In this episode of Tough Love podcast, Stephanie and Mairead discuss Narcissists. What is the narcissistic abuse cycle? Behaviours of a narcissist - High sense of importance - Need to be admired and seen as superior - Critical of others - No problem using someone for their own advantage - Envious of others and feel others are envious of them How to break up with a narcissist How to heal after dating a narcissist. If you would like to get in contact with us or book a private session with...
Published 03/15/23
This week on Tough Love podcast, Stephanie and Mairead speak about coercive control and abuse within relationships. This podcast includes: What is coercive control exactly? What are the micro presentations of it? What to do if you suspect it? Dealing with toxic control or toxic power in your relationship! The value of slowing down to help you see the red flags ? Narcissism and how it is masked in successful relationships. The narcissist you date! The exaggerations ! The lies! And what lies...
Published 03/02/23
In this episode Mairead and Stephanie discuss friendships and the importance of having healthy bonds in our lives.   Topics covered  Friendships over our life span. Why new friends are refreshing! Stephanie and Mairead's friendship,how it has developed. Should you be friends with your ex? How to create and analyze your social universe. Ending the friendships that need to be ended. Friends that can't celebrate your success. When your friends pull away after falling in love or having...
Published 02/08/23
In this episode of Tough Love, Mairead and Stephanie speak about how to press reset on all of your relationships for the new year ahead. Whether it is friendships, work relationships or your romantic relationships, how to press reset and have better relationships. Thinking about what you want from your relationship now, or the one you are working toward.Creating space for yourself- tune into you. Be compassionate with yourself.Look for patterns.Acknowledge your feelings.Assessing the balance...
Published 01/17/23
In this episode of Tough Love, Mairead and Stephanie speak about sex and how important is it in a relationship? In this episode we discuss- -The average people lose their virginity. -How much sex are people actually having? -The reasons why men and women flirt. -How often are Irish people having sex? -How many orgasms are Irish women having per week? -Do all partners talk about sex and how important is it that couples talk about sex? -Do couples go to therapy to talk about sex? -How do you...
Published 12/29/22
In this episode of Tough Love, Mairead and Stephanie speak about the traditional roles in modern relationships. How and why men and women choose their partners differently and why the more successful a woman is in her career, the more difficult it can be to find a suitable partner. In this episode we discuss- -When freedom really began for women in Ireland. -The roles of men and women in modern relationships. -The impact female education is having on modern relationships. -"Marrying up", the...
Published 12/29/22
In this episode Stephanie and Mairead explore the ups and downs of being single at Christmas! The highs and the lows, and how family and friends can make it worse or better for you. What is Christmas for you? Do you romanticize it?The external narrative around singles !Where is the opportunity at this time of year!The dreaded family questions!What is your version of happiness?Invitations and how to respond!Your internal narrative- what you are telling yourself. The loneliness factor.The...
Published 12/14/22
In this episode Mairéad and Stephanie discuss how to build,grow and maintain a freshness in your relationship over time! From dating to the time of real commitment,how you behave and communicate will shape your relationship. TOPICS ● How self awareness helps. ● Emotional intelligence ● Skill compatibility and communication. ● Capacity to intimately share with your partner ● How to effect change. ● Criticism versus validation. ● Confidence in your own boundaries and story. ● Reviewing your...
Published 11/24/22
In this episode,Stephanie and Mairead look at infidelity, during dating and when the relationship is established and long term. Is it possible to get over the disappointment and anger and should you even try? Topics ● Navigating the anger ● Why it happens? ● Do some people always cheat? ● What to do when you find out! ● Can your relationship survive it? ● How therapy can help! ● Is it always about sex! If you like to contact Stephanie and Mairead to share your relationship stories or if you...
Published 11/15/22
In this episode Stephanie and Mairead discuss power in relationships. Power is often considered a negative word in relationships, but not here. Sensing that you have power and some leverage to influence the direction and pace of your relationship is vital to a healthy, happy one. Without this, someone is conceding, staying silent, appeasing, giving in, and over time, resentment builds and unhappiness follows. Topics ● The toxicity of power versus positive power ● Power to influence your...
Published 11/09/22
In this episode,Mairead and Stephanie take a deep look at breakups. From the  early crushes of teenage years to the ending of a twenty five year marriage. How important it is to build resilience in this area as it's becoming increasingly common. This discussion focuses on how to break up healthily. What story do you tell yourself! Who do you blame! Must someone always be at fault. Breakups are not only an ending,but also a real opportunity for a fresh start,with something learned, that can...
Published 10/28/22