Travel is picking up again. Countries are reopening borders. Life is getting back to some semblance of what our normal is now. And that means that a lot more people will be packing up their cameras and hitting the air. This is such an exciting moment for many people. To see the world again, have new experiences, and meet people from other cultures. And that also means packing up the camera gear and travelling with it. We put our cameras through a lot, bouncing in turbulence on airplanes,...
Published 03/28/22
This week on the podcast we are going over 3.5 ways that you can sell prints online and have them printed and delivered to your clients. We will go over the work that is involved and some backend basics for you to understand. You'll learn about automated dropshipping printing a combo of automated printing and you shipping, and a full in-house DIY printing process. You can check out the full show notes on robertmasseyphotography.ca/shownotes. You can connect with Roberton Instagram...
Published 02/28/22
Learn what it takes to prepare for and capture frozen waterfalls. These majestic settings make for fabulous images, but getting to them can be challenging. You can find the full show notes for the episode on robertmasseyphotography.ca. Follow Robert’s adventures on Instagram @RobertMasseyPhotography
Published 02/14/22
The client experience can set you apart from other photographers. But what are some things you can do to give your client a better experience? That's what we are talking about on the podcast today. Learn five simple things you can do, including setting expectations and timelines and surprising and delighting your client. Check out the full show notes on robertmasseyphotography.ca. You can follow along with Robert’s adventures on Instagram @RobertMasseyPhotography.
Published 01/31/22
This week's episode will be a big one for many of you out there. I'll be talking about some of the signs you'll have to let you know that you're ready to go pro. Going pro means a lot of different things to a lot of people, but for me, it doesn't necessarily mean quitting your 9 to 5 and going full-time. It can mean selling prints part-time, taking on client gigs on weekends, or going full bore into this. Wherever you're at, the things I'll be talking about today will give you an idea of if...
Published 01/17/22
For the first episode back, I want to get into something that could significantly impact your photography business. Something that should help you land more clients and have some money rolling in the door, regardless of if you are working full time or just doing this on the side. I'm going to help you pitch your work to content managers, creative directors, and anyone in charge of making beautiful things at brands around the world. I've taken on this role at a tourism board and couldn't be...
Published 01/03/22
Three alternative ways to carry your camera, other than the branded camera strap. There are many better ways to carry your camera than the strap that comes with it. Today we talk about the Peak Design Slide, Black Rapid's Camera Harness and Peak Designs Capture Clip as three of the best alternatives to the standard camera strap. This is episode 80 of the Travel and Adventure Photography School podcast, a photography podcast about travel photography and adventure photography. Follow Robert’s...
Published 08/09/21
Imposter syndrome is something that affects a lot of creatives around us, and it can drastically impact your creative work.  I’m sure most of us have heard that little voice in our heads at some point. Why are you doing this? You have no right to do this. Who wants to see your work? You’re a fraud. Etc. These are thoughts that creep up on nearly everybody at some point in their creative work. But what can you do about it to help overcome these feelings? Well, that’s what we are going to talk...
Published 08/02/21
You don't have to go deep into the wilderness to photograph animals. Sometimes, you can spot them on the side of the road. But, when those opportunities arise, how can you be ready? That's what this episode is all about! 7 tips for photographing wildlife from a car. Take a listen today, and check out the show notes here. Follow Robert’s adventures on Instagram @RobertMasseyPhotography
Published 07/26/21