in This Episode, Holly and I are talking about our experiences with the energy as we are shifting, the exhaustion, headaches, nausea, body aches and other ascension symptoms. All the purging going on with all of us. How we help prove a big belief for most of us, that others don't really care and how we help create that. Comparing ourselves to others, can make us feel we are the only ones going through major changes and what's really going on. This Podcast is also on ITunes and...
Published 08/31/18
In this episode, we are talking about how fear is trying to keep us stuck and keep us small so we don't step into our power. How self care brings you to a higher vibration. How our bodies are being affected. The amount of craziness that just doesn't seem to stop and things you can do to help you during this time of change.
Published 08/09/18
In this episode, Holly and I are talking about the big changes that are coming and already happening during this eclipse season. The energies and how we are feeling physically, emotionally and mentally. Getting a new perspective on old beliefs and programs that need to be healed and released. Tools to help you on your journey of ascension
Published 07/31/18
In Part 2 of this episode, we continue talking about different types of relationships, twin flames, soulmates, karmic partners. Signs the universe is trying to get your attention. How entities are affecting us. Why our "suppose to", is part of the problem. How our faith, belief and trust is being tested and paying attention to what and how you are manifesting in your life.
Published 07/20/18
In Part 1 of this episode, we are talking about different types of relationships, twin flames, soulmates, karmic partners. Signs the universe is trying to get your attention. Why our "suppose to", is part of the problem. How our faith, belief and trust is being tested and paying attention to what and how you are manifesting in your life.
Published 07/11/18
In this episode, Holly and I are discussing how we manifest in our everyday life. The things you may not even think about that may be showing up because you expect it to be that way. How what you believe, you are experiencing. An exercise to help you get some insight in what your creating and make a change.
Published 06/04/18
In this episode, Holly and I are talking about how you are creating what you believe. What part you play, how your taught programs as a child keep showing up in your life. Ways to look at what you believe and is it helping you or keeping you stuck and tools to help you make changes.
Published 05/07/18
In this episode, Holly and I are talking about the energy shift that happened last week. The effects it's been having on us and our relationships of all kinds. How much of what we believe is showing up in our face. The abundance of entities and signs you can look for to tell if you have any attached to you.
Published 04/20/18
In this episode, we have a special guest, he is talking about his childhood and how it affects his life. Hopefully it will give you some insight into your own programs and beliefs and what you need to work on to change your life for the better.
Published 03/14/18
In this episode, Holly and I are talking about feeling overwhelmed from the energy being so intense. How the eclipses from last month are bringing up more of what you need to work on and heal. The difference between your intuition and a feeling that is from a belief. How to manifest some extra moolah
Published 03/01/18
In this episode, Holly and I are discussing the change in the energy from last year. Creating a dream board and what it's really for. Is the universe working against us? Why worrying gives you more of the same and what you can do instead.
Published 01/17/18
It's been a while since Holly and I have been able to do a podcast, sorry for the long wait! It has been an intense last few months, as I'm sure you all have been feeling all the changes, whether sudden or something you have been working on doing, We are talking about how crazy people are feeling, the sensitivity levels, entities, health issues, mis-communication and trying to take it easy on yourself in all that is happening. Please subscribe, share and write a review it is appreciated, here...
Published 01/01/18
As the intense energy continues, Holly and I are talking about the effects we are hearing about and experiencing. How much our bodies are being effected and what's up with the insomnia? Along with things you can do to help. You are not alone, we are all experiencing extremes
Published 11/02/17
As the intense energy continues, Holly and I are talking about the effects we are hearing about and experiencing. How much our bodies are being effected and what's up with the insomnia? Along with things you can do to help. You are not alone, we are all experiencing extremes
Published 11/02/17
Holly and I are talking about how much is constantly going on these days, how intense it continues to be and things you can do with the overwhelming emotions we are all feeling.
Published 10/13/17
Holly and I are talking about the overwhelming feelings that seem to be on a rampage. How off balance we have been feeling. Lower energies and where is the light. Subscribe and share so others can find us. Thank you for helping us help others
Published 09/19/17
Holly and I are chit-chatting about what we have been experiencing, time, perspective, energy, taking care of yourself and using your tools to help get through the times
Published 09/06/17
In this episode, we are talking about the different ways we can view money our we pulling it toward us or pushing it away and the different way we can view things, our choice.
Published 08/22/17
Holly is back to talk about how her challenge to slow down and take some time for herself is going. We go over the struggles she is having and her realizations.
Published 08/11/17
In this episode, Michelle and I talk about about relationships, how much do we take and why? Where do we even start to learn how to love ourself.
Published 08/01/17
In this episode, Michelle and I are talking about what it feels like these days, some of the changes we are experiencing in this craziness and how we treat ourselves vs others in relationships.
Published 07/24/17
We continue talking about putting ourself on the list and give everyone and Holly a challenge! Join Holly in the challenge.
Published 07/16/17
Holly and I are talking about the intense full moon tomorrow. How much are we trying to get done in a day. Where did our mind go and where are we on our list if we are on it at all.
Published 07/08/17
In this episode, we continue talking about why there is no way out only through especially when you're feeling hopeless and stuck. Tools to protect yourself from others emotions and energy affecting you and making you feel it's all you when it may be coming from others around you.
Published 06/22/17
In this episode we introduce Michele and talk about our sensitivity to each other. What this intense energy is trying to help us with and understanding there is no way out only through it do we evolve.
Published 06/08/17