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Today, Tomorrow’s Technologies
Today, Tomorrow’s Technologies (T3) enables our scientists, engineers and innovators to establish a daily dialogue with a non-techy listener. This engagement will expand our understanding of how technology can impact our daily lives. The goal is to simplify, avoid the tech mystery and encourage the study or participation in these new disciplines. T3 benefits will answer the following questions: a. What are the positive or negative impacts in the new technology? b. When can these technologies impact our daily routine? c. How can society benefit from these technologies? T3 will cover a...
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Recent Episodes
Over the last 12 months of Season 5, I have highlighted various technologies and innovations. I have shared my stories of owning and using these technologies, innovation or gadgets.
Published 08/11/20
Over the last 12 months of Season 5, I have highlighted various technologies and innovations. I have shared my stories of owning and using these technologies, innovation or gadgets. Our human endeavors and advancements are now simpler, better or easier. In today’s podcast, I’ll provide the...
Published 08/11/20
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