Published 06/17/21
We end the series with a boxing match: Mayweather vs Pacquiao in May 2015 (before the assassination even happened). A fight that was billed “The Battle For Greatness” and how it was gloriously significant for South African politics, Bozwana and the case as a whole.  
Published 06/17/21
In this episode we head to Mozambique and investigate how the trend of assassinations is spreading across Africa. We explore the parallels between South Africa and Mozambique, particularly on how their assassination landscapes compare. We hear from experts at The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime on the business of assassinations and what is needed for the culture to thrive.
Published 06/10/21
In this episode we explore the taxi industry in South Africa more thoroughly. We examine how it is an entry point for violence and assassinations. We explore how you can take back control of a taxi organization and reduce the violence within. We examine the grip that the alleged assassin Vusi “KheKhe” Mathibela has over certain taxi organizations and if he can be stopped. 
Published 06/03/21
The alleged assassin who arranged the hitmen who killed Bozwana is on trial. His name is Vusi “KheKhe” Mathibela. He was arrested after one of his co-accused identified him on a CCTV video pointing out Bozwana (while shopping at the luxurious Sandton City in Johannesburg) on the day he was killed. Vusi has built a formidable empire for himself inside the taxi industry (a place infamous for assassinations). We explore how he rose to power and what influence he is still able to wield from...
Published 05/27/21
In this episode we focus on South African politician, Supra Mahumapelo, and how he was allegedly involved with the deceased, Wandile Bozwana. There have been significant and repetitive accusations against Supra that he was the man who ordered the hit against Bozwana. What makes the accusations against Supra ordering the murder more compelling is that it was echoed by a gang member. The gang member turned state witness and filed an affidavit with the Gauteng police’s Provincial Investigations...
Published 05/20/21
We start our story in the business premises and home of private investigator Mike Bolhuis. He leads us into the world of assassinations in South Africa and how the industry is linked to networks of organized crime. We are introduced to Wandile Bozwana who was killed in October 2015 while stopped at a red traffic light on the N1 Garsfontein-offramp in Pretoria. He was shot nine times and a detail that stands out (that his driver Mpho Baloyi relayed in court) was that during the shooting...
Published 05/13/21
Coming Soon... What does the assassination of billionaire Wandile Bozwana mean for the state of politics, crime and justice in South Africa today? It's a story involving politicians, taxi bosses, assassins and flamingo's.  This podcast is brought to you by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and produced by Volume.
Published 10/21/20