In this episode, The Winning Word is Believe. Trusting and believing in God are of the utmost importance. Despite the challenges, God has not forgotten about you, He always keeps his promises, just keep believing. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 09/26/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is The Promises of God. Standing on the promises of God is so very important. Despite the challenges, God has not forgotten about you, He always keeps his promises. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 07/28/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is Waiting on the Lord. Waiting on the Lord demonstrates the importance of waiting. Despite what challenges come your way God has settled them on your behalf. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 06/27/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is How to Strive in Troubled Times, despite what it looks like, sounds like, or feels like. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 06/07/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is Can You Stand to The End (Are You Ready). These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Are you ready! These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 04/03/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is Walking With God. This episode teaches us what occurs when we walk with God and God alone. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 02/06/22
In this episode, The Winning Word is Being Anchored. This episode teaches us what occurs when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 09/12/21
In this episode, The Winning Word is Chances. This episode shows us no matter what mistakes we make in life, God always gives us chance after chance after chance. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 08/22/21
In this episode, The Winning Word is Two Worlds. The world that we live in shows to have two worlds. The question is, which world do you live in? These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 06/13/21
In this episode, The Winning Word is Patience. Often, we find ourselves becoming anxious, the waiting period can seem longer than anticipated. The question is, how do we handle it when this occurs? These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 05/01/21
In this episode, The Winning Word is Overcoming Anger. Often, we find ourselves becoming angry. The question is, how would one react to distractions once they come? There are tools provided to assist you once anger appears. These days of challenges show we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 03/21/21
In this episode, The Winning Word is Display of Love. The display of love is so very important. The word of God says, love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; Love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. TWT hopes to give you what is...
Published 11/02/20
In this episode, The Winning Word is The Inside. Often, we find ourselves looking at the outer without paying close attention to what the inner has to offer. In 1 Samuel 16:7 says, But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him, for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." TWT hopes to give you what is needed to adjust to life challenges when it feels like your...
Published 10/08/20
In this episode, The Winning Word is, Faith. Often, we find ourselves in a place of discontentment. TWT hopes to give you what is needed to adjust to the life challenges when it feels like your life is fallen apart. These days of challengesshows we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration tofunction daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 08/27/20
In this episode, The Winning Word is, Toxic (Rattled) Relationships. Often, we find ourselves in relationships that are filled with unexpected behaviors. The question is, how do we remain focus? TWT hopes to give you what is needed to adjust to the life challenges of Toxic (Rattled) Relationships. With knowing cannot nobody break you but you. These days of challenges shows we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration tofunction daily. Thanks for listening, see you...
Published 08/09/20
In this episode, The Winning Word is, Being a Gentleman. Often times we may have to be reminded of how to show our positive qualities. These days of challenges shows we need a vast amount of encouragement, enlightenment, and inspiration in order to function daily. Thanks for listening, see you next time and know that you are winning!
Published 08/01/20