It may be hard to believe but we are all privileged in some way. Yes, that’s right, even a black, gay man enjoys a shred of privilege from a facet of his intersectional identity. This week’s episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast focuses on several types of privilege that stem from gender, nationality, race, economics,
Published 08/13/15
If you spend too much time on social media, you may assume that the world is a pressure cooker on the verge of an explosion. Yet, the opportunity to be happy exists if we just claim it. On this week’s episode of Trini Trent Radio, Terry Torro and I have broken down the steps to
Published 08/06/15
Black people in America have a serious problem and it does not involve their white counterparts. The first episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast Terry Torro and I did together was on ‘African-Americans vs West Indians‘. We later followed it up by directly addressing the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag with ‘Do All Black Lives Matter?’ Now,
Published 07/30/15
Filters and contours and angles. Oh my! Instagram has given people the power to tap into the world of smoke and mirrors usually reserved for pop stars. They can lead completely distinct double lives and create new realities for themselves online. However, what is at the root of this behaviour? A simple love for photo
Published 07/24/15
Stereotypes are generalisations that paint entire groups of people with a single brush. They offer little room for variation and lead to unfair limitations being placed on individuality. However, those generalisations don’t simply fall from the sky. Rather, they stem from the labels and categories created by people to help them better understand their communities.
Published 07/17/15
In previous episodes of Trini Trent Radio, Terry Torro and I spoke about the body images issues that plague black men as well as tips for developing a gym routine. This time, however, we are going beyond the physical as we discuss various steps for having a healthier lifestyle. Regular exercise and a well-balanced diet are both key
Published 07/10/15
Same-sex marriage has finally been legalised across the United States and as expected, many people are upset. In addition to the oh-so-boisterous bible-thumpers, scores of West Indian people have taken to social media to voice their hatred of gay people, specifically homosexual men. Jamaicans, Trinidadians and others from the region have been proudly condemning their
Published 07/02/15
Isn’t it fun and exciting to share the latest gossip about who might be gay? Even better, when that person’s business – sex tapes, naked pictures, text messages – is put on the internet for the world to see? Well, if you agree with that, you are part of a problem. Every gay man not ready
Published 06/26/15
Similar to most pimps, it’s hard out here for an introvert. In this digital world that is so heavily dominated by social media and the interactions encouraged across those networks, it can be hard for introverted to people navigate without being forced out of their shells. Shockingly, both Terry Torro and I identify as introverts, and
Published 06/19/15
Being young, gay or even suspected of being gay makes it quite difficult to make friends. Unfortunately, those tensions sometimes carry on into adulthood. On this instalment of our Trini Trent Radio podcast, Terry Torro and I talk about the struggles we faced with making friends in our journeys to manhood. From our pre-teen experiences to becoming black
Published 06/12/15
Bruce Jenner has left the building and Caitlyn Jenner has arrived. Earlier this week, the new star of the Kardashian klan – intentional spelling – was introduced to the world in a spread in Vanity Fair. As expected, Jenner’s transition was met with a mixture of praise and hate. Those who spewed the latter refuse
Published 06/04/15
In a previous episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast, Terry Torro and I spoke about the the body image issues affecting black men. This time, however, we have expanded the conversation as we discuss fitness in more detail. Surely, we can all understand the pressures of fitting societies’ standards of beauty and attractiveness. Yet, with
Published 05/29/15
Have you ever attacked another person on social media? Have you ever spread a rumour or gossip you knew would damage someone’s reputation? Have you ever been the victim of any such behaviour? Well, this episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast is for you. Terry Torro stumbled across an article entitled 8 Things Gay Guys
Published 05/22/15
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them” – Leviticus 20:13 Every young Christian who has attended church, Sunday school or had a strict religious parent should know that line from the bible. Probably
Published 05/14/15
Stuck at a job you hate and wondering if it’s time time to take the risk of quitting so you can finally pursue your passion? Wait. Don’t take that step just yet. Instead, listen to this episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast because that move may not be as simple as you think. Both
Published 05/07/15
Dating in digital age is hard. Trust me when I say I have many stories to tell. Better yet, listen to the latest episode of Trini Trent Radio for all the details. Terry Torro has been in a thriving relationship for years but admits that maintaining it takes a lot of work; the aspect of
Published 05/01/15
P is for Porn. In a time when we have near unlimited information at our fingertips via the internet, porn is now available at any time; in any place. However, what effect is that having on the minds of its viewers? Terry Torro and I are both consumers of pornography. Yes, I admit it but
Published 04/24/15
If you follow at least five black gay men on Twitter, there is a high chance that you have seen the terms BeyHive, Navy or Barbz cascading down your timeline. In other words, you have witnessed the clique mentality of a lost generation. Many black gay men are forced to endure the pressures of homophobia in
Published 04/17/15
People are around the world are often divided by nationality, ethnicity, culture, sexuality and even age. Yet, zodiac signs have a strange power to bring them together under twelve distinct banners. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces – those are the signs of the zodiac. They are also symbols that
Published 04/10/15
When many of us describe the body of the ideal black man, we include features such as a broad back, large biceps and of course, a big penis. Yet, those images are often unattainable, thus causing immeasurable strain on the minds of black men. Black men are not all built like the figures cast in
Published 04/03/15
The #BlackLivesMatter movement has given black people across North America a banner under which they can unite to fight against police brutality and oppression…or has it? Thus far, the campaign has been geared toward addressing issues affecting African-Americans yet gives little to no voice to other members of the black community – West Indians, Africans
Published 03/27/15
As Trini Trent Radio continues to grow, Terry Torro and I have realised the potential for us to dig deeper into the issues affecting black men. Hence, it was only a matter of time before we tackled the topic of cheating. The stereotypical black man is hypermasculine and hypersexual – as I previously discussed on Trini
Published 03/19/15
Black men experience forces from society that are hardly directly discussed in the media. Prime on that list is the pressure to be just that – men. The gender ideal of the modern black man involves being strong, aggressive, bold, outspoken and most of all, heterosexual. Those normative behaviours are typically expressed at extremes with hypermasculinity and
Published 03/12/15
Black people have been systematically taught to hate themselves. Following slavery and colonialism, those of us among the African diaspora remain divided by political, social and economic forces. One of the biggest issues affect black people as well as several other groups around the world is colourism. In this episode of Trini Trent Radio, I sat with Terry
Published 03/04/15
There is no festival in the world quite like Trinidad Carnival. Spectacular costumes, vibrant melodies, and passionate people make the event an attraction for thousands of visitors every year. However, if you believe the headlines posted by new outlets, such as Just Jared, you might think the festival involves nothing more than bikinis and sex. As a
Published 02/26/15