Published 11/18/17
What are near death experiences, are they legitimate. Do people get a glimpse of the after life with these experiences. What does medical science say, but more importantly what does the Bible say?
Published 11/15/17
Hoaxes have been part and parcel throughout history. But in this episode the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against men and women is revealed. What you will learn will shock you.
Published 11/14/17
The Bible is filled with amazing prophecies that are easy to understand and even easier to interpret. The bible contains remarkable prophecies which stand the fiercest cross examination. The amazing prophecy of the ancient city of Babylon will fill you with wonder, considering the proof of its accuracy bears testimony today.
Published 11/13/17
The influence of Plato, Aristotle and other Greek Philosophers when contrasted with Jesus Christ will absolutely startle you. Furthermore is there any evidence that Jesus Christ was truly the Messiah.
Published 11/12/17
How has the life of Jesus Christ and the Christian movement impacted the world. It may surprise how far reaching it has been, from the times of early exploration, to the linguistic knowledge we have today these are others disciplines have been advantaged by Christ's command in Matthew 28:18-20
Published 11/11/17
What is the seven year tribulation and is it found in the Bible. Will the Jews take the gospel to the end of the world. Will the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt. What does the Apostle Paul mean by the seed of Abraham. Who will make up the 144,000 in Revelation chapter 7
Published 11/10/17
Published 11/09/17
Will the temple in Jerusalem ever be rebuilt. Many Christians live in hope that when the Temple Mount is again under the sovereign control of Israel a 1000 years of peace upon earth will commence. What do the facts of history tell us and how does it line up with the Bible.    
Published 11/08/17
The Great Tribulation found in the Bible is a teaching which has brought dread and horror to Christians, but what is it and when is it. Do God's people pass through the Great Tribulation or are they spared it due to God's Providence. This presentation will make this misunderstood teaching clear.
Published 11/07/17
Is it possible that Christians bring shame to the name of Christ in their blatant disregard of the Biblical instruction and its teachings. What about the Flood account found in Genesis chapter 9, is their evidence for it outside the Bible? This presentation answers this question.
Published 11/06/17
What is the conscience? What is the function of the conscience? Psychologists and Psychiatrists offer their professional opinions, but what value is their in them and how can they help. Is there a connection to the inner moral, the conscience and the Holy Spirit?
Published 11/05/17
Is it possible that within the scientific community, there is gross prejudice directed against those who believe in God. Furthermore does it impact their opportunities for advancement or even University tenure. This video reveals what is happening now.
Published 11/04/17
Why is Buddhism so popular today and how does its key teachings compare with Christianity? What are the key tenants of Buddhism? What are the best elements of Buddhism. What are the best elements in Christianity.
Published 11/03/17
Why is the Christian church today under constant attack from atheists, the frivolous and libertines. Is it because the accusations against it are unfounded or is there truth in the accusation that it has become domain of the avarice and the refuge of the credulous?
Published 11/02/17
You will be amazed to discover there is a book in the Bible which has been cursed. The imprecation has been foisted upon an entire system of belief intended to quash open enquiry and maintain control.
Published 10/31/17
Are the prophecies of Nostradamus legitimate? How do they compare to the prophecies found in the Bible? Are they real prophecies can they be understood and verified by history and world events?    
Published 10/30/17
What is the easiest way to prove the Bible is false? How can atheists finally obliterate the Bible's influence upon the world? It is simpler than most people think. But why haven't the most brilliant minds among the atheistic and Darwinist fraternity avoided this simple method?
Published 10/29/17
Published 10/13/17
Listen to Rod Anderson deconstruct arguments from evolutionists, anti-theists and atheists as he gives a vigorous defence of Christianity’s claim that the Bible is God’s inspired Word.
Published 09/01/17