What "It’s All E-commerce" Means in 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 404)
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Your customers live their lives online. They carry the internet in their pockets. We see that in practice every year when Black Friday shopping data comes out. And, what did we learn this year? What do we now know about how customers live their lives online? We’ve learned, as we’ve long said around here, that "it’s all e-commerce." Retail e-commerce will represent over $900 billion in purchases this year. Travel and ticketing adds even more. At least 29% of all business is conducted online. And those figures understate the percentage of offline sales influenced by digital in B2B and various service industries (healthcare, for instance). In other words, "It’s All E-commerce." It’s not too late for you to ensure your 2024 strategy includes "It’s All E-commerce" at its core. But how do you do that? How can you get your customers to connect and interact and transact with you using digital? What do you need to know to adopt a mindset of "It’s All E-commerce"? That’s what this episode of the Thinks Out Loud podcast is all about. Want to learn more? Here are the show notes for you. What "It’s All E-commerce" Means in 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 402) Headlines and Show Notes Show Notes and Links * 2023 Holiday Shopping Trends & Insights | Adobe for Business * Thinks Out Loud Episode 13: It’s All E-commerce * What AI Will Do to Content Marketing (Thinks Out Loud Episode 402) * A Podcasting and Content Marketing Case Study (Thinks Out Loud Episode 394) * Three Content Distribution Concepts to Help Your Company’s Content Marketing Succeed (Thinks Out Loud Episode 329) * Is Content a Strategic Product for Your Business? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 319) * Where Content, Community, and Customer Experience Meet (Thinks Out Loud Episode 346) * Customer Experience is Queen? What Does That Mean? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 190) * a href="https://www.timpeter.com/?feed-stats-url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGltcGV0ZXIuY29tL2Jsb2cvY29udGVudC1raW5nLWN1c3RvbWVyLWV4cGVyaWVuY2UtcXVlZW4...
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