“Your school days are your best days.” That’s an old saying that is popular in Trinidad and Tobago. However, bullying and incessant homophobia made my time in school anything but fun. This episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast is personal for me. As I continue on my journey of self-discovery, I recognise there are
Published 08/15/16
Worldstar! Forget conflict resolution, let’s knock somebody out. Compassion is weakness. Love is for school girls. Indeed, the only important thing in life is winning. Congratulations, you just played yourself. In fact, you let your ego play you. Every day of our lives presents situations that could either lead to stronger connections or conflict. Unfortunately, many
Published 08/08/16
As Trinidad and Tobago celebrates Emancipation Day, this is the perfect time to discuss freedom. With that in mind, this week’s episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast explains how to break free from toxic relationships. Being stuck in unhealthy friendships or romantic partnerships is similar to walking in circles. It causes tremendous emotional, physical and mental
Published 08/01/16
A man should not have to block your calls for you to know he is not interested in you. In fact, the signs are all obvious if you are willing to admit he has been wasting your time. Stop being led on by a man who uses you as a distraction or a backup plan. Stop holding onto fantasies
Published 07/25/16
K. Michelle has crafted a song that captures the mentality of our generation. “Drake Would Love Me” tells the tale of how people look toward men as heroes, ready to lead them into a life of happily ever after. In fact, the tune aligns with this week’s episode of Trini Trent Radio, “Swipe Right For
Published 07/18/16
“You are fat…Your nose is too wide…You are too small to qualify for Eggplant Fridays…Your skin is too dark…You need the rise filter.” Those of us who spend long periods of time scanning social media are exposed to an array of messages that compel us to conform to skewed standards of beauty. However, as we look
Published 07/11/16
Sharing happenings in our lives on social media has become a regular part of our daily lives. Yet, when activities become habits that govern our time, we need to ask, “Do I have a problem?” My return to Trinidad and Tobago triggered several changes in my life, among which was anxiety. Dealing with reverse culture shock
Published 07/04/16
If you were a Brandy fan at the turn of the century, you remember the her story of attraction in the song “Full Moon.” However, some people expect to take that passion further by committing to love at first night. Terry Torro and Sean Anthony Torrington have combined their creative energies for a hilarious new series, Love @ First
Published 06/27/16
The idea of absent black fathers is being tackled as a myth. However, those of us who grew up without that guiding male figure know it is anything but. It’s time we address our daddy issues. Six months have passed since the last episode of Trini Trent Radio. In that time, I put my efforts into
Published 06/20/16
Another year has come to an end. So, before you break out those “New year, new me” memes on Instagram, there are few things for you to do if you really want to make that change. In this special episode of Trini Trent Radio, Terry Torro and I discuss all of the bad behaviours and fads
Published 12/30/15
Trini Trent Radio took a short break for Thanksgiving but that doesn’t mean Terry Torro and I have been lazy. On the contrary, we used the time to do some interesting research for this episode of the podcast. Do I Sound Gay? is a documentary we discovered on Netflix that highlights the struggles of a gay
Published 12/04/15
Being an adult is hard, especially when you are part of the most misunderstood generation in the world today, the millennials. We have been taught to pursue our passions, that happiness is the measure our success and if we truly love what we do for a living, we will never work a day in our
Published 11/19/15
To all the women who think you know the struggles men, especially your gay friends, face to be men: You have no idea what that entails. Gay men are not your favourite pair of summer jeans to be worn then tossed aside in the colder months when you fall into the warm embrace of your
Published 11/13/15
Remember when Terry Torro and I chatted about our relationship struggles in the Sup episode of Trini Trent Radio? Well, a new hot button issue has taken over the social media conversation and has inspired us to issue an update in a much needed followup. A recently released video about the the preferences men list on
Published 11/06/15
When we first launched Trini Trent Radio, we hit the ground running with a range of topics addressing the various pressures black people face both in America and in the Caribbean. We tackled men’s body image issues as well as colourism in our communities but now are expanding on both topics as we go even
Published 10/30/15
You wanna be on top? Cue that America’s Next Top Model theme song, Tyra because we are about to talk abut the lengths to which people will go for attention. People across social media post half-naked images and suggestive video clips just to get a few extra likes. Well, that is if they even have
Published 10/23/15
If you are dating a man who is already committed to someone else, you are a side piece. You are not the main priority in his life. You are his side piece. In this episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast, Terry Torro and I talk about why men would even consider cheating on their spouses.
Published 10/15/15
50 Cent suggested Empire’s ratings have fallen because there is too much “gay stuff.” Kanye West claimed the fashion industry discriminated against him because he is not gay. Ladies and gentlemen, are these examples of the Gay Agenda in action? In this episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast, we tackle the discussions involving the possible existence of
Published 10/08/15
On this week’s episode of Trini Trent Radio, we are talking about forgiveness. It is something that we all receive and issue to others yet many of us still struggle to understand the concept. As we visualise forgiveness, Terry Torro and I describe a relationship pyramid, in which we split our social circles into categories: Friends,
Published 10/01/15
Every year, New York City hosts the Labor Day West Indian Parade, which gives both Caribbean natives and their American-born counterparts the opportunity to celebrate their roots…or does it? Old mas presentations at the Brooklyn Museum, music concerts, a mock Trinidad Carnival and even a soca music flash mob bring just a taste of Caribbean culture to America. However,
Published 09/24/15
Are you currently dealing with a spouse who has a crazy ex? If your former partner causing nothing but stress in your life? Are you currently in the bushes outside a former boyfriend’s house as you stalk him and his new boo? Well, this episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast, featuring the return of
Published 09/17/15
It’s hard out here for a Trinidadian trying to make a difference in the world, especially while being torn between a devotion to the motherland and the need to chase a dream. This episode of Trini Trent Radio centres on my coming to America story, in which I reveal the main reasons for me leaving Trinidad
Published 09/10/15
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Sex is a part of our lives as adults but for many of us, it can be an awkward, sloppy and downright uncomfortable experience. Well, for some men, it is more similar to a game of conquest in which they move from person to person. That hypersexuality of men, especially black
Published 09/03/15
Where have all the men gone? Have they been abducted by aliens or did they slip into a blackhole? On this episode of Trini Trent Radio, Terry Torro and I highlight the many issues black men – gay and straight – face while building and maintaining relationships. As men, we recognise that our communities have serious
Published 08/27/15
Homophobia, child abuse, homelessness, rape. Those are all problems that gay men and suspected homosexuals endure on their way to adulthood, especially in black communities where acceptance is rarely encouraged. In fact, the opposite of acceptance is the status quo. On this week’s episode of the Trini Trent Radio podcast, Terry Torro and I are
Published 08/19/15