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Thinking Hypnotically, Living Mindfully
You will learn how to use mindfulness and hypnosis strategies to create lasting positive changes in your life. Many of the misconceptions of hypnosis will be discussed as well as the limitless ways people can incorporate self hypnosis in their lives. There are thousands of peer reviewed studies demonstrating the effectiveness of hypnosis and mindfulness in all areas of life. You’ll be engaged through discussions of people from all walks of life who have used hypnosis and mindfulness to overcome problems and increase positive feelings and emotions. You are encouraged to practice some of the...
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Learning to "live hypnotically" is fun and easy. And more than that, it's a way to create the best version of who you want to become.
Published 04/08/20
Learning to "live hypnotically" is fun and easy. And more than that, it's a way to create the best version of who you want to become.
Published 04/08/20
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