In this episode, Charlie Harary delves into the triggers behind negative habits and provides practical strategies to redefine them. By understanding the components of the habit loop, you can gain insights into how to disrupt unwanted patterns and replace them with positive behaviors. Charlie emphasizes the importance of identifying cues that lead to negative habits. Whether it's stress, boredom, or specific environments, recognizing these triggers is the first step towards making a...
Published 05/18/23
In Part 13 of the Mind Hacks Series, Charlie teaches how to make our desired new action become so automatic that it requires no mental energy on our part! What we want is for our brain to cover our new routine with myelin which makes the action quicker and more automatic. We want the cue, routine, and reward to be super quick and easy to do. What will get us going with the routine easily? Finding the right cue!   Find a cue you’re already doing Or make a cue that’s super easy and...
Published 05/17/23
In part 12 of the Mind Hacks Series, Charlie continues the conversation about rewarding ourselves for our new habits in order to keep the motivation strong. He explains that step one is a fast and easy reward, like we discussed in the last episode. But to truly hack your brain, there are two kinds of inspiration that are important to know about: internal and external inspiration. When we combine them, we get the most benefit! Charlie explains:  How we are internally motivated by the...
Published 05/16/23
In this thought-provoking episode, Rabbi Wildes is joined by Charlie Harary to delve into the power of Torah wisdom to help us unlock our best selves. Charlie shares his personal journey of discovering the Torah and how it has helped him initiate personal growth, find meaning, and discover his identity and purpose.We explore the spiritual and physical aspects of our selves and how they interact in our daily lives. Charlie shares insights on achieving lasting happiness by aligning our actions...
Published 05/15/23
What reward should we use? What is the ideal reward?1) Small reward- don't overdo it.2) Find something you enjoy or want to do.3) Maybe it's something you do every day anyway, but now hold back and only do itafter the routine. le- I won't drink my coffee until I do the routine.4) Reward must be immediately after the action at firstSoon, your brain has you WANTING to do the routine! This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this...
Published 05/15/23
Show notes for youtube and podcast publishers and torah anytime: Title: Part 10: The Secret Hack to Strong New Habits In part 10 of Mind Hacks, Charlie teaches a huge brain hack that will shortcut your routine building: visualization! Creativity, imagination, and dreaming are seen as children’s play. But when used properly, visualization is the secret to getting the best results. Charlie tells the story of Charlie Wolfson, one of the greatest neurosurgeons in the country, who...
Published 05/11/23
Welcome back to part 9 of Mind Hacks!Now that we’ve -written our eulogy,-written our ideal day,-identified who we want to BE, our identity, It’s time to make our routine!Charlie tells the story of David Brailsford, British cycling coach, who turned a defeated, hopeless team into a gold medal team. How? The Theory of Aggregation of Marginal Gains posits: whatever you’re doing in life, you could do 1% better. And it’s not that hard to do, and doesn’t take much discipline. The aggregate gains...
Published 05/10/23
On today’s episode, Charley leads us through a second exercise to help us shut down the survival mode rut we’ve been existing in, and get into the future to figure out who you really are. We generally operate out of the amygdala in the back of the brain, which keeps us in survival mode and always stressed.  Today’s exercise takes us into the front of our brain, and our promising future! By articulating where we want to be, our ideal, we will be able to start creating new habits that will...
Published 05/04/23
In part 7 of the Mind Hacks Series, Charlie Harary discusses the importance of getting in touch with your true identity in order to create new habits and make lasting changes. He explains that the more connected you are with your soul or essence, the more it drives your brain and motivates you to make positive changes. On the other hand, when you are not in touch with your true self, and focus on the reality around you, your brain tends to play the same old program and resist change. Charlie...
Published 05/03/23
Welcome to part 6 of the Mind Hacks to Actually Reach your Goals.  Why aren’t we already where we want to be? Why aren’t we healthier? More giving? Some part of who us is blocking us from that thing. We don’t really believe in the thing we say we want!  We fail because we change our hands not our heart-we don’t REALLY want to do it for some reason. Something inside of our brain, in how we perceive ourselves, is holding us back. We haven’t changed our identity.  Charlie...
Published 05/02/23
Welcome to part 5 of our Mind Hacks Series, where Charlie shares how to begin designing effective rituals to help you achieve your goals. Charlie explains that rituals train the brain to allow the action to become conditioned into your brain so it becomes automatic- so automatic so it takes no energy, and you don’t have to exert discipline to do it. Charlie emphasizes the importance of understanding the cue, which is the most critical piece to understanding habits. He explains that when the...
