Co-dependency is a bitch and possibly like me - you don't even realize it until it's too late. Storytime, ya'll - here is a background story that most folks won't talk about, admit, or say openly. After all, it is a very private and personal experience, but keeping some things to ourselves doesn't help others realize that they're not alone in feeling the same way. If this story relates to ONE person, then, yes, you're not alone in how you feel, and telling this story was worth it. As we...
Published 04/25/22
THIS is the number one thing that makes your own #SOS, Self-care On Steroids journey fail-proof. Why is it that family members are usually the ones you need to do this with!? 🙄 And why it is that they are the last ones we NEED to do this with but don't wanna? 🥺 You may want to save & download this episode for later if you are driving because there are some notes to take, an assignment you just gotta do, and a bonus that will make you feel even more super loved!  Let's set you up for...
Published 04/18/22
"Rewrite the game of self care". If you can enjoy a moment to yourself for an hour or three, why is it you still feel like you have to explain yourself, explain your decisions, or second guess your choices? Why are you still saying "yes" to others when you don't want to?  Because you're nice and doing them a favor (on your precious time)?  Well, then, if that's the case (or perhaps you just feel obligated so you don't feel rejected) why do you feel the pressure, the anxiousness, and...
Published 04/11/22
I said it- a mani and pedi for "self-care" is bull-shit. Now, I'm not one to shy away from gorgeous and well-manicured toesies and nails, etc. - but I cannot lie to you and praise these kinds of practices when despite doing this for myself for over 3 years... I was STILL emotionally panic-stricken to be vulnerable with my husband and mentally exhausted with limiting beliefs about myself.  I was STILL trying to people-please and feel accepted by my family after my affair - trying to PROVE to...
Published 04/02/22
The womanhood - motherhood journey is often hard to navigate. You're not just doing this for yourself, but also for those you love most--your family! Unfortunately, it can be difficult when our identity gets wrapped up in being just a mom or wife that we forget who WE really ARE as women outside of these labels - which leads many women (like I did and many others I've worked with ) feeling lost about themselves because there's no outlet where they feel free enough explore their true selves...
Published 04/01/22