Get ready to BELIEVE in yourself and attempt the impossible! 🌠 This motivating new episode of Think BIG is going to light your spark! Today I'm exploring how having faith in YOUR abilities is key to manifesting your wildest dreams! When Rav Natan asked how to have faith in God, his teacher said - "I'll teach you to have faith in yourself!"πŸ’₯ The truth is, you can't know your life's mission without believing YOU can achieve anything. As our sages taught - Pharaoh's daughter stretched for a...
Published 02/26/24
Are you READY to stop the overthinking and start living from your HEART?Β  Then you NEED Episode 58 of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky! πŸ”₯ Today we're exploring how to QUIET your monkey mind and let your heart's wisdom shine through! Research shows we have 48 thoughts per minute - 80% negative! 😱 Time to hit the off switch, baby! In this episode, I reveal Rabbi Nachman's teaching - deal with the HEART over the HEAD to manifest desires! Overthinking disconnects you from your heart's GPS...
Published 02/12/24
Get ready for a JAW-DROPPING story about the three words that manifested a miracle! 🀯 This moving episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky will give you CHILLS. Today, I'm sharing my near-death experience getting stuck in a HURRICANE at a spiritual retreat. 😱 10,000 of us crammed into one tent that started RIPPING APART before my eyes! It was terrifying. 😨 But in that moment of desperation, I closed my eyes and prayed - "God, I need a miracle." And then I heard a voice say "Just believe."...
Published 02/05/24
Get ready to be a BEACON of LOVE and LIGHT to heal the world! 🌈 This profoundly moving episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky will open your heart and mind! Today we explore how to manifest global healing through leading with pure INTENTION and radiating LIGHT from within. πŸ’‘ When your desire comes from love, you attract higher vibrations all around! In Ep. 56, I explain that if you want positive experiences, you must focus on the highest good for ALL involved - yourself AND others! πŸ™ This...
Published 01/29/24
Get ready to GO ALL IN on your dreams with this CRAZY manifesting wisdom! 🀯 Episode 55 of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky brings the πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯! Today we're exploring the legend of burning your boats - and how this BADASS mindset leads to INCREDIBLE success! πŸ’ͺ When Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico, he torched his ships so his men had to SUCCEED or PERISH. And guess what? They succeeded! πŸ’Ž This story teaches that when you BURN YOUR BOATS of doubt and fear, your mind CAN'T GO BACK. You rally behind your...
Published 01/22/24
Get ready to have your mind BLOWN about the CRAZY power of blessings! 🀯 This new episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky will FOREVER change how you view abundance! We're pulling back the curtain on how blessings can manifest MAGIC when you "give to get"! πŸ’« This ancient Jewish wisdom is about to rock your world! In Ep. 54, I'm revealing how I instantly changed a stranger's life with one simple blessing! πŸ™Œ She went from worried to confident that her daughter would have an easy birth. My...
Published 01/15/24
In Ep. 53, I reveal an ANCIENT Jewish meditation for clearing your mind of NEGATIVE thoughts. Scientists say we have 80,000 thoughts per day and 80% are negative! 😱 This technique STOPS the spiral so you can CONNECT to your heart! 🌈 The truth is, overthinking BLOCKS guidance and miracles from entering your life! But using this practice to empty your mind, you can FLOOD your life with clarity and solutions! πŸ’‘ Are you ready to say BYE BYE to doubt, anger and frustration? Do you want to MANIFEST...
Published 01/08/24
Are you READY to stop living your life on autopilot and start MANIFESTING your DREAMS?! Then you NEED to tune into this LIFE-CHANGING episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky! We're blowing the lid off how to Focus on Your Manifestation Using the POWER of Subliminal Messages! I'm telling you, this stuff is CRAZY! In Ep. 52, I'm sharing an EPIC story from the movie Focus that shows how Will Smith used subliminal messaging to WIN big! You won't believe how he programmed a billionaire's mind to...
Published 12/25/23
I've got a truly mind-blowing episode lined up for you that will rewire your brain for next-level MANIFESTING and help you reclaim your BIGGEST VISIONS! 🀯 Join me, your host Ayelet Polonsky, as I walk you through my proprietary process for tapping into the energetic vortex of Chanukah to smash through ANY blocks, resistance, or self-doubt that have been stopping you from living your DREAM LIFE! πŸ’₯😍 We're talking next-level personal development meets mystical ancient wisdom...all while keeping...
Published 12/18/23
We're back for round 2 of our miracle manifesting Chanukah bonanza! Last time I revealed techniques to dream exponentially bigger. Now let's make those flashes of inspiration last! Together we'll explore how vision fuels possibility. When it's pitch black we lose clarity, but the Chanukiyah candles represent gaining permanent illumination! We can't notice blessings in the dark. I'm sharing how to reclaim a childlike perception that ANYTHING can happen. Before the world instilled limits, we...
Published 12/13/23
Reclaim your BIG dreams this Chanukah season! 🌟 Manifestation masters, get ready for a holiday extravaganza! In this 2-part special, I'm pulling back the curtain on ancient Chanukah wisdom for rewriting your future with possibility. Together we'll use this magical 8-day window to remember the vision we had for ourselves as children. Before the world crushed our superhero dreams with doubt and rejection. Well now is the time for a clean slate! I'm sharing secrets on how to wipe limiting...
Published 12/12/23
Suffering is optional - it's time to master your emotions! Manifestation masters, get pumped for empowering secrets about emotional control on this week's episode of Think BIG! Though it takes work, you absolutely can guide your feelings. Together we'll explore why happiness enables people to manifest more easily. Next I'll share Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s incredible self-mastery despite physical pain, proving that with techniques, we need not be slaves to difficult emotions. When something...
