In Today's episode we talk to you about a self-defeating addictive behaviour that too many young entrepreneurs find themselves wrapped up in when trying to market their online businesses.   It’s a really sneaky trap- that usually starts out as a logical tactic to gain business attention from prospective clients and to get some traction but trying to gain others' approval is never a good strategy. 
Published 10/04/20
In today’s episode we’re going to unravel a topic that I find so fascinating as it relates to the human mind and how it affects our journey to achievement of any dream or goal. Whether it’s in your life, in your relationships or working on your business the intent is NEVER to undermine yourself or your attempts at happiness, growth, love, wealth or success. Today we’ll explore several ways in which people self-sabotage their own journey to success.
Published 09/22/20
You are either intentionally creating your reality in your life and your business or you are unintentionally creating your reality. That means everything you care about, your relationships, your love life, your friendships, your business, your financial life, parenting – absolutely everything you care about you are unintentionally creating results every day.
Published 09/14/20
It doesn’t matter who you are, there are things you want in life that require you to take action. If you don’t take action, then its likely the law of diminishing intent will take affect. And over time, your intention and motivation for taking action will diminish.
Published 09/08/20
Today I have a special episode for you- I’m going to share with you a Listener question received through my Ask Angie Anything portal. I’m calling this episode- Compare and Despair as I offer advice to a listener who finds herself feeling defeated and stuck in the gap between where she is and where she wants to be in comparison to others.
Published 09/01/20
Is it possible that what we truly desire and what we are pursuing with all our energy and all our passion in building a successful life and business, is it possible that our “desire” is running smack dab into the wall of the opposing force of our own beliefs? Could it be this unseen battle between our desire and our beliefs that is the very thing that is keeping us stuck and draining our energy?
Published 08/23/20
In this episode, we explore how confirmation bias drives us to always prove our beliefs and how that process causes different people to see a different set of realities based on the same set of facts. Tune in to find out what you need to do in order to overcome confirmation bias in the way that helps you get what you want and achieve your goals for life and business.
Published 08/17/20
Success is not learned it’s earned. A lot of people need to know exactly how to do something before they do it, so they don’t fail and feel bad. They try to learn how to do something so they can avoid feeling negative emotions which keeps people stuck in over analyzing and in being perfect. That’s great when you’re an employee but entrepreneurship is a completely different game.
Published 08/12/20
Most people I've talked to and that I’ve worked with have an aversion to being seen on social media - they feel exposed like their lives are on display - they feel very vulnerable. Social media can be a very scary place and networking or marketing and the idea of selling on- line can be very intimidating and in order to allow yourself to be vulnerable and put yourself out there you must first feel safe you have to feel a certain level of safety
Published 08/04/20
Neural pathways are the biological result of your habitual thinking, feeling and acting. The problem occurs when you find yourself having been engaged in negative patterns of thinking, feeling and or acting. This negativity forms pathways that you may be self-sabotaging your efforts toward success. The good news is that you can begin training your brain to create new neural pathways. These new pathways get stronger with repetition until those new behaviors become wired in as your new normal.
Published 07/28/20
In this episode I ask you to consider the topic of Comfort Addiction- What it is? Why it may be sabotaging your success? And if you are willing to step outside of it? Because for us to grow into the next level version of ourselves we are going to need to be willing to be okay with being uncomfortable.
Published 07/20/20
In today’s episode I’m going to discuss with you the Power in Positivity. Research is beginning to reveal that positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can create real value in your life and help you build skills that go a lot further than a happy disposition.
Published 07/13/20
Today’s topic is called Permission to Sell. In this episode I’m going to explain what it is, why it’s important. Then I’m going to share with you how you can get it so that you can increase your close and conversion rates. Permission based selling is a simple selling technique which hinges on salespeople reaching out with details or stronger engagement tactics only after they have received permission from the prospect to do so.
Published 07/06/20
You’ve probably heard some variation of the catch phrase “see it, believe it, achieve it” and then rolled your eyes without giving it another thought. Many people will say these are merely words, and cannot help you, I wouldn’t disagree with them. See, believe, and achieve are only words, but when you take time to think of how you can apply them in your life in a sequence to go after your goal, I believe, they are essential to achieving your definition of success.
Published 06/29/20
When you make a conscious decision rather than reacting to whatever is happening based on your pre-programming - you place yourself in control and you are literally choosing what you want to happen in your life rather than just letting your life happen to you.
Published 06/22/20
Life is not easy and neither is entrepreneurship. That's why building belief in yourself and in your products and services is imperative. After all, if you don’t believe 125% in what you sell and how your customers will benefit, then there is no way you will be able to convey to your customer why they should invest in what you’re offering. In this episode we discuss how to build your business belief. 
Published 06/08/20
Today I want to talk to you about Possibility Vs Probability and how you can use them both to create your Reality I began thinking about this topic recently as I was thinking about HOW people achieve goals. Believe me I spend a lot of time thinking about this and how to serve my clients and you my audience. I have studied this topic for years and have found my focus – My niche- in coaching on Personal Performance as it relates to Entrepreneurship
Published 06/01/20
Learning to do hard things is a skill that you can develop just like eating your vegetables when you were younger. You can actually learn to do hard things in your business and reduce procrastination. And you may even end up enjoying the feeling you get from the great accomplishment of doing that thing you thought was so hard to do.
Published 05/25/20
People pleasing is a common reality, especially among women business owners and it's a trap. When the desire to please others dominates your business, it's not pretty. It pulls you off course, causes unnecessary distractions and interruptions, and leads to the neglect of critical business development activities. There's a huge price to pay when business is driven by people pleasing.
Published 05/18/20
According to researchers, people are terrible at predicting who they’ll  be in the future. The reason is simple: it’s because its far easier to remember the past than to imagine yourself in the future. In today's episode we discuss practical ways you can  start envisioning your future self so you can create the success you desire.
Published 05/04/20
In this episode Angie shares with you a little technique called The Art of Detachment to help you navigate the stormy seas of life and business.
Published 04/27/20
One of the main qualities of being a great leader is the ability to make decisions. And the ability to be decisive is a core development area for many emerging leaders, especially women. Learning to make good decisions is and art and a skill that can be practiced and mastered over time.
Published 04/20/20
We think we are somehow "in control" of our lives.  We act as if we are guaranteed tomorrow, as if our health will maintain, as if our employers will retain us, as if our investments will be safe. When the truth is we have no control over any of life's circumstances. However, through these uncertain times you can find a lesson to be learned that will help you grow as person. Learn to act “As If” life is for you and not against you, and things will become clearer and much easier for you.
Published 04/13/20
We didn’t choose what we are going through now with the global pandemic. None of us did, and rarely if ever do we choose for bad things to happen to us and the ones we love. However, bad stuff does happen- and the fact is - When something bad happens you have three choices: You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can leverage it and let it strengthen you. The choice is yours.
Published 04/06/20
The process of staying productive in times of any crisis whether it is personal crisis or global crisis is no easy task. - People today are faced with more challenges than ever before- We have the obvious global concerns - and in addition to that most are living already pretty stress filled lives all of that can cause emotional overwhelm which can lead to depression. In this episode we discuss how to identify if you are experiencing emotional overwhelm and what you can do about it.
Published 03/30/20