Sophia is joined this week by Fia! As in, Fia the enchanting, singing, songwriting Swedish goddess who blessed us with her presence and beautiful songs. If she isn’t in your music rotation yet, wow are you in for a treat! She and Sophia have a great conversation about many of the aspects that surround a life devoted to channeling true, and beautiful things. There is a tenderness and sensitivity to these two human beings that makes a bountiful episode ripe for repeat listens. Here are some...
Published 05/18/20
Sophia is joined this week by Fia! As in, Fia the enchanting, singing, songwriting Swedish goddess who blessed us with her presence and beautiful songs. If she isn’t in your music rotation yet, wow are you in for a treat! She and Sophia have a great conversation about many of the aspects that surround a life devoted to channeling true, and beautiful things. There is a tenderness and sensitivity to these two human beings that makes a bountiful episode ripe for repeat listens. Here are some...
Published 05/18/20
Sophia is joined this week by the epic Alexandra Jamieson who you may recognize from her prominent role in the Oscar™-nominated documentary Super Size Me, her bestselling books Women, Food, and Desire and Getting to Hell Yes, her podcast Her Rules Radio, or any of her many other incredible offerings to this world. It’s a real honor and pleasure to listen in on this conversation that is both intimate and inviting. These two are fearless as they navigate some deeply painful experiences together...
Published 05/11/20
Sophia is joined this week by the epic Alexandra Jamieson who you may recognize from her prominent role in the Oscar™-nominated documentary Super Size Me, her bestselling books Women, Food, and Desire and Getting to Hell Yes, her podcast Her Rules Radio, or any of her many other incredible offerings to this world. It’s a real honor and pleasure to listen in on this conversation that is both intimate and inviting. These two are fearless as they navigate some deeply painful experiences together...
Published 05/11/20
Amy Jo is back! If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know that she’s a bit of a celebrity here at Medicine Caller, and if you’re new, get ready because you’re about to find out what all the fuss is about. Amy Jo is a brilliant sex educator and author and creator and healer and facilitator and so much more. She is a wealth of wisdom and calm in the storm and she is one of the teachers Sophia turns to for help in their personal life. These dear friends drop some real truths in this...
Published 05/04/20
Amy Jo is back! Since we recorded this she has changed her name, hence forth she will be called A'Magine. If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know that she’s a bit of a celebrity here at Medicine Caller, and if you’re new, get ready because you’re about to find out what all the fuss is about. Amy Jo/A'Magine is a brilliant sex educator and author and creator and healer and facilitator and so much more. She is a wealth of wisdom and calm in the storm and she is one of the teachers...
Published 05/04/20
Sophia is joined this week by Mercia Cummings, a masterful therapist, meditator, and healer. She brings a lot to this episode that moves quickly but doesn’t overwhelm. The rapport between these two is calming and kind. They are here to validate you all day every day. This is one of the many Facebook Live episodes Sophia has been doing from quarantine. And bonus! There are dogs! They’re very quiet and this isn’t a video anymore, but just know—there are dogs in the room. They cover a lot of...
Published 04/27/20
Sophia is joined this week by Mercia Cummings, a masterful therapist, meditator, and healer. She brings a lot to this episode that moves quickly but doesn’t overwhelm. The rapport between these two is calming and kind. They are here to validate you all day every day. This is one of the many Facebook Live episodes Sophia has been doing from quarantine. And bonus! There are dogs! They’re very quiet and this isn’t a video anymore, but just know—there are dogs in the room. They cover a lot of...
Published 04/27/20
Darlings. Let's be real here. Are you hearing people anxiously trying to go back to the world we left behind? Are you seeing this mad scramble to get things back to normal and pretend this massive shift isn't happening? As this week's brilliant guest, Emerald Peaceful GreenForest, puts it, we are a bird hatching out of a thousand year old shell not yet knowing we can fly. We are the seeds that could only be germinated by a wildfire. The world that was–the corrupt money systems, the depleting...
Published 04/21/20
Join Sophia and Chel as they
Published 04/13/20
Darlings. Let’s be real here. Are you hearing people anxiously trying to go back to the world we left behind? Are you seeing this mad scramble to get things back to normal and pretend this massive shift isn’t happening? As this week’s brilliant guest, Emerald Peaceful GreenForest, puts it, we are a bird hatching out of a thousand year old shell not yet knowing we can fly. We are the seeds that could only be germinated by a wildfire. The world that was–the corrupt money systems, the depleting...
Published 04/13/20
Join Sophia and Chel as they share nourishing wisdom from the ages. This episode is sweet and tender with laughter and singing to ground us in these rapidly shifting times. As always, we pray that you and your loved ones are safe as you navigate your role in slowing this pandemic, be that staying home or going out into the front lines to feed and care for people. The winds are ever-changing which reminds us that while we may not know what the future holds, tomorrow will always be different...
Published 04/13/20
Well darlings, we’re all still navigating this new world and way of living. Join lifelong friends and kin Sophia and Tigre Bailando as they talk about the ways that we turn to artists and the arts to synthesize and understand massive events like this global pandemic. Tigre is a brilliant artist and they bring a lot of new perspective to this medicine journey that we are all on together. This episode has a lot of weight to it, which is lovingly balanced with the comfort of a friendship that...
