Part 2 of David and Sue’s adventures in mission in Northern Ghana.
Published 11/24/21
Published 11/24/21
Dave and Sue went to Ghana, West Africa for 10 exciting years (1987-1997), and worked among the Konkomba tribe. Listen to how they were called to serve in Ghana, and what it was like to be there with a young family. Hear how Sue taught literacy for women, and David went with a co-worker to the tribal Chief, to ask for his permission to talk to the village about Jesus. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ David takes up the story: “Our vision for sharing the Gospel was to start with Creation, and the Fall. And then go...
Published 11/18/21
In this episode, duo Wilf and Pat talk about church planting in the face of opposition, helping build the Burkina Faso universal alphabet, and unsuspected proposals …
Published 09/28/21
In this episode, Jo discusses her call to cross-cultural ministry, and the part she played in building up the church. Our discussion also covers applying the Bible to cultures, and the provision of a fridge.
Published 09/07/21
In this episode, Liz touches on the cultural differences of gender roles, and how prayer can witness to God’s power..
Published 08/18/21
The Lord doesn't always choose the most likely people – so says Patrick in this week's episode all about his time serving God in Japan. Listen to hear about his surprising journey!
Published 07/30/21
In this episode, John talks through the various challenges and joys of planting a church in West Africa. Watch out for the lightening strike! You can find out more by visiting our website: www.wec-uk.org or follow our social media @wecuk Please subscribe to continue receiving new episodes. Thanks for listening.
Published 07/10/21
In this episode Margaret who served in DR Congo as a teacher, remembers some of the remarkable people she knew. These are humorous short stories of faith, joy, and amazing answers to prayer.
Published 06/15/21
Ever heard someone say they were “called into overseas Christian ministry”? Our podcast, ’Til the Whole World hears, explores what that looked like in the lives of some of our WEC retired missionaries. Packed with stories about bringing Jesus to places that don’t yet know Him, and lots of wisdom born from experience, these short episodes are a joy to listen to. In this episode, Margaret White and I discuss, among other things, the role of prayer and our attitudes toward it, and the pace of...
Published 06/08/21
What does it look like to work for WEC overseas? You can hear it first-hand. In this podcast, ’Til the Whole World Hears, Martha sits down with Maud Kells and chats with her about her experiences of making disciples of all nations. Why not grab a cup of tea and join us? Even this episode is just a snapshot! Maud Kells’ story has been shared widely through interviews, and she has two books written about her experiences. You can find out more about Maud's story on our website. To purchase An...
Published 05/17/21
What does church planting across the globe actually involve? ’Til the Whole World Hears is a podcast of short conversations with retired WEC missionaries where we hear the nitty-gritty of cross-cultural ministry and what it’s all about. Available now. https://wec-uk.org/
Published 05/11/21