Dive into the core principles of manifestation in this essential episode of The Manifestation Method!I'll break down the fundamental steps of my unique methodology, giving you a solid foundation to start creating the life of your dreams. You'll discover:The importance of frequency and how to assess and raise your own vibrational stateMy powerful ABRA method: Ask, Believe, Receive, AcknowledgeWhy clarity is crucial and how to define your desires with precisionThe role of belief and how to cult...
Published 09/06/24
Get ready to revolutionize your manifestation practice in this game-changing episode of The Manifestation Method!I'll dive deep into the core principle of manifestation: becoming a vibrational match for your desires. You'll discover:Why we manifest what we ARE, not what we wantThe scientific breakdown of energy, frequency, and vibrationHow your thoughts and emotions shape your electromagnetic fieldThe power of the quantum field in manifestationWhy abundance is a mindset and a frequency, not j...
Published 09/02/24
Get ready for the exciting conclusion of my spiritual odyssey as I reveal how I manifested my soulmate in just 21 days!In this captivating episode, I'll take you through the magical twists and turns that led me to my husband, including:The powerful 3-step manifestation process I used to call in my perfect matchThe wild synchronicities that brought us together (including multiple "Brians"!)How a dramatic first date almost derailed our relationshipThe dream that proved we were meant to be toget...
Published 08/26/24
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of rapid manifestation in love? Join me as I reveal the jaw-dropping story of how I called in my soulmate in just 21 days!In this transformative episode, I'll take you on a rollercoaster ride through my dating history and share the exact steps I took to manifest my dream husband. You'll discover:The shocking truth about why I kept attracting the wrong men (and how I broke the cycle)The 3 powerful manifestation principles that changed everythingMy secret 3-s...
Published 08/19/24
Prepare for a mind-blowing spiritual adventure as I take you on the first part of my transformative life journey!In this captivating episode, I'll reveal the twists and turns that led me from a chaotic childhood in New Jersey to a spiritual awakening in India and beyond. You'll discover:How a tragic event at age 20 became the catalyst for my spiritual questMy six-year odyssey in India, including encounters with levitation and materializing crystalsThe shocking experience that made me realize ...
Published 08/19/24
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of lasting love that I discovered during my transformative journey in Israel? Join me for the premiere episode of The Manifestation Method, where I'll reveal the profound wisdom I gathered about relationships and marriage.In this eye-opening episode, I'll take you on a deeply personal exploration of the lessons I learned from wise rabbis, my own marriage, and the vibrant culture of Israel.You'll discover:The surprising truth about what makes relationships l...
Published 08/18/24
Are you unknowingly sabotaging your manifestations with ego? Join Ayelet Polonsky as she reveals the crucial role of humility in aligning with the true source of creative power.In this enlightening episode, Ayelet delves into a often-overlooked aspect of manifestation: the importance of recognizing God as the ultimate creator. As you begin to see miracles become your norm, it's easy to fall into the trap of "I created this" or "I'm so powerful." However, Ayelet explains why this mindset can a...
Published 07/01/24
Ready to clear energetic blockages and align yourself with the infinite source of creation? Join Ayelet Polonsky for a profoundly transformative guided meditation designed to open your crown chakra and amplify your manifestation power.In this immersive episode, Ayelet will guide you through a beautiful visualization of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, focusing on the crown center as a conduit for divine light and energy. As you connect with this luminous stream of healing white light, you'll exp...
Published 06/24/24
Have you ever found yourself questioning whether the things you're manifesting are truly in your highest good? Join Ayelet Polonsky as she offers profound wisdom on trusting the divine process behind not immediately receiving what you desire.Drawing on a powerful parent-child metaphor, Ayelet illustrates the caring discernment with which the Universe (likened to a loving parent) dispenses our wishes and desires. Just as a parent may withhold giving a child a dangerous object despite their for...
Published 06/17/24
Are you carrying around shame, regret or self-judgment that is weighing you down? Join Ayelet Polonsky for a profoundly healing meditation to release the past and open yourself to radical self-acceptance and forgiveness.On this tender episode, Ayelet will guide you through a multi-dimensional practice to compassionately re-visit the stories, experiences and behaviors you're ready to make peace with. You'll learn to view your past self through the lens of unconditional love, understanding that...
Published 05/27/24
Are limiting beliefs and past programming holding you hostage from manifesting your heart's desires? Ayelet Polonsky is here to guide you in breaking free from the shackles of your "emotional hangovers."On this profound episode, Ayelet exposes the subtle but insidious ways we absorb limiting narratives and false beliefs from childhood - beliefs that then shape our future reality. She'll illuminate how these "emotional hangovers" create feelings of confusion, lack, jealousy and low self-worth ...
Published 05/20/24
Are you struggling to manifest your desires despite positive thoughts and intentions? Ayelet Polonsky is here with a powerful vibration-raising technique to help align your energy for effortless manifestation.On this insightful episode, Ayelet explains why thoughts alone aren't enough to call in what you want. While your thoughts may be focused on your goals, subconscious beliefs of lack and scarcity could be hindering you without you realizing it.The true "secret sauce" for magnetizing your ...
