The world searches for peace for the soul. We search far and wide to find a replacement for God to fill this empty space. But in the pursuit of this we end up still coming back to more questions about how to find it. Jesse Carbo points us to Hebrews 4 from the Bible to shed light on that journey to peace. Along with this passage we discuss how difficult it is to let go and let God. SHOW SPONSORS CHRISTIAN HEALTHCARE MINISTRIES https://www.chministries.org/?utm_cam WORD OF LIFE (BIBLE...
Published 12/10/22
Published 12/10/22
I sat down with Tommy Sewall to record another episode where once again I am reminded of the power of STORY. There is something so simple about Tommy's journey, yet so profound at the same time.   SHOW SPONSORS CHRISTIAN HEALTHCARE MINISTRIES https://www.chministries.org/?utm_cam WORD OF LIFE (BIBLE INSTITUTE & YOUTH CAMPS) https://learn.wol.org/ CONNECT WITH US Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisismysto... Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisismystory09 Facebook:...
Published 09/15/22
Finding Balance is the key to our peace.  We need to believe in the BIG because God is Big Enough, but we need to live faithfully in the small things. But how can we find this balance? Well, it can be difficult. There is a lot of noise out there and frankly a lot of opinions whether it be having a better diet, get more sleep, exercise more, say no to more things or whatever else you can think of.  Don't get me wrong, these can be helpful. BUT, we need something else first. So, I reached...
Published 08/26/22
Every person has a story related to their health.  In the 1st Century Church, Christ followers pooled together to take care of the needs of their community. But is this concept possible today? Unfortunately the church as an institution is not meeting health care needs for believers in the same way. I suppose denominational differences, budget concerns and low tithing among other factors left this void. So, is there a para-Church organization that runs on the same Biblical model we read...
Published 07/03/22
Are you making any deals with God right now? I am sure we have all been guilty of this at some point in life.   As a kid, I remember praying, "God if you get my parents to buy me these new pair of shoes, I'll be nicer to my sister." Or, God if you help me pass this test in Algebra, I'll read my Bible everyday.  Something along those lines.   I also remember a time, late in the evening, when I was a youth pastor in college. Driving one of the guy students to his house. He was newer to the...
Published 06/26/22
THIS CRAZY WHITE BOY, got on my nerves so bad, but he eventually changed my entire life for good. - Sharon Parker " God asked me to forgive the man who did those things to me when I was a girl, so I could become the woman He wanted me to be." - Sharon Parker No matter how far you may feel from God, you are only one step of faith from Him. Don't let your painful past or current struggle keep you from taking that first step towards finding your healing and purpose. God can change anyone. He...
Published 05/19/22
There is always hope. The pain of sexual abuse, especially from a young age is one of the most traumatizing things that can happen to a person. The voices in your head that you are "scum" and "worthless" are from Satan himself! It may feel like you'll always be this shameful and dirty person that has to hide, but it is not true. There is a way out! Your story is NOT over yet! In this 2 Part Episode with Sharon Parker, you will learn the details of her painful story, but also her journey to...
Published 05/03/22
Conversations like this one with Benjah are so important, especially as people are coming out of lock downs from COVID.  Have you stopped to think about the impact on people from being isolated for so long without human connection and healthy community?  I know many people who's lives became better because of COVID lockdowns because they got to spend more time with their families, but the vast majority of people around the world are not so fortunate.  They are truly suffering. I invite you...
Published 04/15/22
JIM RIPPEY talks about his career as a pro snowboarder, comparing it to an empty well.  Welcome to another episode of This Is My Story.  We spend some time discussing the idea of life being a well.  Is my well empty or is it full?  I guess this depends on my perspective of the meaning and fullness of life itself.  Looking at Jim's highlight reel of his life in the 90's it would be easy to assume his well was full.  After all, he is base jumping off of buildings, buses and cliffs. Everyone in...
Published 03/29/22
In This Episode Olympic Athlete, Andy Finch very humbly shares his experience as one of the best Pro Snowboarders in the world and how God rescued him from a path of destruction.   Andy sheds light on a very real challenge facing many adults, both young and older and that challenge is whether we think our story is good?   For just a second, pause and think, "Is your Story good?"   Okay, now that you've stopped reflecting on your story, take a listen or see (on YouTube) how Andy's journey...
Published 03/04/22
In This Episode Darryl is LEGENDARY in Professional Baseball.  He lived in the fast lane both on and off the field.  Arguably he is one of the most recognized Baseball athletes in history but also equally known for his eventual path of a destructive life of drugs, alcohol and womanizing.  At the time, no one had a clue why he chose this path.  In this episode he opens up and shares his journey. Whether you like baseball or could careless, this conversation with Darryl Strawberry is a MUST...
Published 02/17/22
Shaun is a 4X World Champion & they call him "The House Of Style"  because he makes what he does look so good. BUT.... without question to me the secret sauce of Shaun Murray's success and fame is Jesus.  I don't mean this superficially.  I mean it in every practical since.  Shaun uses his platform to show others they are important.  His fans are treated like friends and he prioritized time with kids making them feel valued. He understands and will even tell you, God is the one keeping...
