coping with it? That is the question I posted on Facebook. I asked, “What in your life has most affected your emotional health, and how are you coping today?”Trauma, abuse, codependency, addiction, stress, burnout, childhood wounds, shame, family dysfunction, negative labels, other?The responses came in immediately and right off the bat hit issues such as Divorce,...
Published 03/20/19
Not just a catchy title folks.  In this show we are going to equip you to do something stupid, maybe something you’ve had in mind for a while. Stupid by the world’s standards, that is. Stupid compared to the norm, the conventional and the mediocre. It’s amazing to consider so many of the products, services and empires we all use and believe in, were initially called stupid. Literally. But how do we deal with the critics and doubts and vet the idea to make sure it isn’t truthfully...no good?...
Published 03/18/19