Published 05/13/24
Ready to steer your ship towards your biggest dreams instead of crashing into the rocks? Join Ayelet Polonsky as she dives into one of the most crucial elements for successful manifestation: clarity.Drawing on a brilliant metaphor, Ayelet paints a vivid picture of two ship captains - one with a clear destination in mind, the other aimlessly going wherever the wind blows. Can you guess which one arrives at their desired port safely?The same principle applies to manifesting your goals and desir...
Published 05/06/24
Are you ready to access your most radiant, confident self? Join Ayelet Polonsky for a guided hypnosis meditation that will uplift your self-esteem and help you embody the fearless, vibrant energy you deserve.On this deeply transformative episode, Ayelet will lead you through a visualization designed to quiet your mind and open you up to potent subconscious reprogramming. You'll be guided to imagine yourself in your highest state of confidence - radiating warmth, approachability, and magnetic ...
Published 04/22/24
Ready to call in your biggest desires and dreams? Before you can manifest anything externally, you must first cultivate the right internal conditions. In this profound guided meditation, Ayelet Polonsky will help you lay the unshakable foundation for your manifestation journey.Drawing from deep wellsprings of Jewish wisdom, Ayelet will guide you through a multi-dimensional process to get into the ideal state for creative manifestation. You'll begin by releasing any mental blocks, doubts, or n...
Published 04/22/24
Has a bad start to your day ever derailed your whole mood and productivity? Ayelet Polonsky is here to show you how to turn that around in an instant! In this powerful episode, Ayelet shares a personal story about a frustrating interaction with her bank that had her feeling frazzled. But just when she was ready to write the whole day off, the bank teller gave her a simple piece of advice: "Can you please remember to wear a smile on your face this week?" That small shift in perspective was all...
Published 04/15/24
Are you ready to shift your perspective on life's challenges and see the divine gifts hidden within? Join Ayelet Polonsky on this powerful episode of Think BIG as she shares a personal story that will transform the way you approach obstacles. Ayelet had everything planned - her family was set to return home to Israel after an epic 3-month adventure. But when her toddler got sick just before the flight, it sent their plans into a tailspin. Facing flight changes, unexpected costs, and a barrage...
Published 04/08/24
Are you ready to manifest your biggest desires? Then today's episode is an absolute MUST-LISTEN! 🙌 On Think BIG, I'm diving deep into the profound Jewish wisdom that the "end result exists in the initial thought." Meaning your power to manifest starts by getting crystal clear on what you truly want! The truth is, we're all made in God's image with divine creation abilities. Our prayers and intentions can literally change the world. But we can't manifest alone - it's a sacred partnership with...
Published 04/01/24
Published 03/26/24
Get ready to OBLITERATE your limiting beliefs and unleash your UNLIMITED potential! 🔥This powerful episode of Think BIG is about to set you FREE! Today, I'm sharing the transformative story of a client who was deathly afraid of public speaking due to a traumatic childhood experience. At just 7 years old, she froze on stage and her brother's mocking laughter planted the belief "You're a failure." That single moment created a blockage that prevented her from stepping into her potential for...
Published 03/25/24
Are you frustrated that your desires STILL haven't manifested? Struggling to understand what's blocking you? 😫 Then this powerful episode of Think BIG is a MUST-LISTEN! Today, I'm getting radically honest about the two biggest reasons your manifestations might not be showing up yet. And I'm using my own story of manifesting (and unmanifesting!) my husband as a prime example. You'll hear how even I, your manifestation mentor, sent out mixed signals before meeting my soulmate. I thought I...
Published 03/18/24
Get ready to unlock your MANIFESTING SUPERPOWERS through the magic of imagination! 🪄 This mind-blowing episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky will blow your reality wide open. Today, we're diving deep into the profound connection between being human and our ability to vividly imagine. The Hebrew roots for "man" and "imagination" are literally intertwined - meaning our power to manifest is BAKED INTO OUR EXISTENCE! I'll share how comedy legend Jim Carrey imagined his $10 million acting...
Published 03/12/24
Get ready for a hilarious and enlightening story about manifesting free coffee! 🙌☕ This episode of Think BIG with Ayelet Polonsky will have you cracking up and rethinking your manifesting mindset! Today I'm sharing my real-life saga of intending to manifest a free cup of coffee. What started as a fun little experiment turned into a comedy of errors...and an incredibly profound lesson! In this episode, I'll take you through the three separate times the universe tried delivering my free coffee...
Published 03/05/24
Get ready to BELIEVE in yourself and attempt the impossible! 🌠 This motivating new episode of Think BIG is going to light your spark! Today I'm exploring how having faith in YOUR abilities is key to manifesting your wildest dreams! When Rav Natan asked how to have faith in God, his teacher said - "I'll teach you to have faith in yourself!"💥 The truth is, you can't know your life's mission without believing YOU can achieve anything. As our sages taught - Pharaoh's daughter stretched for a...
Published 02/26/24