Elize Matsunaga, a woman who seemingly had it all, was living a life of luxury with her wealthy husband, Marcos Matsunaga. But behind the facade of a perfect marriage, dark secrets lurked. When Elize uncovered Marcos's infidelity, her world shattered, and a chilling tale of betrayal and revenge unfolded. This is the story of a woman pushed to the brink, a husband who disappeared without a trace, and a shocking discovery that would captivate a nation. SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: ...
Published 05/30/24
Published 05/30/24
In the Han twins episode, we explore the chilling saga of identical twins Jeena and Sunny Han—one labeled the "evil twin," the other the "good twin." When greed and betrayal collide, murder becomes the ultimate family feud. SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: ...
Published 05/21/24
In Atlanta, male sex workers knew that a sadist they called the Handcuff Man was drugging, handcuffing, beating and sometimes burning male sex workers, or men he thought were sex workers. The victims were turning up in Tampa and Atlanta, unconscious and brutally maimed. He had been doing these things — virtually unhindered by police — for more than 20 years. SUPPORT THIS...
Published 05/09/24
Seven friends' seemingly ordinary lives take a terrible turn as they play a twisted game of betrayal and manipulation. With their wives drugged and their darkest desires unleashed, they plunge into lives of crime, violation and perversion. Worse, they share videos of their escapades in an online sex forum. SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: MONTHLY: Patreon:...
Published 04/25/24
When Dwayne Demkiw disappeared after a night working as a party bus driver for a bachelor party, his disappearance led to a manhunt for an international fugative. In the quiet corners of two nations, an investigation with more twists and turns than a rollercoast will reveal the truth. SUPPORT THIS...
Published 04/15/24
For a while, the residents of Manitoba Colony thought demons were raping the town's women. There was no other explanation. No way of explaining how a woman could wake up with blood stains smeared across her sheets and no memory of the previous night. No way of explaining how another woman in a different house went to sleep fully clothed, only to wake up naked and covered with dirty fingerprints. No way to undestand how yet another woman would dream of a man forcing himself onto her in field...
Published 03/30/24
In the serene coastal haven of Newport Beach, California, Pegye and Eric Bechler's blissful marriage took a sinister turn when Pegye vanished without a trace during a romantic boat outing. Police had their suspicions but no body and little evidence of any wrong doing. With the help of an unexpected ally, the truth behind Pegye's mysterious vanishing slowly emerged, revealing a dark tale of love gone wrong, betrayal, and a relentless quest for justice. Join us as we navigate the murky waters...
Published 03/01/24
In the quiet countryside of rural Victoria, Australia, a lunch gathering turns tragic when Erin Patterson serves her family Beef Wellington, only for all guests to fall violently ill the next day. Three perish, and a fourth fights for life awaiting a liver transplant. Erin's admission of using dried mushrooms from an unidentified Asian grocer raises suspicions, heightened by her disposal of a food dehydrator amid her husband's accusations. As investigators probe this unsettling turn of...
Published 02/14/24
In a small middle class town in the midwest, a newly wed middle aged couple aren't experiencing marital bliss. Instead allegations of domestic violence and false accusations are hurled at eachother. They don't separate, instead they try to reconcile. When the husband disappears, no one reports him missing. When he is found, his wife has stories to tell. SUPPORT THIS...
Published 02/10/24
In the realm of Irish Olympic swimming, where champions are molded, Frank McCann's revered coaching reputation concealed a dark secret. As allegations of pedophilia surround his colleagues, McCann's own tangled web of deceit, and betrayal emerges. When a fire erupts in McCann's home, the grieving husband becomes the prime suspect. SUPPORT THIS...
Published 01/20/24
British tourist Julie Ward disappeared in the heart of Kenya. Local authorities said she was eaten by wildlife but her father disagreed. He began a relentless quest for justice and proved she was murdered. What happened to her is still a mystery but her father thought he knew exactly who was to blame. DONATE:  One...
Published 01/06/24
The New Years holiday is a celebration of new beginnings. With that in mind, we know this collaboration will introduce you to several amazing new true-crime podcasts that will quickly become your newest true-crime binges as we enter 2024 because, let’s face it, we know that’s exactly what you needed! With tons of episodes each, investigative curiosity, and a focus on advocacy, these podcasts will live up to the theme of our collaboration (“New Year, New Binge”) because you’ll soon find...
Published 12/28/23
The New Years holiday is a celebration of new beginnings. With that in mind, we know this collaboration will introduce you to several amazing new true-crime podcasts that will quickly become your newest true-crime binges as we enter 2024 because, let’s face it, we know that’s exactly what you needed! With tons of episodes each, investigative curiosity, and a focus on advocacy, these podcasts will live up to the theme of our collaboration (“New Year, New Binge”) because you’ll soon find...
