My prediction is that travel within the US is going to be HOT for the next year, or even 2. And I want you to be prepared for that!  In this episode, I offer some tips to position you and your business so that your clients come to you to book these trips, and see you as necessary for the vacation of a lifetime... even when it's close to home.  Here are the links to the resources mentioned in this episode: As always, my episode about choosing a niche is relevant to this conversation....
Published 08/05/20
If you've heard all the hype about selling group travel, but didn't know how to get started, you won't want to miss this episode. Michelle Woodson Howell transformed her business by reaching out to local businesses and working with them to sell group trips with their clients and fans. And in this episode she shares how she did it, and talks about the course she's created so that you can to. Here are the links to the resources mentioned in this episode: Learn more about Michelle's course ...
Published 07/22/20
Are you treating your travel business like a real business? Do you see yourself as a true professional, with a business?  If you've been treating your business as anything but a legitimate business that deserves to be respected and taken seriously, that needs to change, and it needs to change now.  In this episode, I talk about why that has to change, and I give you some tough love about things you're going to have to do differently if you want your business to succeed in the new, post...
Published 07/08/20
Everywhere you look people are shoving marketing ideas in your face. And when I ask agents what they struggle with the most, "marketing" is BY FAR the number one answer I get.  But is that really what you want? What if I told you you could grow your business without spending hours every day on marketing?? Listen to this episode to learn how... 
Published 05/21/20
It'seems, counterintuitive, doesn't it, especially in the middle of arguably the worst time in the history of travel, to turn away a potential booking.  But in this episode, I'll tell you why saying no, can be better for your business, and you. 
Published 05/06/20
This is a really hard time for the travel industry. I don't know that we've ever been through anything quite so devastating. And I know you might not be in a place yet, where you're ready to start preparing your business for the other side of this, but if you are, I wanted to offer some thoughts on what we can do NOW to make sure we come out of this better than before 3
Published 04/17/20
Selling Cuba doesn't have to be difficult OR require using a big group escorted tour, doing things that someone else thinks your clients should do. It can be so much more! I think that, even if you don't think you'll ever want to sell Cuba, you'll get so much out of this episode, and just might change your mind. :-) Links to everything mentioned in this episode can be found at https://www.travelgeniuses.com/episode41
Published 03/11/20
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast but thought - no one would want to listen to ME. And who wants another travel podcast, anyway?? I happen to think a LOT of people will want to hear from you about travel, and other topics related to your niche. You'll hear why, and get some tips for getting started, in this episode. 
Published 02/26/20
I've been talking about it for months, and it's finally here - in this episode we're talking to Brit Kolo from Marketing Personalities. She teaches how to design your marketing strategy around what fits your personality. The end result? Marketing that feels good!
Published 02/12/20
We all know there's been a shortage in education programs for new travel agents. Well, Lindsay is doing her part to solve that.  In this episode, we talk about her education program, EntreTravel, as well as how to know if you should move from travel agent to CEO or host agency. 
Published 01/29/20
EVERYONE is talking about how to use the internet, and social media to grow your business. But what if you don't want to sit behind your computer all day? What if you LIKE getting out of the house/office and interacting with people? Can you still build a successful business without being attached to a keyboard? YES! Yes, you can. And in this episode, I'll share some ways to do that.
Published 01/15/20
This time of year, everyone's talking about setting goals and New Year's resolutions. But before you do that, it's important to look back on the past year.  In this episode, I talk about why I think this is so important and offer some tips and resources to get you started.
Published 01/02/20
I'm always talking about 2 types of marketing you should have in place: How to help people find your business and How to keep people interested in your business. In this episode, we're talking about search. But not just Google searches. We're talking about Pinterest, YouTube, and podcasts, too. 
Published 12/12/19
I'm always talking about 2 types of marketing you should have in place: How to help people find your business and  How to keep people interested in your business.  In this episode, we're talking about a (free) strategy you can use to help people find your business - using Facebook. 
Published 11/28/19
I know we sometimes feel like we have to work work work work work and if we take a break, everything we've worked for will come crashing down around us.  The truth is - the exact opposite is true. Taking time away from your business will not only not cause your business to fail, it will make it better than you ever dreamed! 
Published 11/13/19
One of the biggest excuses I hear from travel agents about why they aren't posting to their blog, or social media accounts, or newsletter is... "I don't know what to talk about!" In this episode, I help solve that problem, so you can't use that excuse anymore. :-)
Published 10/30/19
Back in the old days we had to create client documents in Microsoft word, with pictures that we spent hours searching the internet for. Those days are over, friends. Enter - Travefy. One of my favorite tools for travel agents that will have you turning out professional documents for your clients in no time.  In this episode, I'm talking to David Chait, the CEO and founder of Travefy, about what it does, and what they have planned for the future of the tool
Published 10/16/19
Creating a website doesn't have to be complicated. You only need 5 pages! And in this episode, Emily breaks down what those pages are, along with some tips for creating content for each of them.
Published 10/02/19
Productivity does NOT mean figuring out how to do things faster, so you can cram more into your day! It means, automating or getting rid of the busy work so you have more energy and clarity for the things that are important.  In this episode, we're talking about how to automate some of your BRAINS busy work.
Published 09/18/19
We talked about why I think you should be charging fees in episode 3. In THIS episode, we're going to talk a little bit more about HOW to do that. 
Published 09/05/19
ONE SIMPLE question has made a huge difference in my business, and now I'm sharing that question with YOU.
Published 08/22/19
These days, with so many cheap and free business tools and resources available online, you can definitely bootstrap your whole business and spend very little to get it off the ground. But should you? That's what we're talking about in this episode. 
Published 08/08/19
Facebook is dead, right? Except it isn't! There are many strategies that still work with Facebook and in this episode, Jenn Cain shares how she used Facebook Groups to grow her agency. 
Published 06/26/19
I've seen it over and over again - the reason most entrepreneurs don't make progress on their businesses is because they don't commit to, and focus on, one idea. Instead, they move from one idea to the next and don't ever give any of their ideas time to work. In this episode, I talk about why this is so bad for your business, and offer some tips for pushing past that point and making more progress in the next 6 months than you ever thought you could.
Published 06/12/19
Have you ever thought about hiring a VA, but didn't know what exactly they could do for you, or if you're even ready? Jenna Daykin, of In the Details Darling joins us to answer all of your questions. And she's amazing, you guys. You're going to love this episode... 
Published 05/29/19