This one's a little different. It’s just me and the microphone, talking directly to the Cladwell community (that's you!) about the important of the Capsule Wardrobe – especially now as we're all trying to figure out how to make 2021 different and better than what came before it. In this episode, I share why I believe "doing the work" of a capsule wardrobe can help set a positive course not just for 2021, but for the rest of your life. Sounds lofty, right? Take a listen and let us know...
Published 01/07/21
If you've ever wanted to know why your clothes matter, listen to this audiobook. It's everything you need for a complete closet do-over.
Published 05/12/20
Now is the time to dress for yourself. In this special bonus episode, Cladwell CEO Erin Flynn talks the who, what, why, when, and how of the Closet Cleanout. (Spoiler alert: the "who" is you and the "when" is right now.) Learn how to appreciate what you have, do more with less, and clear out the clutter in your life. Get dressed easier, each and every day.
Published 05/05/20
This episode was recorded earlier in 2020, but released during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In it, Erin explains why our clothes still matter, even in these unprecedented times, and how this "forced slowdown" can be an opportunity to re-examine our relationship with fashion. Then, filmmaker Andrew Morgan shares how and why he created "The True Cost," a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.
Published 03/19/20
Is this really about style? Or is it something much bigger? Courtney Carver tells us how to become more by having less, finding Freedom through Fashion.
Published 03/12/20
Style is all about evolution, not resolution. Lauren’s story is tragic and deeply personal, but it teaches how to grow, how to change, and how to appreciate the journey.
Published 03/12/20
The more we buy, the less whole we become, so I wanted to explore how our shopping habits affect our ability are to live life wholeheartedly. Christy Carlson Romano has been through it all (fame, disappointment, and having access to way too many clothes), and she'e here to tell us how to be present and whole in the midst of fashion chaos.
Published 03/12/20
In the 1980s, the average American bought just 12 clothing items per year. Today, it’s 68. How did this whole culture of buying clothes begin? What can we learn from our past? Michella and Lindsey are scholars of women’s history, so I'm hoping they can help us trace this problem back to its roots.
Published 03/12/20
Since style is far bigger than just clothes, I wanted a little bit of a different take. So I found an expert in another industry—beauty—where a lot of the messages are unhealthy, but some people are going against the grain and telling a different story.
Published 03/12/20
How can we take action? Not just for ourselves but for everyone affected by this global consumption craze called fast fashion? Well, I think Lee Vosburgh can help.
Published 03/12/20
StitchFix, Rent the Runway, and hundreds of other startups are telling us they have the solution to our problem. But do they really?
Published 03/12/20
We all know that something is seriously wrong with Fashion. But what’s harder to uncover is exactly what is wrong, and why? Getting to the bottom of questions like these requires the help of an expert. An expert... like Elizabeth Cline.
Published 03/12/20
Coming Soon: an 8-episode podcast from Cladwell (www.cladwell.com) with experts in the industry, history, and psychology of clothes. All eight episodes dropping March 12th, 2020.
Published 03/03/20