Published 12/28/23
Step into the extraordinary true survival tale of Ada Blackjack, an Inuit woman who defied the odds in the harsh Arctic wilderness. Alone on Wrangel Island, she battled the elements, starvation, and isolation, emerging as the sole survivor of a perilous expedition. (well almost a sole survivor, she her cat Vic survived too!) DONATE:  One...
Published 12/20/23
A phone call triggered by a missing employee led to the gruesome discovery of sheep shearer Mick Lewis and his wife Sue. They had been shot dead in their remote homestead. Their four-year-old daughter was left fending for herself as well as caring for her three-year-old brother and their puppy while her parents' bodies decomposed nearby. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twisted-travel-and-true-c/support
Published 11/23/23
They fell through the sky holding hands, laughing and smiling. They let go of each other, preparing to open their parachutes. The fleeting feeling of happy exhilaration was followed by fear and dread as Els Van Doren discovered that hers wouldn’t open properly. From the sky, her teammates watched as she plunged to the ground screaming. As the investigation unraveled, like the strings of her parachute, it was discovered that the cords had been cut. She had been murdered. DONATE:  One...
Published 11/08/23
Part 2 This Halloween, brace yourself for an eerie gathering of 13 independent true crime podcasts, including this one. Uncover the sinister secrets of haunted houses and delve into the minds of serial killers as we trade stories. These tales aren't for the faint of heart. When darkness calls, will you answer? Listener discretion is advised. Podcasts are listed here in order of appearance: Part 1:  True Crime South Africa ⁠https://linktr.ee/truecrimesouthafrica⁠ True Crime...
Published 10/28/23
This Halloween, brace yourself for an eerie gathering of 13 independent true crime podcasts, including this one. Uncover the sinister secrets of haunted houses and delve into the minds of serial killers as we trade stories. These tales aren't for the faint of heart. When darkness calls, will you answer? Listener discretion is advised. Podcasts are listed here in order of appearance: Part 1:  True Crime South Africa ⁠https://linktr.ee/truecrimesouthafrica⁠ True Crime Cat Lawyer...
Published 10/28/23
On Halloween we are accustomed to the festivities that come with the Holiday.  Costumes, candy, and playful pranks are part of many communities who embrace the spirit of fun and revelry.   But in 2012, in Mount Pleasant Michigan, one man let the evil lurking within him take control. Instead of celebrating the holiday, he unleashed a darkness that would send shockwaves through his community.   --- Support this podcast:...
Published 10/12/23
A short refreshing dip in the ocean, turns into a nightmare as a father and son are swept out to sea. As night falls with no hope of a quick rescue, a father realizes that if he and his son remain together, they will both drown. He makes a heart wrenching decision that will change his life forever. DONATE:  One...
Published 09/25/23
Two young girls go missing from the Oklahoma State Fair. They were lured away with the promise of a job and are never seen again. Years later, two more girls go missing but one escapes to tell a terrible tale. Her kidnapper Royal Russel Long will go to jail for kidnapping charges but is linked back to the first pair of missing girls. Royal, a long haul trucker and part time "carnie" is suspected of having been operating as a kidnapper, rapist and murderer of many women all over the US, in...
Published 09/04/23
Imagine you and your best friend sailing to a deserted island and trying to live there, relying only on yourselves for a year. What would you be most concerned about? In 1974, two couples had the same idea, to enjoy themselves on an island of their very own. The first couple, the Grahams were married and experienced sailors. The second couple, an ex-con named Buck Walker and his hippie girlfriend Stephanie Stearns, wanted to create their own garden of Eden. One with out authority and rules....
Published 08/09/23
In 1981, a 10 year old girl was biking come from her aunts house. It had been a fun filled and busy day. She had just started secondary school and her parents let her bike home alone through a two mile stretch of woods between her aunts house and her own. It wasn't the first time she'd taken this route but it was her last. She disappeared. It was 16 days before she was found dead, buried in a box that looked like it had been designed to sustain her. A man named Werner Mazurek would become the...
Published 07/22/23
After a series of murders spark terror and intrigue in Madrid authorities search for a suspect. A deck of playing cards are the center of his gloating. He left one at three different crime scenes. The killer brutally murdered his victims, shooting them from point blank range. As month went by, the police struggled to find a suspect that fit the crimes. The citizens of Spain were angry. Four months after the last murder a drunk man would confess to the crimes. The next morning, he soberly...
Published 07/08/23