Part 1 - We demand a 120 mph fast lane for us important business people. Remembrance NHS Thursdays. HSUS2. Heroic Coward becomes Noel Coward. Part 2 - Frankie Coward. Then LIP SERVICE cast and script a mega western classic remake. Part 3 - We continue the search for the ultimate classic western remake. Cleary and McBride: Two Mates Talking Rubbish. Pour Yourself a Drink and Listen in to the Two Eejits at the Next Table.
Published 10/09/20
Part 1 How did we do last round of matches? We reveal the points we won or lost. Part 2 We look at some players currently performing well you may like to keep an eye on. We ask why is it that in the not too distant past a goalkeeper kept goal and humped the ball up field from goal kicks. Now they have to land an 80 yard missile on to the toe of their striker oh and keep goal. ...
Published 10/07/20
We cover many bases as mirror's our considerable reach across the business world to grab as much filthy luca as possible. Clap For The NHS. Terrible outbreak that made wearing gloves and masks mandatory. Plastic money, we say you can never have too much plastic. An insight, we wish we had smellovision for this bit, into LIP SERVICE Amalgamated Associated Meats Processing Plant. Part 3 LIP SERVICE show our hand in representing the animal stars on every Nature Show...
Published 10/03/20
Part one - We review how our fantasy teams performed or didn't last week. Some hints and tips for all in what lies behind the selection of certain players. Part two - We cover some of the football news items and features that have caught our ear and eye. Frank Lamps is rescued by the youth! Jose feels loved and respected, which is nice. And forget Tyson v Joshua it's Kloppie v Keano we want to see. Part 3 - Those blasted predictions from last week come back to haunt us, so do...
Published 09/29/20
Part 1 - How did our Fantasy team's perform in the latest round of fixtures. Is someone in danger of being Firmino(ed)? Can a midfield score more points than a whole other team put together? Part 2 - We discuss a range of topics that have caught our eye this week. Is Frank Lamps on thin ice and Tom is not happy. I mean really not happy. Part 3 - How did we score on last weeks predictions and like a couple of fools we make some more for...
Published 09/23/20
We let you know about such in depth matters as our new Spanizhe type orange squash. Our new 7.5 Michelin Star restaurant The Dog With Two Dicks. How NHS Keyworkers are literally being locked out and in!. We tell the tale of recycling Vlads very green waste in the Arctic and find that there are a lot of fish in the sea.
Published 09/19/20
Part 1 we recap and analyse our points and performances from our teams first week. Part 2 Regrettable omissions, top performer's elsewhere and we have a rummage around in the bargain bin. Part 3 Last weeks prediction results and this week's brave insightful views and predictions on the upcoming weekend fixtures and Mondays as well!!!
Published 09/18/20
The PR Guru's behind the multi national, intercontinental behemoth that is LIP Service break down the important issues of the day and yesterday. And some other days. We help with Guidance on the Guidance. Putins Novochok ice lollys. And for pure diversity reasons only, not to take the piss, we cast Shalom The Michelle Obama movie blockbuster biopic.
Published 09/12/20
A beginners guide to Fantasy Football ahead of the new season. We discuss in Part 1 who and why we picked the teams we have. What to look out for and to remember when picking your squad. Part 2 is golden nuggets and dark horses. Part 3 is where we put our neck on the block with predictions for top 4, bottom 3 and this week's predictions for the Premier League.
Published 09/12/20
Your favourite PR experts are back after a week away. We discuss our new and exclusive range of original copys of object d'art. Why we always keep a crocodile in the car listening to Talksport and ready for action. Finally getting Stockholm Syndrome in Luxembourg and the mysterious case of the missing 62 million from that Zurich bank account. Hope you enjoy it because as always we did.
Published 09/07/20
We form the ultimate variety act. We discuss our one and only failure, which was to create false teeth for horse's. Over sized cheques and how they won't fit in the inside pocket of yer camel hair coat. We also demand more Ken Dodd.
Published 08/22/20
Evolution and Technology. Bound to end in tears. Arsenal win a cup and are so shocked, they instantly drop it. Fray Bentos pies. Dawkins, Hawking and the Universe forming in my spare room. Argentina win a cup and don’t drop it. Sepp Maiers big gloves. Our PR Consultancy firm explains Fine Art, Languages and fixing broken sculptures. ...
Published 08/08/20
Rock hard balls, size 4. Dog shit on the pitch. Taking a ball straight into the ball bag. Boris gets the good ship HMS BRITTANIA out of retirement/scrap heap to help sell biscuits to the Aussies. And we recount our we "discovered the world"
Published 08/04/20
Has Klopp lost it. City are fined for being innocent. Le Loco is on track. Looking like a footballer. And we love Steve Irwin, admire Ray Mears and think Bear Gyrlls wouldn't survive 10 minutes in Salford.
Published 07/18/20
Liverpool back on their perch, Bournemouth appear to be a dead parrot, Moyes wins, at last. The Dildo Bros finger buffet. Catholic biscuits, Protestant crisps and as the Premier League players have to pack their own lunches we discuss classic parked lunches from the past and from the pub.
Published 07/05/20
Warnock returns, we build a home fit for legendary managers and lots of other utter complete and utter gibberish.
Published 06/28/20
It's me and my mate talking,sports mainly, some other things. Why a fox is a bad choice as a physio and what the @*%$ sort of bank did Harrys dog join.
Published 06/21/20
Published 06/21/20
Two mates talking boxing to football from Barry Mcguigan to the lack of 5 foot 4 frantic goalkeepers. And bits in between.
Published 06/21/20