Are you part of the 7% of adult Americans who are experiencing a depressive episode this year? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares what depression is and how you can treat it mind, body, and soul. In this Tip Talk episode, she focuses on body-centered techniques for overcoming depression, including getting 20 minutes of sunlight in your eyes daily, vigorous exercise, getting restorative sleep, nutrition, and anti-depressant medication.
Published 07/08/19
Want to make your guy feel loved and appreciated? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares tips for celebrating your husband by giving him what he needs, like letting him be your hero, asking for his advice, and joining him on an adventure.
Published 06/12/19
Men get so much confidence from being sexually desired by their wives. Pursue your man in the bedroom, and he'll slay dragons for you in the world. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler gives practical tips to help a wife pursue her man sexually even if she doesn't feel much sexual desire herself. Sign up for the free CWIVES Dare of the Month newsletter at http://cwives.com to help you shift out of neutral sexually and into drive!
Published 06/05/19
Need help making peace in your family? In this Tip Talk podcast episode, psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares how to be a true peacemaker based on Abraham's example as he navigated a family dispute in Genesis 13. What is it that you could unselfishly yield in order to end a quarrel? To download a free PDF of Dr. Jennifer's Top Ten Tips for Building Strong Family Relationships, go to https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources-tip-sheets/
Published 05/28/19
If you'd like to connect more with family, in this Tip Talk episode psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares ten tips for building strong family bonds. Listen for fresh ideas on how to more deeply connect and enjoy both your immediate and extended family, as well as celebrate one another, show physical affection, and embrace new family members. You can download a free PDF of this Top Ten Tips list on her website at http://jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/.
Published 05/21/19
Can you recognize when you're being controlled and exploited so someone else can get what they want? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares 5 more tips for identifying manipulators based on a fascinating and gruesome story from Judges 9. Manipulators: --Serve only themselves --Offer false security --Destroy what displeases them --Repeat patterns of using and deceiving. --Don't listen to God.
Published 04/29/19
Tips to help you sharpen your ability to spot a manipulator before you get played. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares the first 5 of 10 tips for identifying manipulators based on a gruesome story from Judges 9. Manipulators: are all about self-promotion and image; use deceptive appeals; rationalize sin; drive people apart for personal gain; surround themselves with corrupt people. Download Top Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation at https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/
Published 04/22/19
If you're in or coming out of a relationship with a difficult, controlling person, in this Tip Talk episode psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler has ten tips to help handle emotional manipulation and its after effects. It's time to quit trying to help and change the emotionally manipulative person. Instead, you can focus on developing your emotional manipulation detection and management skills. You can download a free PDF of this Top Ten Tips list on her website at...
Published 04/15/19
Is someone pulling your strings and emotionally manipulating you to get what they want while disregarding the effect on you? In this episode of Tip Talk, psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler explains what emotional manipulation is and provides a list of tactics emotional manipulators use. To download Dr. Jennifer's Top Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation, go to http://jenniferdegler.com and click on Free Resources.
Published 04/08/19
When should we pray and who can pray powerfully? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares how Christians are to pray powerfully when we are in trouble, feeling blessed, sick, or have sinned. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful! Based on James 5. Are you stuck in a troubling situation? Pray "God, give me sustaining grace and eyes to see what you are developing in me through this problem that isn't going away." It feels good to nurse a grudge until we realize bitterness makes us...
Published 04/01/19
What's behind conflicts and quarrels? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler explains how selfish desires and pride are behind every quarrel and the relational and spiritual consequences of unnecessary conflicts. Based on James 4. Are you in a quarrel? Ask yourself: In this conflict, 1) About what do I think I am sooooo right? 2) What do I want that's all about me and my opinions and preferences? 3) When did I stop caring and praying about what God wants? 
Published 03/23/19
Need to quit quarreling with someone? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler provides practical tips and powerful prayers for ending a fight by submitting to God, resisting the Devil, drawing near to God in obedience, and forgiving the other person and asking for forgiveness for your wrong attitudes and actions.  Save yourself the cost of a counseling session by asking the other person, "What's it like to be in a relationship with me?" Then listen without explaining or defending why are you like...
