As Weed, CA is threatened by wildfire, 2 of my 3 guests today speak about fascinating occurrences in this special little corner of the world. Another guest speaks about a strange night in Klamath County, OR. Share your extraordinary experiences with me: [email protected] And check out my Facebook group: "Type 471": A Reckoning In Consciousness
Published 09/05/22
Published 09/05/22
Matthew is a truck driver who has seen and experienced a lot, both on and off the job. In this episode, we get into some of these incredible experiences. We only had time for a few--there will be a follow up! Share your extraordinary experiences with me: [email protected] And check out my Facebook group: "Type471: A Reckoning in Consciousness"
Published 08/17/22
After an initial encounter in the Pacific Northwest, Claudia Ackley--this time accompanied by her daughters--had an alarming Sasquatch encounter in the Lake Arrowhead area of California. This incident led Claudia to sue the state to acknowledge and protect the Sasquatch, a suit that is still underway. Since then, Claudia's experiences have gone from alarming to astounding, and include more than Sasquatch alone. Check out my new Facebook group, "Type 471: A Reckoning in Consciousness"! And...
Published 05/09/22
Olga is a practitioner of ancient Shamanic traditions. She felt called to come to the Mt Shasta area in Northern California, a place of immense spiritual power. She guides the seeker on their inward journey on a property that is home to the largest medicine wheel in the world, built with precision using sacred geometry. Olga's insights on the journey of selfhood and wholeness are wise and full of love, from the perspective of someone who truly lives it. Don't miss this incredible...
Published 05/02/22
Dale Lyons is the creator of the Facebook page, Squatchville: The Bigfoot Amphitheater. His experiences with the Sasquatch and other beings are mind-boggling, indeed. An incident in a gem shop seems to have, quite unexpectedly, connected Dale to the realm of the Unknown in fascinating ways. Dale is now a champion for conservation efforts, a commendable step toward preserving this planet's wild places and the life forms there we haven't even begun to comprehend.  Check out "Squatchville: The...
Published 04/25/22
Scot and Hannah live the full-time RV lifestyle. They stay for as long as they want in extremely remote areas of the country, with one objective in mind: learning as much as they can about the Sasquatch. Scot, an anthropologist, and Hannah, a sociologist, are quickly making extraordinary headway in their mission. Don't miss out on their invaluable insights and discoveries! And James "Bobo" Fay (Finding Bigfoot/Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo) graciously drops in to join me as my guest...
Published 04/18/22
Brothers Red and H have journeyed far and wide in their gold mining adventures, which eventually brought them to Happy Camp, CA. Once there, these non-believers had an up close Sasquatch encounter and subsequent experiences that instantly proved the reality of Bigfoot, and converted these one-time gold miners into full time 'squatchers. Red and H have some really interesting tidbits to share, and a little of the inexplicable, as well. Don't miss it!   Share your inexplicable...
Published 02/14/22
A silent inner message told Tiffany not to move as she, her brother, and a neighbor came face to face with a Sasquatch near Iron Gate Lake in Siskiyou County, CA. This happened only a short time after returning lights in the sky prompted a law enforcement response. Kim encountered a cluster of "playful" lights while driving through desolate Northeastern Oregon. The game changed when she caught their attention. Every moment of this experience is bizarre and fascinating, and will make your...
Published 02/01/22
Sandy Nelson and Kevin Carney have made it their personal missions to delve as deeply into the Sasquatch mystery as they can go. While out in the forest, these personally and professionally accomplished people have authentic experiences outside the realm of current human understanding.  A variety of mind boggling light phenomena. Forest people structures of staggering size. And a candid and heartwarming Q&A with a precocious little forest person they nicknamed "Click". Sandy and Kevin...
Published 01/24/22
An angelic awakening and an awesome miracle revealed psychotherapist Corin Grillo's true path before her. Once on the brink of self-destruction, Corin has embraced healing across the true breadth of being, and seeks to help you do the same, if you so choose. Learn more about Corin and her work: coringrillo.com Get Corin Grillo's book, "The Angel Experiment: A 21 Day Magical Adventure to Heal Your Life" on...
Published 01/17/22
Larry Pine is the proprietor of the Klamath River Resort Inn in beautiful Happy Camp, CA. He is an avid outdoor person in an outdoor person's paradise. As Happy Camp is also a hotspot of Sasquatch activity, Larry has crossed paths with the Sasquatch on multiple occasions. On one such occasion, he found very clear sign of the presence of a Sasquatch of truly gargantuan proportions. And his encounters with the unknown don't stop there. Learn more about the Klamath River Resort...
Published 01/10/22
Kathi Blount, long time Bigfoot experiencer and author of, "My Journey Into Myth and Mystery: The Search for Sasquatch", joins me for a fluid conversation about her many Sasquatch interactions of a kind that invite us all to consider deeper, more meaningful levels of Being. Kathi tells us about some of her many awe-inspiring experiences, involving the Sasquatch "spider crawl", orbs in the forest, and a strangely prophetic childhood experience that Kathi herself does not recall. "My Journey...
