God expects His children to hear His voice! Why do we so often struggle with understanding what we're supposed to do next? Cameron Howell explores the hindrances to recognizing God's voice as well as the five step solution to hearing what God wants to speak into your life.
Published 04/22/24
Published 04/22/24
How do I recognize God's will for my life? Kurt Skelly shares five questions every believer should be asking themself.
Published 08/14/23
"Show me what is hidden in your life, and I'll show you what you value." There is a supreme value of finding, hiding, and trading.
Published 08/14/23
Daniel earned great influence, not based on his station in life, but by being a man of purpose, perception, and prayer.
Published 08/14/23
The religious leaders did not know they were giving an answer for themselves. God wants each of His children to answer the same question, but He is looking for a third answer.
Published 08/14/23
Bro Judeh calls us to evaluate our lives and question the gods that we follow. Comparing our idols with the God of the Bible brings great clarity to the decision we must make to lay aside other gods.
Published 05/11/23
Pastor Shelly shares a message of encouragement and hope in light of a student passing away. He teaches how Jesus feels our grief as he did when Lazarus died and challenges Christians to live their life for Christ, and not for themselves since we are not promised tomorrow.
Published 04/13/23
Moses made one of the boldest requests in the Bible: To see God's glory. God is bent toward loving us but sometimes there are roadblocks... So, how do we get God to show us His glory?
Published 04/06/23
Have you struggled to know what God's next steps are for you? Pastor Finley uses the example of Paul to teach us how to follow God's will.
Published 03/31/23
The Christian Life can only be successful with a 0% reliance on self and a 100% reliance on God. It's a totally God dependent activity - trusting on God to do everything you cannot do.
Published 03/23/23
Taking a stand may be one of the hardest thing's you'll ever have to do. But God always uses a tough challenge to further His kingdom!
Published 03/16/23
Have you ever gone back on a promise you made to God? Justin Cooper reminds us of the importance of guarding the decisions and commitments we have made for the Lord.
Published 03/03/23
As Christians, the Lord has given us all spiritual gifts. However, many let their gifts lay dormant, and never reach their full capabilities to minister in the way to which God has called them. Pastor Shumate challenges us to stir up the gifts God has given us to be a benefit and blessing to the body of Christ.
Published 02/24/23
Why would anyone avoid the presence of God? The preacher here explores four reasons from scripture someone may hide from God.
Published 02/16/23
How do you find what God wants you to do with your life? Do you ever wish He would just reveal it to you? Cameron Howell explains through Bible principles what you can do today to embark on the journey that God has planned for you.
Published 02/09/23
God wants to do something great through you! Often, our own choices and actions can get in the way of God doing just that. What are you willing to sacrifice so that a great work can happen in your life?
Published 02/02/23
Pastor Wilkerson preaches on the Biblical responsibility of every Christian: sharing the Gospel!
Published 01/19/23
Dr Edwards reminds us that young adults are the next generation that has the potential to make a difference for Christ. We can take what we’ve learned from history and scripture, and like the sons of Issachar, David, Daniel, & the 3 Hebrew boys, change the course of the world through our efforts in Christ.
Published 01/12/23
Bro Cowling teaches how focusing on our external performance can harm our internal character because we can forget to grow our personal relationship with Christ & develop in the pursuit of living in Christ’s image.
Published 12/15/22
The prospect of serving God can be unnerving! Like Moses, God may call on you to lay down all that your life has come to be, but God can be trusted! Only He knows what the future holds for us!
Published 12/08/22
Pastor Roman White breaks down Psalm 107 to help us know how to see God’s love in every area of our lives. He challenges us that the more we do for God, the more we realize our need for Him. However it’s in these situations that God can show Himself most powerfully in our lives.
Published 11/23/22
Everyone has burdens! Pastor Frost shares the practical side of lifting burdens and how our selfish focus can keep us from bearing others' burdens as we are commanded to do!
Published 11/10/22
God is the most high God! If we could live our life with that perspective in mind, it would change everything about who we are!
Published 11/03/22
Putting God first in your life can be a struggle for any Christian. Tim Ruhl teaches how through magnifying the Lord and remembering His greatness, we can see God’s power used in our lives.
Published 10/20/22