Who takes up most your time during the week?   Which relationships do you need to give the most attention and time to nourish this week?   I have one major question today that I'm going to give to you, and it will change the game for you in terms of looking the way you look at meetings, how you process meetings and which ones you ditch and which ones you keep.   I want to remind you that This Week's Plan is sponsored by NoFailPlans.com. When you go to NoFailPlans.com, you will be...
Published 12/19/20
Published 12/19/20
Would you like a greater return on your time? Want to know a few simple strategies that will help you get more time this week? Checkout the tactic so you can get more done each morning this upcoming week. It is surprisingly simple. You can make it work for you. Welcome to This Week's Plan, where we help you transform possibility into reality. We help you accomplish the right things each week so you can enjoy a more balanced life, both personally and professionally. Get more great...
Published 11/19/20
You want a better weekly plan? That's why you're here listening to a show called This Week's Plan, right. What do you include in your weekly plan? What goes into your weekly plan? What are the elements that you need to be highly productive this upcoming week, the next week, the next month, and riding that all the way into next year and the next decade? There are a few key core elements that goes into a powerful weekly plan and I look forward to sharing that with you in today's...
Published 11/14/20
What do you do when that person walks up to you or group of people and they corner you and they ask you to make a commitment or an on the spot decision, what do you do? Can you say no with a smile on your face? Can you confidently say, “No thanks, I'm busy, I can't do it”? Today's episode, we're going to break that myth that you can't say no and that you can say no with a smile on your face. Do you want to learn how to pass the delegation test? Do you want to finally protect your...
Published 11/03/20
Is there a secret place that you should do your weekly planning at, should you do it in a bunker, at a coffee shop in your backyard by yourself with a big group of people? What is the most optimal time and place to do my weekly planning? And where should it happen? We have three possible answers for you in this Season 1, Episode 7 of This Week's Plan. We will cover digital, analog and a hybrid of places and things that you need to construct a highly effective weekly plan. You...
Published 10/30/20
When should I plan my next week out? What is the best day to plan the week out? How much time do I need to plan my week, so it doesn't eat up all my free time? Welcome back to this episode of This Week's Plan. We are in season one where we're helping you fit in all the right things into your week so that you can accomplish more of the right things. It makes no sense to accomplish more of the wrong things or more of other people's things. I want you to accomplish more of your right...
Published 10/24/20
What day is it today? It might be a certain calendar day for you, but it's decision day. It's halfway through the week and it's halfway through the week where the winners come out to play. Now, it doesn't matter whether your week has been a challenging one or it's been awesome so far. We want to accomplish one thing today, and it's making that one decision that's going to carry you forward over the finish line this week. Welcome to This Week's Plan, where we help you transform...
Published 10/21/20
Naturally, when I meet people and we start talking about upping your productivity game, a question comes out such as how do you get more things done in the week? The next question that comes up is how do I efficiently plan my week? I don't want it taking hours and hours to plan my week because I have work to do. I got stuff to get done. If you ask those questions, you're in the right place. A lot of people ask me, how can I plan my week in the least amount of time possible so I can get...
Published 10/17/20
All right. You've made it halfway through the week, congratulations. I want to introduce you to the Mid Week Pivot. At this point, you have one decision to make. It's just one decision. Are you going to accelerate your momentum or are you going to pivot to regain control of your week so that you can finish the week strong? Why the Mid Week Pivot on a Wednesday? Well, like I said in the opening episode of This Week's Plan, it can be the middle of any week. A Wednesday for most Monday to...
Published 10/14/20
Why you need a weekly plan is an important consideration to get clear on. When was the last time you found yourself asking a question such as: Where did all my time go? Where did last week go? How do I accomplish more this week? Because I certainly didn't get it done last week. How on earth am I going to get control of my life? Where does all my time go every single week? How do I stop wasting time on trivial tasks and interruptions and social media? And why does it seem like...
Published 10/09/20
So what does this week's plan about? I wanted to create something that I could help my Dojo Members who live across the globe create better, stronger weeks, have greater levels of productivity and make an even bigger impact in their corner of the world. What attracted you to a show called This Week's Plan? Have you been trying to hack your way to greater levels of productivity? Maybe you thought it's all about organization and being the most organized person that you know at the office...
Published 10/03/20