Published 01/03/22
Famous John Urban is the multifaceted creative mastermind behind the "Famous Bigfoot and Yeti Encounters" Coloring Book. Incredibly fun and informative, John draws upon actual historical Bigfoot accounts! He intends for it to ignite interest and curiosity in the subject--and that it does. John and I swap Bigfoot tidbits, and bounce some interesting ideas off of each other. Check it out! Get Famous John Urban's "Famous Bigfoot and Yeti Encounters" Coloring Book, now available on...
Published 12/20/21
Grounded and professional, yet also aware of marvelous higher realities, Judy Carroll is a pioneer in periodontal medicine, with over 30 years of experience in her field. After earnest internal work with her Sasquatch teacher, he one day revealed himself to Judy in what was by far the most dramatic moment of her life. Since then, her knowledge and experiences gained through her intimate interactions with the Sasquatch have simply defied description.  Judy Carroll's mission is to teach you...
Published 12/13/21
Jason Kenzie is a British Columbia-based exotic animal photographer and filmmaker. He travels the world photographing rare and wonderful pets. When Covid hit, work slowed down, and Jason decided to turn his attention to the Bigfoot mystery. The result is his ongoing documentary series, "Searching for Sasquatch". And wait till you hear the incredible experiences Jason has had out in the woods... Jason debuts his new country song, also called "Searching for Sasquatch", on Type 471 Podcast....
Published 12/06/21
Mike Hexum encountered his first Bigfoot while hunting at the age of 14. After another unintended encounter years later, he decided it was time to look into things. He now has years of Sasquatch encounters under his belt, and lots of experiences to share, including even more sightings, tree knocks, and "samurai chatter" vocalizations. Any Bigfoot lover will want to benefit from Mike's incredible experience.   Share your Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounter: [email protected]
Published 11/29/21
Christopher is visiting Happy Camp, CA, for Thanksgiving. He just saw a Bigfoot as he stepped outside.   Share your encounter: [email protected]
Published 11/28/21
Reverse engineering is an everyday part of Patrick Jackson's IT work. Due to his early--and quite startling--paranormal experiences, Patrick decided to apply his reverse engineering skillset to the mystery. As a result, he has detected an intricate and hidden world operating just beneath the surface of our own--and he believes it is designed to protect us from unseen danger. Patrick developed an app, "Ghost Code", that successfully invites poltergeist activity. Check it out on Google for...
Published 11/24/21
Christyne Anne, author of "Nightmare in the Woods" and "The Dogman's Return", has had extraordinarily varied interactions with the Dogman beings ranging from the terrifying, to the hauntingly beautiful. Her detailed observations of them has allowed her to make distinctions between what she feels are several different species. There is very valuable insight given in this episode. For those who want to keep pushing into High Strangeness territory along with us, I'd give it a...
Published 11/05/21
Each of these men encountered the unknown in the wild lands of not one, but two far flung lands. Robert is a veteran who encountered the wild man deep in tribal territory in Vietnam. His military service later brought him to Washington state, where he experienced something all too familiar... Raised in Ireland and Romania, of gypsy descent, Jason crossed paths with an iconic horror in the forests of Transylvania. Add to that an intense Bigfoot standoff years later in Oregon state and...
Published 10/29/21
Montra and Kyle are a Bigfoot and paranormal researching engaged couple. Individually and together, they have had experiences that are--quite literally--stunning. For anyone interested in the unknown, this is an incredible opportunity to learn from their dramatic real-world experience. Our conversation begins with the sometimes terrifying and bizarre physical realities of Sasquatch encounters and research, and flows in fascinating and unexpected directions as Montra and Kyle discuss...
Published 10/20/21
Jason Sapp is an avid hunter. One day while using a coyote call, he suddenly felt the urge to turn around... My second, anonymous guest--also a hunter--spotted a Bigfoot in the wilderness of Oregon state. He made a shocking observation that I feel has profound implications. It doesn't stop there.   Tell me about your Bigfoot encounter, or paranormal experience: [email protected]
Published 10/14/21
Cindy Goodbrake began her interactions with the Sasquatch in the early 2000's. Initially, she believed they were mere flesh and blood creatures. Now she knows better. Cindy tells us about her continued experiences that now include strange lights, dogmen, skinwalkers and more. She shares the compelling audio clips of her Bigfoot encounters.   Share your experience with the extraordinary: [email protected]
Published 09/29/21
Todd Neiss is the founder of the American Primate Conservancy, an organization dedicated to officially identifying and protecting the species known as Bigfoot. It all started for Todd in the early 90's when, during military explosives training, he had a dramatic encounter that completely changed the trajectory of his life. Todd shares with us some of the many experiences he's had in the nearly 30 years since, as well as insights gained, new technologies, and some truths about the Sasquatch...
Published 09/22/21