Published 05/01/23
Today is Day 4 of Mind Hacks to Actually Reach Your Goals, and Charlie continues yesterday’s conversation about why we are the way we are.  Our brain is like a computer. It has been practicing specific habits throughout our lifetime (without us even realizing it) until the brain created shortcuts for them, “programming” our knowledge or habits into us until they get easier, and become subconscious. The more you are consistent, repeat the (negative) habit or knowledge, the more your mind...
Published 04/27/23
If you want to hack your mind, you MUST understand how it works! Ever feel stuck in your life, and you keep trying and trying but it doesn’t change? It’s so easy to look at how much you know, how you act and feel, what results you have in your life, and think it’s you. It’s not you! These are all a result of how you’ve been using your brain! We’re on day 3, so catch up if you’re behind, because we’re about to discover how to actually reach our goals! (Link in podcast show notes to...
Published 04/26/23
On today’s episode, Charlie clarifies why making resolutions practically guarantees failure.  Listen as Charlie quotes a study by Roy Baumeister, a researcher at Florida State University. Roy tested student’s discipline muscle by tempting them with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and radishes- the results were fascinating.  Charlie discusses how: -If your brain would have known how to reach the goal, it would have done so already -Creating a resolution forces you to rely heavily on...
Published 04/25/23
Join us for this special project during the Omer, the weeks between Passover and the holiday of Shavuot that are designated for personal growth. Together we will set and reach our next big goal! 🤛 Have you ever set a resolution or goal and not reached it? You’re in good company! Only 4.8% of Americans stick with their goals for any length of time. So how are we supposed to get the results we want?!?! Tune in to the full episode to understand why what we’ve been doing until now hasn’t...
Published 04/24/23
realizing who we are  This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 04/17/23
“In between Egypt and the Promised Land is a big dessert.” So let’s be prepared. So how do we walk through the desert of our lives? Recognize G-d chose ME, and He wants great things from me.  Set big goals. Big visions for ourselves. Choose greatness over comfort. When we choose to walk through the desert with G-d, we cut through all the noise and tumult of the world around us. Does this resonate with you? Wishing you a Passover full of greatness and personal...
Published 04/04/23
It’s Day 4 of the Pre Passover Sprint and today we’re asking a question so basic, the answer will blow your mind! Why do we tell the Passover story? Again? And again? Every year? Is there really someone who doesn’t know the story? Is anyone waiting on the edge of their seat to see if the Jews were taken out of Egypt? In the full video speaking about the foundations of building a resilient life, you’ll learn the research on why this story is integral to our character development...
Published 04/02/23
What’s going on in the Passover story- G-d “drafts” Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt, and then “benches” him for the first three “games”- Moses sits out for the first three plagues while Aaron preforms them.  Isn’t Moses the new recruit?  Today we discover what characterizes a real leader, and how we can all live with a much higher level of satisfaction and joy. To watch the full video, go to https://youtu.be/1qJJCz-pOto Shabbat Shalom! This podcast has been graciously...
Published 03/31/23
Pre Passover Sprint- Day 2! ✌️ Understanding the relevance of Passover in our modern lives. Would you be playing a bigger game, going full out, taking appropriate risks, if you felt fully supported and carried? Does the feeling of being alone or not being sure ever stop you from doing what you know you CAN do? G-d taking us out of Egypt can completely transform that feeling! To understand how this works, watch the full video at  Comment with an emoji if you’re ready to play...
Published 03/30/23
Welcome to day one of the Pre Passover Sprint with Charlie! Ever wonder what the deal is with Matzah? Why are we eating it in 2023? Couldn’t G-d have given the dough some time to rise before rushing the Jews out of Egypt? Watch the rest of this short, perspective changing video at  See you tomorrow for day 2! This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish...
Published 03/29/23
Isn’t everyone wondering what’s going to happen with the economy and how we can protect our future? And many of us jump into starting a business. But do you know how to start your business right? And if you’re already in business, is it running properly? We have a weekly podcast with @noamwasserman called Founder’s Dilemma. We deep dive into what it takes to run a thriving company. This information is gold. We talk to the experts and delve into data- this information can make...
Published 03/20/23
You know when you read that amazing self help book and you feel like your whole life is going to change… And you underline that amazing line, which you’ll come back to… when?? 15,000 self help books are published in the USA alone each year. But when you close that last page, why didn’t it work? There’s a trick to using these books if you want them to really work- let’s discuss this today.  You can listen back to the rest of the series through this link: What is your favorite...
Published 03/15/23
Does family and faith compramise you at the workplace? This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 03/14/23
What activity in the workplace is the most damaging for a Ben Torah? This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
Published 03/14/23