Published 04/06/20
Well darlings, we’re all still navigating this new world and way of living. Join lifelong friends and kin Sophia and Tigre Bailando as they talk about the ways that we turn to artists and the arts to synthesize and understand massive events like this global pandemic. Tigre is a brilliant artist and they bring a lot of new perspective to this medicine journey that we are all on together. This episode has a lot of weight to it, which is lovingly balanced with the comfort of a friendship that...
Published 04/06/20
Beloved listeners, we hope that you are safe and indoors doing your part to slow the spread of the pandemic. For those of you who are being called to stay out and support this country, we pray that you are and remain healthy and safe. Join Sophia as she talks with Natalie Jennings about this strange new world we find ourselves in. If you're finding that you're particularly anxious or grief ridden in this time, they have some advice and tools to help navigate those feelings. Remember, this too...
Published 03/30/20
Beloved listeners, we hope that you are safe and indoors doing your part to slow the spread of the pandemic. For those of you who are being called to stay out and support this country, we pray that you are and remain healthy and safe. Join Sophia as she talks with Natalie Jennings about this strange new world we find ourselves in. If you’re finding that you’re particularly anxious or grief ridden in this time, they have some advice and tools to help navigate those feelings. Remember, this too...
Published 03/30/20
Darling listeners, we hope that you and your families are safe and able to stay in one place to ride out this global storm. Sophia was out on a road trip visiting dear loved ones all over the country in short spurts when the doors closed all at once at David Wilcox's house. While they are practicing good social distancing there (as we all must!), they sat down and recorded this rare gem of an episode for us all. It's full of laughter and tears and stunning music woven out of thin air much as...
Published 03/24/20
Darling listeners, we hope that you and your families are safe and able to stay in one place to ride out this global storm. Sophia was out on a road trip visiting dear loved ones all over the country in short spurts when the doors closed all at once at David Wilcox’s house. While they are practicing good social distancing there (as we all must!), they sat down and recorded this rare gem of an episode for us all. It’s full of laughter and tears and stunning music woven out of thin air much as...
Published 03/24/20
We're Live! Join Sophia Wise One as she joins with Sunny Megatron in a live facebook event where they talk about the healing magic of kink. So many people have only heard of kink through the context of movies and tv shows where it's made to look devious and sometimes dangerous. Sunny is here to relieve you of that notion and shed light on the joy, freedom, playfulness, and inherent healing nature of kink and BDSM work. This episode is a lot of fun, so relax, stay awhile, and let the healing...
Published 03/16/20
We’re Live! Join Sophia Wise One as she joins with Sunny Megatron in a live facebook event where they talk about the healing magic of kink. So many people have only heard of kink through the context of movies and tv shows where it’s made to look devious and sometimes dangerous. Sunny is here to relieve you of that notion and shed light on the joy, freedom, playfulness, and inherent healing nature of kink and BDSM work. This episode is a lot of fun, so relax, stay awhile, and let the healing...
Published 03/16/20
This episode is a very raw and tender series of life updates and poetry readings. If this seasonal transition time has you feeling particularly soft and quiet and maybe even sad then this is an excellent episode to find solidarity in. This is a time where the winds of change are blowing and sometimes the best option to move through that transition is to lie down and listen to the quiet. You can read or listen to Sophia read the Spider Queen report here on her website...
Published 02/28/20
This episode is a very raw and tender series of life updates and poetry readings. If this seasonal transition time has you feeling particularly soft and quiet and maybe even sad then this is an excellent episode to find solidarity in. This is a time where the winds of change are blowing and sometimes the best option to move through that transition is to lie down and listen to the quiet. You can read or listen to Sophia read the Spider Queen report here on her website. Here is an image of...
Published 02/24/20
Do you ever feel like your whole life and identity is crumbling to pieces around you and all you can do is have a temper tantrum? Welcome to Ego's Last Stand. Sophia comes at you from inside this intense portal to give you some helpful tools for navigating such immense change. In fact, she has a whole chapter of her upcoming book and oracle deck called I Love My Life with more insights and guided practices about Ego's Last Stand and 71 other points of healing. You're Invited!! Whether you...
Published 02/10/20
Do you ever feel like your whole life and identity is crumbling to pieces around you and all you can do is have a temper tantrum? Welcome to Ego's Last Stand. Sophia comes at you from inside this intense portal to give you some helpful tools for navigating such immense change. In fact, she has a whole chapter of her upcoming book and oracle deck called I Love My Life with more insights and guided practices about Ego's Last Stand and 71 other points of healing. You're Invited!! Whether you...
Published 02/10/20
Beloveds! The era of Vagina Talks is coming to a close, but don't worry! This show is alive and well, it's just time for a new name. From here on out, the same show you know and love is called Medicine Caller. All the past episodes of Vagina Talks will be right here in the same stream so there's nothing you need to do except continue to listen and share what you love! This new incarnation of the show is focusing on a major element that has been present since the first episode, and that is...
Published 12/30/19