Published 12/11/23
Your thoughts create your reality - so THINK yourself to health! ✨ Manifestation masters, get ready for science-backed secrets on how intention impacts the body on this week's revelatory episode of Think BIG! Together, we'll explore groundbreaking studies proving our words and beliefs physically manifest. From experiments where repetition of "you're sick" actually made a man ill, to how speaking lovingly creates gorgeous water crystals. The truth is, whether consciously or not, the language...
Published 12/04/23
It's time to RELEASE the lies keeping your light dim! πŸ’‘ On this healing new episode of Think BIG, we're tracing self-doubt back to childhood exile. When caretakers rejected our vulnerability, we hid parts of ourselves, believing something was "wrong." But the painful truth is - there is NOTHING wrong with you! Society told lies that sensitivity means weakness. So we locked away pure emotions, while criticism and toughness took over. The solution is embracing all your parts with radical...
Published 11/27/23
Your interpretation creates your reality - so choose empowerment! Manifestors, get ready for a breakthrough on this vulnerably honest new episode of Think BIG! I'm opening up about how I let others' words limit me, until I learned to interpret from self-love. I share my story of seeking validation from my dad after an incredible retreat...only to have his questioning response shatter my confidence. I projected meaning onto his words that wasn't even there! This painful moment taught me that...
Published 11/20/23
It's time to go beyond treating symptoms and CURE the root cause! On this revelatory new episode of Think BIG, I'm pulling back the curtain on how to manifest true healing by addressing the mind-body connection. Stop chasing surface solutions and get to the SOURCE! We'll explore how unresolved emotional stress often manifests as physical tension and pain in the body. Though so challenging, your symptoms have served to protect you from facing repressed trauma. But now is the time for inner...
Published 11/13/23
Challenges are blessings in disguise - when you shift perspective! On this uplifting new episode of Think BIG, I'm sharing how every perceived setback actually reroutes you to a better destination. Though devastating in the moment, with time the good reveals itself! We look to inspirational stories of people who lost jobs only to find their passion, and nearly lost engagement rings only to have miracles retrieve them. Their mindset of "this too is for the good" flipped negatives to...
Published 11/06/23
It's time to clear the negativity and step into your light! 🌟 This powerful new episode of Think BIG guides you through a transformative meditation for banishing blocks and refilling with positivity. Together we'll identify and visualize the dense ball of negative energy sitting in your heart. Then through intention alone, we'll breathe this energy up and out of your body until it disappears. Feel the lightness as your spirit is freed from this burden! Next we'll invite healing light to flow...
Published 10/30/23
When manifesting goes wrong, getting clear on your WHY is the key! On this enlightening new episode of Think BIG, I'm sharing my husband's struggles to manifest when his intentions weren't aligned with his true motivation. Though he followed the steps, he lacked the meaning behind the desired outcome. Together we'll unpack why simply visualizing a dollar amount didn't excite him. His real WHY was using abundance to contribute and spend time doing what he loves. When he connected his...
Published 10/09/23
It's time to REMEMBER the truth of who you are! ✨ Manifestation masters, this powerful new episode of Think BIG is essential listening if painful memories or limiting beliefs have you doubting yourself. Together we'll explore how anything you constantly remember becomes part of your identity - for better or worse! That's why we must be vigilant about ejecting disempowering thoughts from our minds. You'll learn techniques to delete negative memories from your muscle and subconscious, replacing...
Published 10/02/23
You are the AUTHOR of your reality - so it's time to REWRITE your story! 🌳 Get ready for a game-changing new episode of Think BIG! I'm bringing ancient wisdom that reveals YOU are actually sitting under a wish-fulfilling tree at every moment. That means the cosmos is working to co-create whatever YOU think into being! So why don't you have everything you want yet? Well, at some point you wrote a story of limitation for yourself - and it's time to transform the narrative! πŸ“ Together we'll...
Published 09/25/23
It's time to REWRITE your story and RECLAIM your power! πŸ’ͺ If old traumas and limiting beliefs have been blocking you from living in your truth, tune into this vulnerable new episode of Think BIG! I'm getting raw and real about the childhood experiences that shaped my "I'm not enough" story - from cruel schoolyard nicknames to mentors questioning my worth. I'm tracing my journey all the way back to age 8 when painful words first planted seeds of self-doubt. πŸ’” But more importantly, I'll share...
Published 09/18/23
It's time to stop begging and start BELIEVING! πŸ™ If you've been manifesting from a mindset of LACK, you need to tune into this game-changing new episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky immediately! I'm bringing the ancient wisdom about how you simply CANNOT attract abundance if you approach desires from a place of scarcity. If you've been praying for a goal while thinking "Why hasn't it happened yet?" - we need to shift your whole mindset! 🀯 Instead, I'll reveal how to turn your doubts into...
Published 09/11/23
It's time to THINK BIGGER than you ever have before! 🀯 Do you feel DEEP DOWN that you're meant for SO. MUCH. MORE - but can't seem to access your limitless potential? Have you been stopped in your tracks by crippling self-doubt right when opportunity strikes? Well, listen up, because this Transformational episode of Think BIG is about to become your SECRET WEAPON for finally actualizing the greatness you were born for! πŸ’₯ I'm pulling back the curtain on the TWO CORE TRUTHS that are the...
Published 09/04/23
Are you ready to stop sending prayers into the void and finally get the answers you've been dreaming of!? Then you need to listen to this week's episode of Think BIG with me, Ayelet Polonsky! I'm diving deep into the power of intention and how you can use it to manifest your biggest dreams into reality. I'm going to blow your mind with the secrets behind the mystical word "Abracadabra" and show you how to apply this ancient wisdom to get your prayers answered every time! When you understand...
Published 08/28/23