Part 8: Out of Survival Mode and Into Our True Essence
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On today’s episode, Charley leads us through a second exercise to help us shut down the survival mode rut we’ve been existing in, and get into the future to figure out who you really are. We generally operate out of the amygdala in the back of the brain, which keeps us in survival mode and always stressed.  Today’s exercise takes us into the front of our brain, and our promising future! By articulating where we want to be, our ideal, we will be able to start creating new habits that will get us there.  With both exercises complete, we will be able to identify our true BE! For your downloadable workbook, email [email protected] This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
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