In this episode, I am engaged by Eyiyemi Rogbinyin of The Spirit of Nigeria Radio. We talked about one of my new projects called "skyTrain" where we plan to build a veritable rail network but in the sky. We talk about how critical Nigerians in the diaspora are and how they can change the fortunes of this country if we at home can engage them on a level, possibly, never seen before. We also talk about how we need to see Nigeria as an infinite journey to fulfillment and not the finite journey...
Published 02/09/21
Published 02/09/21
In this episode I explore where the world is going and how the battle lines are being drawn in the midst of the pandemic. This should serve as a wake up call for us here that we need to engage our diaspora so that we can together bring solutions that solve our issues in ways only we understand. Please reach out to me via email, LinkedIn or Instagram if you want find out more about what we are doing.
Published 02/02/21
Alkasim Abdulkadir is a Communications Specialist, with near two decades experience in media and communications, perception management, branding, public speaking and elocution. He currently works as the Technical Adviser on Communications Strategy at the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants, and Internally Displaced Persons NCFRMI, he has also worked as the Head of Media and Communications at the Presidential Committee on North East Initiative. He has also worked as a content producer...
Published 11/24/20
In this episode, I chat with Chioma Agwuegbo (Twitter: @chiomachuka) who has consistently been on the front line of social change in Nigeria. Chioma is such a brilliant mind. Founder and CEO of TechHer (www.techherng.com), a hub of learning, support, and collaboration for women, empowering them to become tech-savvy in their everyday lives. She is a founding member of Enough is Enough Nigeria and was a key driver in the passage of the "Not Too Young To Run" bill that paved the way for younger...
Published 11/10/20
In this episode I answer the question I posed 10 days ago of what next? Here I give my own simple solution for a clear path to fulfilment. We must play the infinite game and change the rules of engagement. Though simplistic, this is a start.
Published 10/23/20
In this special episode of the podcast, I speak about my experience with SARS and speak about building a consensus with an inclusive long term plan for the remaking of a better, stronger and more vibrant Nigeria for all of us.
Published 10/14/20
Life is a journey and for sure at some point it will throw us a curve ball that begs the question, why me? Our response in these times is everything. Isimemen Naomi Eronmhonse had a very solid life by all accounts. One day it all came crashing down when her husband was diagnosed with cancer and passed on shortly thereafter. Losing a spouse is an experience I know all too well. From a very harrowing tale of loss and betrayal, hers is a story of triumph against all odds.  You see, she choose...
Published 10/06/20
Rarely in life do you meet many people that use both sides of their brain in equal measure then you meet Joseph Ike a true renaissance man. Last week we discussed his work in the mental health and rehabilitation space which was, for me, quite educational and insightful. This week we focus on his fashion brand, JZO, and his other business creations including GPI which supports the fashion industry through manufacturing. I hope this is as inspiring for you as it was for me.
Published 09/29/20
Rarely in life do you meet many people that use both sides of their brain in equal measure then you meet Joseph Ike a true renaissance man. Based in Kaduna, He is on the front lines finding solutions for mental health and drug addiction through his clinic, Milestones Rehabilitation Center, and with his NGO which has expanded into many areas in Northern Nigeria. You would think this would leave him with little time for anything else right?  Nope.  All the while he has built a strong fashion...
Published 09/22/20
Ugochi Obidiegwu, The Safety Chic, is a Social Development Strategist with a focus on creating products, programmes and policy formulation that solves Africa's pressing development issues affecting our children and youth. Her major work pillars are ensuring child safety and tackling substance abuse in our youth. Her safety activities focus on training and creating unique safety education products like the popular "The adventures of Muna" story book series and programmes like the annual School...
Published 09/15/20
Edosa Obaseki set up Prairie Crossing Capital Management in 2017 to focus on the small businesses that need the most help. From Aspire Labs in Aba to Village Lantern in Lagos, Edosa's journey is inspirational for many reasons but what stands out is that he leads a team very much focused on making impact in the most meaningful way by improving the quality of life in Nigeria. For more information on what they do please check out their website at www.prairie-crossing.com
Published 09/07/20
On this our premiere episode meet Mowo Ejeme or Super Mowo as I call her.  She leads an inspired team of teachers without whom quality education would miss the 50 children they currently support in the Mpape District of Abuja. Mowo's story is awe inspiring. With a passion for teaching, she left a pretty cushy job at a high end school in Abuja to start Oakbridge Foundation where they educate kids that had very little chance of breaking the cycle of no education and limited life opportunities....
Published 09/01/20
Published 08/07/20