Feeling bored, stuck, or doing the same thing on repeat at your job? Mastering effective workplace communication is the key to asking for more meaningful work. We delve into the 'Five Ws and an H' framework, a simple yet powerful approach to finding fulfillment in your work right now.  Want to join in on the conversation? Register for UpSkill Live Sessions weekly, online every Thursday at 7PM EST. Free to register, limited spots available. More From UpSkill Go to UpSkill Community to...
Published 06/26/23
This episode is a flashback of the first episode of Upskill Talks, one of our most important episodes. Lead Upskiller Michel Shah shares the most transformative experience of her career that forever changed her professional journey.  As leaders, we are often measured by our results. Yes, but when we focus solely on the metrics and the measurements that determine success, we lose sight of the personal stories that shape the human experience of our employees and team members.  UpSkill...
Published 06/19/23
In this episode of UpSkill Talks, we delve into the art of networking! Our host, lead UpSkiller Michel Shah, and guests discuss the importance of networking, the misconceptions around it, and how to effectively cultivate relationships.  Highlights from this episode: Networking as a process: Emphasis on viewing networking as a continuous process of cultivating relationships, not a one-time event.Misconceptions about networkingImportance of follow-up: Stressing the need to follow up after...
Published 06/13/23
In this episode, we are joined by special guest Silvia Caicedo to discuss the concept of range.  Silvia is a Learning Facilitator and Professor at the School of Immigrant and Transitional Education at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario. What is "range"? Range refers to the variety and depth of your skills, knowledge, and experiences. In the workplace, having range means having a wide range of abilities that can help you succeed in different jobs.  But the range isn't just about work -...
Published 06/05/23
Last week, Dr. Wisdom Tettey, Vice President of the University of Toronto and Principal of the University of Toronto, shared valuable insights with UpSkill on being an inclusive leader.  This week, we're spicing things up with a Q&A. You asked, and Dr. Wisdom Tettey answered. This is part three of a three-part exclusive fireside chat series.  Part One: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/12846931 Part Two: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/12873588 Dr. Wisdom Tettey is the Vice...
Published 05/29/23
This is part two of a three-part exclusive fireside chat series.  Part One: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/12846931 Part Three: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/12930595 From interns to CEOs, I've worked with a wide array of leaders across all levels of organizations. Naturally, I wondered, who could truly benefit from embracing the principles of inclusive leadership? Dr. Tettey's response? Simple, yet profound. "Everywhere, and for everyone." Intrigued? Let's dive a little...
Published 05/22/23
This is part one of a three-part exclusive fireside chat series.  Part Two: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/12873588 Part Three: In this episode, we are joined by an exceptional guest who shares his insights on creating an inclusive learning environment, promoting diversity, and overcoming challenges faced by underrepresented groups in academia.  Dr. Wisdom Tettey is the Vice President at the University of Toronto, and Principal at the University of Toronto Scarborough, as well as a...
Published 05/15/23
This week, we wrap up our special series on Radical Integrity with a thought-provoking question: how can leaders like YOU embody radical integrity, foster inclusive leadership, and create a diverse culture -- even in a high-stress environment that lacks support? Join us as we explore groundbreaking strategies, share inspiring stories, and empower you with the tools to create a thriving, values-driven workplace where everyone can thrive. This is episode 77 of the UpSkill Talks podcast, and...
Published 05/08/23
This is episode 76 of the UpSkill Talks podcast. This week, we continue the conversation about Radical Integrity, particularly, how to measure it in different social contexts.    This is part 4 out of 5 in a special series about Radical Integrity.  Find the first episode here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/episodes/12625114 In this special series, we have a group of UpSkillers joining us: Tiffany Castell, Silvia Caicedo, Diana McIntyre, Cadeem Lalor, and Michel Shah. This conversation...
Published 05/01/23
This is episode 75 of the UpSkill Talks podcast, and part 3 out of 5 in a special series about Radical Integrity.  This week, we continue the conversation about Radical Integrity, particularly, if it looks the same for everyone. Can integrity be subjective? Find the first episode in the Radical Integrity series here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/episodes/12625114 In this special series, we have a group of UpSkillers joining us: Tiffany Castell, Silvia Caicedo, Diana McIntyre, Cadeem...
Published 04/24/23
This week, we continue the conversation about Radical Integrity, particularly in our external environment -- in society, politics, and our workplaces. We explore the relationship between integrity and personal freedom.  This is episode 74 of the UpSkill Talks podcast, and part 2 out of 5 in a special series about Radical Integrity.  Find the first episode here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1849741/episodes/12625114 In this special series, we have a group of UpSkillers joining us: Tiffany...
Published 04/17/23
Welcome to episode 73 of the UpSkill Talks podcast. In this special episode,  we kick off part 1 out of a 5-part series on radical integrity. To start off, we explore what exactly is meant by the term "radical integrity". To help us delve deeper into this topic, we have a group of UpSkillers joining us: Tiffany Castell, Silvia Caicedo, Diana McIntyre, Cadeem Lalor, and Michel Shah. This conversation is anchored by UpSkiller Peter Walfall. Together, our guests discuss how radical integrity...
