“You have only forgotten your true self,” you have an idea, a plan or purpose that will change the direction of your life forever. If followed, it will lead you to your destiny. A destiny filled with wonders and treasures beyond your wildest dreams, untold riches you’ve never imagined, and will provide you with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding more valuable than rubies.
Published 07/25/10
As a dreamer, you can envision a world and a life with no limits. As a doer, you can focus on something that has never existed before and make it real. Let your most treasured dreams focus your actions and let your actions express your dreams. Be both a dreamer and a doer, and dive deeply into the multifaceted treasure that is your life.
Published 07/22/10
Find out in this episode how YOU contribute to a multi-billion dollar industry, where the men and women in it have become grand masters of the SIXTH step.
Published 07/22/10
"The most important part of this book is not written on it’s pages but is already in your own mind. Once you learn how to harness the tremendous potential of your mind and how to organize the knowledge you already have, you can turn them into the power necessary for attaining your every desire."-Napoleon Hill
Published 07/20/10
I want to challenge you to the task of writing out these five steps and implementing them by proceeding to the sixth. Start today, why wait? Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ, SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
Published 07/20/10
In Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill teaches the reader how to turn DESIRE into MONEY using 6 simple steps. One well-known billionaire used 10. How many steps will you use to build your own net-worth of financial independence?
Published 07/16/10
In between the story of the captain and his men and Marshall Field and his fellow merchants. Pay attention to what Napoleon Hill writes, “Those who would win in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success.
Published 07/14/10
Look around you, you can’t even begin to count of all the examples of people who chose not to turn their backs to their dreams. Alexander Graham Bell said, “What this power is I cannot say, all I know is that it exist and it becomes available only when a person is in that state of mind in which they know exactly what it is they want and are fully determined not to quit until they find it.”
Published 07/14/10
Brianne selected a random quote by Napoleon Hill and had me talk about it in under 3 minutes. I did it in 2, it was fun, and so now I'm sure we can look forward to more of them in the future. Enjoy!
Published 07/09/10
This is a great story because Edwin went from being broke, down and out on his luck to a multi-millionaire in less time than many would have expected (he used the "Carnegie Secret") He had several offices, two beautiful homes; one in Florida, the other in Maine, he had 31 high-end tailored suits, retired at a young age, and to top it all off he had made over 50 million dollars in the process!!!
Published 07/09/10
Desire is the factor that determines what your definite purpose in life shall be. No one can select your dominating desire for you, but once you select it yourself it becomes your definite chief aim and occupies the spotlight of your mind until it is transformed into reality, unless you permit it to be pushed aside by conflicting desires.-Napoleon Hill
Published 07/08/10
With a little bit of time, patience and practice, learn in today's show how to never have another bad DAY for the rest of your life. Think about it, why pay your past troubles a visit by talking about them now? Who wants to continue to entertain an unwelcomed guest? Be careful, they may send to you their relatives without your permission. Instead choose to captain your fate by controlling your thoughts. If you do, it will inevitably change your results, which will cause changes in your...
Published 07/03/10
The world is in a conspiracy to make you conform. Others will think they know what you should be and how you should act and what you should think. And they will apply pressure to make you conform to it. But if you conform, you lose your soul. You lose your originality. You lose your creativity and your aliveness. You lose your connection to PURPOSE. Instead your life should be unique and original. It should not be like any other and no apology is needed for that. Goethe said, "What you can...
Published 07/02/10
Napoleon Hill wrote, “Knowledge becomes power when power is organized knowledge, expressed through intelligent efforts.” If you can put your finger on the “Carnegie Secret” which are principles that Henry Ford applied to create the Ford automobile engine and redefine an entire industry, you too can achieve and attain the same level of success, and quote the proceeding statement with conviction, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve!”
Published 06/30/10
Do you have any red warning signs flashing at you on your mental dashboard? Because you’re free to make your own inspections. Are you 30 days past a mental tune-up? Do you need to rotate and change friends? How charged is your life’s battery? How about your steering, is it in correct alignment toward your goals? Join us in Part 2 in review of the TGR mindset.
Published 06/25/10
Think and Grow Rich is more than a book, it's a state of mind. Join us in today's show as we look at the similarities and differences of Hill's day and our present day economy. See how history has repeated itself and the only question now is if we've learned from our failures like they had. They used Hill's philosophy to change Business Depression into Business Recovery and FEAR into FAITH.
Published 06/24/10
Napoleon Hill wrote, Only those who become "money conscious" ever accumulate great riches. In this episode you'll be shown the different mindsets/beliefs that RICH people have and that OTHER people have. If you want to know how RICH people get RICH, this is an episode you can't AFFORD to miss!
Published 06/22/10
Think and Grow Rich is a state of mind and this "Progress Philosophy" shows the student how to acquire that mind through the application of the "Carnegie Secret" which is unknown and unused knowledge and power. Are you thinking? Are you growing? Are you rich? By thinking we grow, and by growing we become rich.
Published 06/22/10
You're not lost simply because you need directions. You're only lost, if you don't know what and where your destination is. However, be persistent in finding out what that is, you can get there from here. Napoleon Hill wrote, “You can get nowhere without persistence, a fact which cannot be too often repeated.” Join us as we look at how we all can learn a lesson from persistence and profit from temporary defeat.
Published 06/21/10
Are you three feet from gold? Are you sitting on your own "Acres of Diamonds?" Are opportunities so close that you can't even see them? This was the case in the story of R.U. Darby and his uncle. Join us as we review the story and find out how you can prevent the same things from happening.
Published 06/17/10
Create your own career path and make as much money as you want in the process??? It almost seems unreal, however, Edwin C. Barnes didn't think so. Join us as we review the story of Barnes and how he became a business associate to Thomas A. Edison
Published 06/09/10