Often times we want to wait until it feels right, until we are comfortable, until our doubts have gone down and fear is no longer there but, there'll never be a better time to start anything if you want to wait until it feels comfortable and okay to start. And I am not saying dont plan however, you can plan your whole life and still be crippled by the idea of starting. So, start now, today with what you have. You will not get it right the first few times but eventually, you will. You will...
Published 03/21/24
Published 03/21/24
There is a place where you've moved past starting but you are not quite at your end goal yet, this place is called the in-between. Many of us hate the in-between, we hate not knowing, not being in control of things. But we also know that when you trust and believe in God you have no control and you do not have to know. His word says "For I have plans to prosper you...", what those plans are?  WE DO NOT KNOW and that can be very frustrating when you want something so bad and you don't know...
Published 02/12/24
Alcohol is a big part of our lives, we have it to celebrate life, to numb our pain, to make us forget, to help us get through things and some times, we have it coz we enjoy the smell and taste of it. It has become our vice and we it's slaves, whichever way you look at it. In this episode I share what led me to being alcohol free and how life has been since then.  I hope this episode reaches the hearts its intended for. I wish you healing and strength if you are taking up the sober journey....
Published 01/20/24
It's a new year, lets be clear about our intentions for the year and be ready to put in the work to achieve our goals. The book of Habbakuk assures us that when we right our visions clearly, they will surely happen. So, for 2024 what do you want for yourself? What type of life do you want to lead? What type of opportunities do you want to attract? What are you willing to let go of so that a better version of you is born?  Set your intentions clear and be bold enough to walk in the direction...
Published 01/13/24
Today's episode was about me ranting, no motivation. When you have tried all that you can, rest and give it to God. 
Published 12/05/23
I know its October. I know you feel like you have not met your goals, time is running out but Jesus says "Cast your nets one more time". Pray one more time. Believe one more time. Have faith one more time.  God can still do it... even in October
Published 10/12/23
We have hit a flat line. Nothing's cute, we are just ok. Not happy, not suicidal or depressed but just ok. Its sad, its uncomfortable but we will be ok 
Published 10/12/23
Often when we pray, we are always asking God for what we want Him to do for us, which prayers we want Him to answer but very often do we switch the dial and ask God what is it that He needs from us.  The bible says "seek first the kingdom of God and all things will follow". Perhaps it is time to ask God, what is it that He wants you to do for Him.  Enjoy, God bless you and may He reveal the answer to you as He has for me. 
Published 07/25/23
Ever had that season where your prayer life is dry? Like, you are not praying as you should. You are not reading the bible as you should?? Well.. me too, bestie. Me too.  In this episode we unpack that season. Enjoy and let's get our prayer lives back on track.  Love,  PholosoYaMorena 
Published 05/31/23
Ever just felt like you dont know ANYTHING? Me too! Growing up is tricky, we think we must know, we ought to know what we are supposed to be, to do but sometimes, we just dont know. Even I dont know but sometimes, like in this season of our lives, its ok not to know. 
Published 04/10/23
Pain may endure but joy comes in the morning. :)
Published 03/10/23
I hope this inspires you to write a love letter to yourself. 
Published 02/13/23
In whatever you do, whichever spaces you occupy, the new relationships you want, rebuilding old ones, the summer body you want, the financial freedom you want - BE INTENTIONAL. 
Published 02/06/23
When the lights are off, who are you? What do you stand for? 
Published 01/29/23
As an opening to a new season and a new logo, I thought I'd share on one of my learning points; applauding(healing) the younger me whilst finding balance between seeking too much attention and not reaching my fullest potential because I am not recognised. Also applauding the 33year old me and patting myself on the back when I have done well. It is easy to tell others that we are proud of them but more often than not, we do not say the same thing to ourselves. So this is a love letter to the...
Published 01/23/23
2022... what an emotionally taxing year. I never thought I had this many tears in me.  Woah!I cried. I also laughed and loved and cried some more. Personally, this was my year of the wilderness; where I had to figure out faith and God by myself.  Without the comfort or the counsel of my mother and sister. If anything, this year I learnt to live and sustain myself on prayer. Yeeer I prayed this year. I prayed with tears rolling down my eyes, waking up with swollen eyes. I prayed when I was...
Published 12/30/22
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; submit to Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight. 
Published 12/01/22
"No one is coming... No one is coming to push you  No one is coming to tell you to turn the tv off  No one is coming to tell you to get out the door and excercise Nobody is coming to tell you to apply for that job you've always dreamt about  Nobody is coming to write the business plan for you  IT'S UP TO YOU.  NO ONE IS COMING!" - Mel Robbins
Published 07/24/22
Honestly, I wish someone held my hand and walked me through my 20s, it would have saved me from half of the s*** I went through
Published 07/06/22
"But they that wait, the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not get weary, they shall walk and not be faint" - Isaiah 40:31
Published 06/01/22
Disclaimer: I cried while recording this episode because I remembered how it was and still is to a degree. Waiting for your turn in uncomfortable AF. I know. The pain of seeing everyone around you, the people you grew up with and went to school with get the things you are struggling to get can be dis-heartening. You ask God kante nna ha o mpane? When God? Why do I have to struggle for everything.  I too have been there and to some extent I am still in my waiting season for some of the things...
Published 05/22/22
FYI. This episode is unstructured, I dont think Machuene and I even stuck to the topic, we just wanted to get our frustrations out coz ha rena batho. Anyway, you are not alone. We share your frustrations about dating... 
Published 05/19/22
If you were to write a letter to the 13year old you, what would you say? 
Published 05/18/22
My question to you today, if you were to live until you were 150 years, how would you want to feel? Would you want to get to 150 with all these labels and insecurities that society has put upon you? 
Published 05/13/22