Published 04/11/23
In episode 72 of the Upskill Talks podcast, our host Michel Shah discusses the importance of mentorship for accelerating your career and achieving your goals. Michel identifies the three key relationships you need to foster: 1. with oneself 2. with mentors who add value to your life 3. with mentees who you add value to You might be thinking..... but how do you go about building your network of hand-selected mentors? We got you! Listen to the previous episode #71: 5 Key Steps To Actually...
Published 04/03/23
In episode 71 of the Upskill Talks podcast, our host Michel Shah discusses networking and the importance of building authentic, reciprocal relationships.  Many people wrongly view networking as solely self-serving. In this episode, we break down this myth and explain what it's actually about -- cultivating trust and building network currency. We outline the five key steps to network in the right way. But first, we clarify what networking is and isn't. We offer practical ways to support...
Published 03/27/23
In this episode Michel  shares 5 important Milestones to help you measure your confidence along your journey. Confidence is lacking across the organizations from top to bottom and sideways. In educational institutions from early childhood to higher education and across all industries. You have a way of building your own confidence and getting back up when you get hit down. You're going to learn and you're going to go at it again. And you're going to take it one single bite at a time. Go...
Published 03/20/23
In this episode Michel shares strategies to rebuild your confidence when you get knocked sideways - especially in a new context. Whether you're an ex-pat, a student or newcomer,  when we enter a new context -   a new country, community, province, state, borough, whatever that is for you -  think about how that impacts your confidence. It's not your accent! Listen to learn how to build confidence for success. Please listen, subscribe and share! Go to UpSkill Community to review show...
Published 03/13/23
In this episode, Michel covers the last component of the CIA formula for developing confidence. Action. The best visions, goals and dreams don't take us anywhere without action. We introduce the PDSA (Plan. Do. Study. Act) Cycle for consistently taking action to step into creating your reality - a confident you! Listen to stories of how action resulted in unintentional discoveries that changed the way we live today.  What if your next action could change our world? Would you take that...
Published 03/07/23
This is the second episode of three where Michel addresses one of the most popular questions we get here at upscale talks. How do I develop confidence? She uses the UpSkill CIA Confidence Formula for effectively developing confidence. The steps are  C - Courage I - Intention A - Action This episode focuses on the C- Courage. Go back to episode #66 for the episode on I - Intention. Courage is what comes between the intention and the action. It's what separates the people who become confident...
Published 02/27/23
In this episode Michel addresses one of the most popular questions we get here at upscale talks. How do I develop confidence? She introduces the UpSkill CIA Confidence Formula for effectively developing confidence. The steps are  C - Courage I - Intention A - Action In this episode she leads with the I for - intention.  Even developing confidence requires a Plan! Do miss the key questions to ask yourself in this episode. Then follow next week for the next two steps. Please listen,...
Published 02/20/23
In this episode Michel talks about  setting boundaries, and practicing the art of saying no! Setting boundaries is easy. Maintaining boundaries is the real skill. She discusses 5 types boundaries that you need to set to give yourself and others space: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Material and Time. We can set boundaries around the use of our time. We can set boundaries around our emotions. We can set boundaries around our physical bodies and physical spaces we can set boundaries around our...
Published 01/30/23
It's a new year, new journey and new opportunities abound. Are you Set for Success? In this episode Michel invites you to take 4 easy steps to win for yourself in 2023 Step 1: Choose a theme for your year - a word or phrase. Make this year, a themed year for you. Choose a theme. That's going to make a big difference in your life. Whether that's a verb, that's going to tell you the action that you need to do. Whether that's an adjective, that's going to describe how you go about it, whether...
Published 01/23/23
We've focused on storytelling format for the past few posts.   It's an important part of effectiveness, but it isn't the whole. At its core, storytelling is about eliciting an emotional response from your audience. That emotional response does not have to come at the expense of knowledge or facts. You can intertwine the two and create effective stories that sell your ideas and values. Please go to UpSkillCommunity.com to review show notes and join a community of leaders devoted to...
Published 01/16/23
When you have an important presentation, you always aim to impress. Sometimes we think that we must wow our audience with our intelligence, and that the best way to do so is to dive into technical terms and throw a lot of information at them. That is often not the right approach. Even if your audience understands the information you throw at them, it doesn't mean it's engaging or convincing. Sometimes, using simple stories can be more effective. In this episode we dive into a case study...
Published 01/09/23
If you want your business to have an identity, a story can be so much more meaningful than a list of values.  In this week's episode, Colleen Stewart discusses the four key phases of a story that you can use to organize your ideas: setting, challenge, solution and outcome. Using these four pieces effectively can help to grab your audience's attention and change their perception of you. Listen as Colleen answers questions from other UpSkillers in order to paint the picture of how to create...
Published 01/02/23
In this week's blog post we will take more insight from our Fireside Chat with Colleen Stewart. A few weeks ago she shared her insight on Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Journey, which goes back to the mid 1900s. Campbell obtained his B.A from Columbia and later studied in Europe. Upon returning to America, he couldn't get a job. Campbell then went to live with friends in Upstate New York. He read everything he could at the local public library for five years, which became a substitute for...
Published 12/26/22