 Resilience vs. Fear Part 2 Why do some people rise up during a challenge and some shut down, break down? In part one, we discussed the different ways we react to challenges.  Today, Charlie begins to explain how we can tap into the higher ways of reacting like giving, resilience, sacrifice, courage, by beginning to understand how challenge affects us physically. What it does to our body. How our brain reacts. How survival mode affects us without us even thinking about...
Published 11/08/23
In today’s episode, Charlie addressed the different reactions people have to the difficult times we are in. We see: Giving  Volunteering  Unity  Courage  Resilience  Sacrifice  Bravery For others we see: Fear  Despair  Brokenness  Obsession with news  And still for others, the response is: Hate Destruction  Death How do we get on the good side and react in a way that demonstrates strength and goodness? Where challenge builds us? We have to have a very important...
Published 11/02/23
With everything going on in the world, we find ourselves asking “why are we alive? What is our purpose?” There is a common and beautiful question we can ask ourselves to help us discover our purpose: How do I use what I have (resources, knowledge, challenges) to help other people? But most people are so busy looking for a huge cosmic, macro “life project,” when most probably your purpose is right in front of you.  So today, look at your life and ask yourself, where are you needed?...
Published 10/31/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 09/15/23
Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment, is arguably the most significant day of the Jewish calendar. It's a day when your entire year, your destiny, hangs in the balance, and the heavenly court assesses your deeds. The seriousness of this day is akin to preparing for a major trial, especially for those familiar with courtroom procedures. In this episode, we explore the intriguing customs associated with Rosh Hashanah, particularly the tradition of consuming symbolic foods before the formal...
Published 09/13/23
In this episode, Charlie delves into the intriguing concept of Rosh Hashanah, a holiday marked by joy and reflection, even in the face of judgment. The rabbis teach that on this day, happiness should prevail, and sorrow should be set aside, a notion that might seem paradoxical considering the seriousness of the occasion. The episode begins with a fascinating story about two strangers who become fast friends during law school. John and David, from different backgrounds, forged a close bond...
Published 09/12/23
How do we change- like actually change? How do we reach our goals? How do we make sure we take our resolutions with us and remember them more than a week or two past the start of the new year? I’ve spent years exploring this topic at length and can’t wait to share a solution with you that works! By learning how to hack our minds, how to work with our brains, we can actually reach our goals! Hope you’ll enjoy this Rosh Hashana gift and join me on the...
Published 09/11/23
Join Charlie Harary in this engaging episode as he shares valuable insights on effective learning strategies and how to dive deep into new subjects. Whether you're exploring Judaism, investing, or any other area of interest, Charlie offers practical advice to make the learning process more manageable and meaningful. Charlie begins by addressing the common challenge of quickly losing interest in new subjects. He emphasizes the importance of going beyond surface-level knowledge and suggests...
Published 07/11/23
Are hero’s born? Or made? What does it take to become a hero? Just like a constant drip of water can slowly burn a hole in a rock, so too can small acts of heroism create a hero. This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 06/19/23
Join Charlie Harary in this captivating podcast episode as he dives into the power of seasons and their impact on personal growth and performance. Just as different times of the year trigger various seasons, we too can leverage these cycles to unlock our potential. Charlie starts by highlighting the significance of summer, a time associated with expansiveness and abundant light. Summer represents a golden opportunity to step outside our comfort zones and pursue the things we've always...
Published 06/15/23
There is so much good we do when we focus part of our attention on the outside world, and our contribution, but the question is: Are we an outside in leader? Or an inside out leader? The difference between the two is the ultimate game changer. Tune in to Unlocking greatness for the full conversation at: Send Charlie your questions by emailing [email protected] This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so...
Published 06/13/23
Excuse us, Canada, can you please keep your smoke to yourself?That’s not how it works though, is it?We think what we feel and how we react is our business. But how does it affect those around us?Tune into the Unlocking Greatness Podcast for this important lesson, and share with someone who needs to hear this message. This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers...
Published 06/09/23
Trick answer: same as what makes anyone successful in life! And it’s not what you think! Tune in to the Unlocking Greatness Podcast to hear the full response:  Thanks for sharing your comments and tagging your friends who would benefit from this message. See you tomorrow! This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a...
Published 06/08/23
Welcome to episode 20 of Charlie Harary's Mindhacks Series Podcast. Congratulations on making it this far! If you want to continue the conversation or need additional resources, visit charlieharary.com or email [email protected]. Charlie helps us: Take action now: It is so important to start immediately rather than waiting for the perfect moment. Get started on your goals, even if the circumstances aren't ideal. Waiting for perfection only delays progress. Practice and persevere:...
Published 05/25/23
In episode 19 of the Mindhacks Series Podcast, Charlie discusses the power of understanding one's identity and its role in personal growth and transformation. He emphasizes that true change begins with recognizing that one's identity extends beyond the limitations of the brain and is rooted in the soul, which is connected to the infinite. By embracing this perspective,we can tap into our potential and live a life aligned with our true essence.  Charlie helps us: Reflect on the emotional...
Published 05/24/23
Today, Charlie discusses how important systems are to achieving goals rather than relying solely on goals themselves. He emphasizes that goals are exciting and necessary but often fail to produce results. Harary explains that systems are the functional aspects of everyday life, just like how society operates with interconnected systems. Systems provide reliability and allow growth and progress. To avoid falling into the trap of repeating the same goals year after year, we need systems. He...
Published 05/23/23
On today’s episode, Charlie explains that when you’re making changes in your life, you must take stock of the environment that brought you to where you are in the first place, and make sure to be around people who are doing what you want to be doing.  The theory of Mimetic desire by Renee Gerard teaches that human beings create their desires based on what they see in the culture around them. Which means our desires may not even be our own! It might be that what we desire is based on...
Published 05/22/23
On today’s episode, Charlie starts putting everything we’ve talked about in the Mind Hacks Series together. Remember the example of radishes and cookies? We learned about ego depletion, how we only have a certain amount of discipline.  If we use up our discipline on insignificant things, we’re out of discipline early in the day.  For instance, this is why Steve Jobs wears the same thing every day. Jeff Bazos is uninvolved in the small problems and decisions at Amazon because he’s busy...
Published 05/21/23
Join Charlie Harary in this captivating episode as he equips you with practical tools to break free from bad habits and cultivate a life filled with intentional actions and personal growth. In this podcast episode, Charlie delves into the topic of breaking bad habits and provides valuable insights and strategies to overcome them. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and manipulating the cues that trigger these habits. One powerful technique is deferring the cue, allowing you to...
Published 05/19/23