Published 03/23/19
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares tips for improving relationships based on James 3:13-18 including looking at whether our own arrogance, bitter envy, selfish ambition, or lack of wisdom is contributing to a chaotic or confusing relationship. Also covered are 8 characteristics to cultivate to improve relationships.
Published 03/16/19
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares three more tips for managing the tongue based on James 3, including controlling your tongue's power for good, not evil; asking God to tame your tongue and purify its poison; and listening for what your tongue is revealing about your heart's condition.  "Controlling your tongue is always an uphill battle. You can't stop working on it, or you'll go backwards." "Out-of-control tongues can ruin in a moment what you've worked for years to build."
Published 03/08/19
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares three helpful tips for managing your tongue based on James 3:1-5, including: Using your tongue to benefit others, not glorify yourself; keeping your tongue in check instead of letting it run wild; and steering your your tongue in a godly direction, not toward destruction. Other topics include how to identify gossip and how your speech can either inflame your heart or direct it toward good.
Published 03/08/19
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares how we can be extraordinary followers of Christ in ordinary life based on James 1 -2. Topics include what being a "doer of the Word" looks like and the specific good works, inside and out, that saving faith produces in Christians.
Published 03/06/19
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares three steps to finding comfort when you are afraid, anxious, or worried. Based on biblical principles found in Psalm 56. 1) Tell God your fears 2) Remind yourself that God is both with you and for you. 3) Praise God for who He is and what He has done for you in the past. "Knowing that God is with you and for you will change your perspective on your fearful situation."
Published 10/18/18
In part 2 of a series on success, psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares two more of God's strategies for success as seen in Joshua 1. First, to choose to be strong and courageous in the face of fear and obstacles, and second, to study and obey God's Word like your success depends on it -- because it does! "It doesn't take courage to believe in God; it takes courage to obey God."
Published 09/27/18
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares two of God's strategies for success based on Joshua 1. First, let go of the past so you are ready for whatever God is calling you to in the present. Second, keep God's big picture in mind as you make every decision, and for believers, the big picture is always to become more like Jesus Christ. "It's never too late to start something new for God." "Partial obedience leads to partial success. Full obedience leads to full success."
Published 09/27/18
How do we help our children grow a heroic faith, one that will change lives? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler interviews Lee Nienhuis, author of Brave Mom, Brave Kids, to hear Lee's helpful advice on how moms can surrender the common fears they have when it comes to their kids, and why we can entrust our children to God. They also discuss how to build your child's character.
Published 09/12/18
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares four things love always does: 1) Love always protects people; 2) Love always believes the best about people; 3) Love always hopes in the most hopeless of people; and 4) Love always perseveres by patiently enduring pain and problems. This is the 4th and final episode in our Loving Well series based on 1st Corinthians 13. For more info, go to http://jenniferdegler.com.
Published 02/27/18
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares tips for overcoming rudeness, selfishness, irritability, perfectionism, score-keeping, and gloating in relationships. "Behind every irritable outburst is an unrealistic vision of perfection. Let it go. Love is not irritable." Based on 1st Corinthians 13:5-6. This is the 3rd podcast in the Loving Well series. For more info, go to http://jenniferdegler.com.
Published 02/21/18
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares tips for developing patience and showing kindness with others. She also discusses envy and jealousy and how to cultivate contentedness and trust instead. Lastly, she talks about the difference between healthy and unhealthy pride, and how to grow humble love in your heart. Based on 1st Corinthians 1:4. This is the 2nd podcast in the Loving Well series. For more info, go to http://jenniferdegler.com.
Published 02/12/18
Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares four negative consequences in relationships when we don't love well: 1) Our words are just noise to other people; 2) Our knowledge is useless to others; 3) Our faith means nothing to others and God; 4) Our sacrifices are empty to others and God. Based on 1st Corinthians 1:1-3. This is the 1st podcast in the Loving Well series. For more info, go to http://jenniferdegler.com.
Published 02/07/18