LUSHA is a tool that helps you navigate LinkedIn, Yoni Tserruya, co-founder and CEO, tells us how they bootstrap their way to a 40 mill investment round A.
Published 06/06/21
Published 06/06/21
Angie Geffen moved from Intel to Bank Of America to WeWork, until she found her place as the CMO of Microsoft Israel, her robust and deep knowledge of marketing startups makes this interview a must see.
Published 06/06/21
SpotIM was facing the struggles of finding customers when they understood they have to pivot. we talk with Roy Laor, Israeli general manager about making the pivoting work.
Published 06/06/21
Iris Bar Hava is VP people at EXPLORIUM, she talks about data, HR and tips for startups in 2021.
Published 05/23/21
Didi Horn is co-founder and CEO of SKYX, a startup applying drones in the world of big corporations,but how did he start when no one knew who he was?
Published 05/03/21
Ron Brightman is the co-founder and the CEO of Gigantic, a startup that caught the attention of the major gaming and toy brands. They are merging the on line gaming with the off line real world experience, in the most disruptive way. We spoke about raising money and connecting with customers all over the world while educating them, about a product that did not exist until now.
Published 04/19/21
Gal Gitter, a managing director @ Ibex Investors tells us about the behind the scenes of a venture capital.
Published 04/05/21
Ira Belsky, Artlist’s co-founder and co-CEO, told the real story behind a creative startup that changed the way filmmakers and youtubers use music.
Published 03/09/21