Special Gust Tony Page explains that the hinterland lies behind us, unseen and undiscussed; exploring it through discovery interviews and storytelling can develop collective leadership and collaborative 'teamship' in solving the knottiest of challenges.
Published 03/22/22
Special guest Philip Goodwin, CEO of the global VSO shares his unique approach to leading an exciting and complex global organisation. A 'must-listen'.
Published 02/24/22
With Covid receding and fuel shortages now abroad, what are clients asking us for and what does that tell us about them, their teams and their stakeholders? With guest team coach and colleague Elana Friedman, David and Chris explore the influence and importance of stakeholders, and why and how they can be critical for a team's 'direction of travel'.
Published 10/13/21
In this first episode, Chris and David shoot the breeze on the subject of teams in organisations - their fascination in them and how critical it is for team leaders to focus on building a great team.
Published 07/28/21