Published 02/09/22
In This Episode Joesph and Job, two men in the Bible who lost everything and suffered to the extent most of us would have given up, but both of them proclaimed "What Satan has intended for evil, God will use for good."  This sums up Mark Wright's podcast and his story.  His parents got divorced when he was only 5. Although his mother remarried and he had a good step father, the hole in his life for his God given birth father was a wound he carried. The evil plot Satan likes to have on all...
Published 01/22/22
In This Episode Brian came to American from Liverpool which he describes life there as a kid as Godless, New Agey, and how he never even knew a person who was a Christian.  But deep down in, he questioned if there was a God. Skateboarding is what brought Brian over to America where eventually he would join with Tony Hawk the legendary Skateboarder and his company, turning pro himself as a young teenager.  As things in America turned up, skating professionally and living a rockstar life,...
Published 01/15/22
We all go through pain and many people suffer unimaginable tragedy and our hearts go out to the broken hearted. BUT, Praise God for stories like Matt Manzari who was electrocuted with over 14,000 volts of electricity yet finds his Hope in knowing God is with him to take him through the next steps. I hope this BONUS episode will encourage you or someone you know who is going through a rough time. For information on the resource we talked about in this Bonus episode check out: SCARRED FOR...
Published 01/12/22
Matt Manzari is a walking miracle. He shares his story of surviving two life threatening accidents, the second of which he was electrocuted with over 14,000 volts of electricity. Thank you for being a part of this community of storytellers. He wears his scars on his arms for the whole world to see, but some of the deepest scars that we have are unseen.  But remember this, God's allowed Jesus to be scarred on the cross that we may have Hope for ours. #yourstorymatters We've created an...
Published 01/07/22
THIS IS MY STORY PODCAST - EPISODE FEATURE: Gary Copeland CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS, WE LOVE THEM! CHRISTIAN HEALTHCARE MINISTRIES  utm_campaign=Influencer&utm_source=TIMS https://hubs.la/H0WzDzy0 WORD OF LIFE (BIBLE INSTITUTE & YOUTH CAMPS) http://www.WOL.org IN THIS EPISODE  Although Gary was a Christian since a young age, he faced a battle with depression that caught him by surprise in recent years. Listen in to discover how God carried him through one of the darkest...
Published 11/30/21
Bobby Joiner shares his story of how his faith came early at the age of 12, but something happened shortly after that played a role in his decision to choose a different path, walking away from God.  He pursued his own pleasures, and in his words, "I made a lot of stupid decisions."  15 years later after being hurt, offended and frustrated about his story, God would use his wife, Debbie to get him studying the Bible which not only restored his faith, but changed his life course altogether....
Published 11/08/21
In This Episode, You will hear the behind the scenes with one of the best in music yet one of the most humble people you could ever meet.  Matt Butler has played with some of the greatest in Country Music and Christian Music, but you would never know it.  This guy doesn't even have an instagram. You'll have to find more about him through his joint social media which his lovely wife, Ashlee Butler posts for them. @butlermattandashlee. Currently, Matt is the newest member of the Maren Morris...
Published 10/22/21
"Being married to a musician it's easy to believe my husband has a good story, but me..who would want to hear my story? IN THIS EPISODE Ashlee Butler will win you over with her contagious spirit and humble heart and you will see why we care so deeply about every story.  The temptation to dismiss our story because we feel like no one would want to hear it, is a very real temptation for anyone to believe.  Do you think this about your story? Ashlee grew up watching her dad have a powerful...
Published 10/14/21
As a World Champion athlete, Kristi shares her story of how she dealt with fear and anxiety throughout her career. To sum up our interview and the depths of inner struggles, Kristi says, "I could be at the top, having just won an elite title and walk away and feel like a failure." "People pleasing, Performance and Perfectionism almost killed me..." Do you ever feel like your'e not good enough? Are you exhausted in life? Could you use some encouragement in your story? Are you feeling stuck...
Published 10/02/21
IN THIS EPISODE NATE OPENS UP ABOUT: Performance based faith // Family Stress // Being Real and Humble // Taking Off the Mask // Discovering God's Love // How To Endure Hardships // God's Goodness // YWAM & Tricking His Daughter Nate Miller, President of In His Wakes shares his personal story of how he lived in fear of going to Hell at a young age, but later in life discovered God's love was unconditional and it changed his life! Nate also shares about how God truly showed up in his...
Published 09/21/21
If you haven't met her, this is Emily Copeland Durham. She's a LEGEND and HALL OF FAMER in Profesional Wakeboarding.  Yes, I'm partially biased as her husband, but seriously there aren't many people on the planet like this beautiful woman.  I'll brag just a little bit on her insane athletic talents. She turned pro at the age of 14, and was Rookiee Of The Year.  At age 16 she was sponsored by Nike, the youngest female athlete to be sponsored by Nike at the time.  She's also won ever major...
Published 09/16/21
911 Survivor took 20 years to forgive himself fully for surviving 911 when his friend died in his place. Listen as Mike Cortes shares his truly inspiring and gut wrenching story.
Published 09/12/21