'From periphery to periphery: The Pennants of Bangor and the Hamiltons of Ayrshire'. Professor Trevor Burnard, University of Warwick (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
"'The Perfect Plantation'? William Dickson and the Hon. Joshua Steele of Barbados". Iain Whyte, University of Edinburgh (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'A war of words: slave women’s opposition to the transatlantic slave trade'. Inge Dornan, Brunel University (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Labour relations and the apprenticeship system: Amity Hall, Jamaica, 1834-1840'. Professor Kenneth Morgan, Brunel University (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'The slave population of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1792-1805'. Professor Philip Morgan, Johns Hopkins University (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Child death and spiritual power in early-nineteenth century Jamaica'. Diana Paton, University of Newcastle (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Rewriting plantation histories by rethinking colonial space'. Professor Jenny Shaw, University of Alabama (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections).
Published 03/30/12
'Slavery without sugar: alternative husbandry in colonial Jamaica'. Professor Verene Shepherd, University of West Indies Mona (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'From hogsheads to harvests: The transition from tobacco to wheat culture at Jefferson’s Monticello'. Lucia Stanton, Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Colonial merchants and the country house, c. 1680-1730'. Nuala Zahedieh, University of Edinburgh (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'The good Scottish Lady and her Bad West Indian Negroes: Mrs. A.C. Carmichael’s proslavery contribution'. Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, University of West Indies, Cave Hill (2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Scottish archives relating to the slave trade and the West Indies plantations'. Eric Graham, University of Edinburgh (2010 Symposium on The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'The Cart of Darkness: Archaeological Explorations at Nether Pollok'. Professor Stephen Driscoll, University of Glasgow (2010 Symposium on The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Scots and plantation slavery in the British Caribbean, c1650-1750'. Stuart Nisbet, University of Glasgow (2010 Symposium on The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12
'Slavery and emancipation in the Caribbean: manuscript sources and interpretive opportunities in Scottish archives and libraries'. Professor Roderick McDonald, Rider University (Plenary Lecture, 2010 Symposium: The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery in the Americas: Exploring Scottish connections)
Published 03/30/12