The stories of two very different inventors. One was forced to innovate and the other stumbled on a great idea by chance. Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate and Percy Spencer created the microwave oven.
Published 02/06/24
Published 02/06/24
The stories of two contrasting inventors and innovators who made contributions to the allied efforts in World War II.  Both featured in films.  Hedy Lamar (1914 - 2000) was an Austrian actress and Hollywood star who was called the most beautiful woman in the world.  She invented a radio technique still used today in wifi and bluetooth technologies.  Barnes Wallis (1887 - 1979) invented the bouncing bomb used by the RAF in the dam busters raid of 1943 which breached the Mohne and Eder dams in...
Published 01/30/23
What ideas and inspiration can we glean from two English entrepreneurs and innovators?  Sir Charles Dunstone (born 1964) is the founder and former chariman of Carphone Warehouse, at one time the world's largest mobile phone retailer. Rob Law (born 1982) is the inventor of the Trunki, a ride-on suitcase for children which was savaged on Dragon's Den.
Published 09/08/22
Paul Sloane relates the stories of two influential innnovators who each took an idea from one field and applied it with great effect in another.  Clarence Birdseye (1886 - 1956) was an American scientist who created the frozen food industry.  Jorge Odon (born 1952) is an Argentinain car mechanic who invented a device which can help save the lives of mothers and babies.
Published 06/16/22
Let's celebrate the achievements of two outstanding Scottish innovators.  Both were called Allexander and both had a tremendous impact on our lives. Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. Sir Alexander Fleming was the doctor who discovered penicillin.
Published 10/21/21
We gain insights and inspiration from three great American movie makers and innovators.  Walt Disney (1901 - 1966) creator of ground-breaking cartoon films and founder of Disneyland.  The comedian, actor, writer and director, Woody Allen (born 1935).  And Steven Spielberg (born 1946), the most commercially successful film director of modern times. 
Published 09/09/21
Let's go way back in history and consider the achievements of two geniuses of ancient Greece.  Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC) was a mathematician and philosopher.  Archimedes (287 - 212 BC) was a mathematician, engineer and inventor.  They laid the foundations of our understanding of mathematics and their theorems are taught in schools to this day.
Published 07/19/21
The stories of two superb military leaders and innovators.  Hannibal (247 BC - 182 BC) was Rome's greatest enemy and one of the finest military strategists of all time. Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758 - 1805) is Britain's greatest naval commander.
Published 06/13/21
Let's review the achievements of two great American engineers and inventors.  Martin Cooper (born 1928) is the creator of the mobile phone.  Ted Hoff (born 1937) invented the microprocessor.  Their stories are highly instructive for innovators.
Published 04/29/21
This episode concerns two towering French innovators of the 19th century.  Each had a profound impact and can teach us lessons today.  Louis Braille (1809-1852) was the boy who enabled the blind to read.  Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) was the engineer who designed the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty.  He was known as the 'magician of iron'.
Published 04/12/21
We will see what lessons we can learn from two American entrepreneurs who were remarkable mavericks.  Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) was the brilliant but irascible founder who led Apple Corporation to incredible sucess.  Phil Romano (born 1940) is a controversial restaurateur who has founded a series of successful restaurant chains.
Published 03/15/21
We review the towering contributions of two great scientific thinkers and innovators.  The Italian mathematician, experimenter and polymath, Galileo (1564-1642) is considered to be the father of modern science.  Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is the English naturalist who expounded the theory of evolution, one of the most influential and brilliant ideas ever conceived.
Published 02/17/21
We consider the works and impacts of two of the greatest composers.  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a child prodigy and a creator of brilliant works.  Ludwig van Beethoven (1779-1827) revolutionized classical music when he initiated the romantic movement.  What can we mere mortals learn?
Published 01/21/21
The stories of two great business leaders and innovators.  Anne Mulcahy was the chairperson and CEO who turned around and saved the giant Xerox corporation.  Tony Hsieh was the young entrepreneur who created a remarkable corporate culture at Zappos.
Published 12/31/20
Let's review the achievements of two great modern innovators.  Paul MacCready (1925 – 2007) was an American aeronautical engineer and inventor of the first human-powered aircraft.  Eric Migicovsky (born 1986) is the Canadian enrepreneur who invented the Pebble Watch and founded Pebble Inc.
Published 12/06/20
We review the achievements of two leading industrialists, innovators and lateral thinkers.  Ricardo Semler (born 1959) is a Brazilian businessman who has revolutionized management thinking with the practices at his companies.  Rob McEwen (born 1950) is a Canadian mine owner who ran one the first and most successful corowdsourcing competitions on the internet. 
Published 11/16/20
In this episode of the podcast series we consider the achievements of two influential medical innovators.  Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912) was the Scottish surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery and sterilisation of equipment.  Govinda Vekataswamy (1918 - 2006) was the Indian eye surgeon who took an idea from manufacturing and fast food and used it to transform the treatment of cataracts. 
Published 10/21/20
Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) is the most famous painter of the modern era.  He is considered by some to be five artists in one.  Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997) responded to his son's challenge to become a leading figure in the Pop Art movement.
Published 10/06/20
We learn lessons from two great Japanese engineers, industrialists, innovators and marketers.  They created companies which became world leaders.  Soichiro Honda (1906 - 1991) founded the Honda Motor Company.  Akio Morita (1921 - 1999) was the co-founder of Sony Corporation.
Published 09/22/20
We examine the works of two great inventors.  Sir Hiram Maxim (1840 - 1916) was an American who became a British Citizen and patented over 100 inventions and designs.  John Harrison (1693 - 1776) was the English master clockmaker who dedicated his life to winning the first great crowdsourced competition, the Longitude Prize.  
Published 09/07/20
Let me tell you about two towering geniuses, astists who were prolific in different fields and who, unusually for artists, were famous in their lifetimes.  Michelangelo (1475 - 1564) was the Italian renaissance genius of painting, sculpture and architecture.  Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) was an outrageous Spanish surrealist - a master in many media.
Published 08/19/20
In this episode we review the lives and achievements of two towering figures in the world of 19th century science.  Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) pioneered work in radioactivity, discovered two new elements and is the only winner of two Nobel prizes in different sciences.  Dmitri Mendeleev (1834 - 1907) is the Russian chemist who proposed the Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Published 07/30/20
J K Rowling (born 1965) is the British author of the Harry Potter series, the best-selling book series in history.  Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875) is the Danish author of many classic fairy stories.  What inspired these literary geniuses to create works which would entrance children (and adults) all over the world?
Published 07/12/20
Here we have two dynamic innovators and entrepreneurs.  They created enterprises which changed the world and yet they both fell from grace.  Muhammad Yunus founded the Grameen Bank, pioneered microfinance and won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Travis Kalanick founded Uber, at one stage  the fastest growing start-up in history.
Published 06/28/20