In this month's episode, we finally turn back the clock to see the humble but bloody beginnings of our favorite murderous magical girl, Hoshi Onna. In the meantime, the Vanquishers brave the vampiric siege of the tower, their ranks waning at the dark forces of the Vampirium. This month's charity. https://worldorphans.org/
Published 05/15/22
Continuing their momentum from their recent victory, the Vanquishers continue their investigations into the Major city Vampire epidemic. Unfortunately for them the Vampirium has take notice of their actions and is preparing a response. Can our heroes survive?  Unfortunately the second half of this episode's sound editing has not been complete. An updated version of this Session will be uploaded upon its completion. Thank you for your understanding
Published 04/15/22
In this months episode, the Vanguard presents a Bony Minis double feature!  DIAL 6 for MURDER A long-awaited communique finally arrives for Lazarus from the elusive No. 6 with many surprises in store for their former 'buddy' Lazarus; a present, a threat, a choice, a sacrifice, and the resurgence of an even older enemy.  GASLIGHT, GATED COMMUNITY, GIRLBOSS Welcome to a day in the life of Virginia Harlow, taking "teen delinquent" and "punk with a skunk" to the next level. The life of a...
Published 03/15/22
In this month's episode of the Vanguard, the Vanquishers get caked and the players get cancelled. (Thanks Shira) However, both groups are able to compose themselves to further their case against Paradigm, gain some unexpected allies, find out more utterly terrifying news, and go to the club - for some high stakes business of course, not for fun. Sloth had the Flu in this session, sorry for the heavy breathing into the mic. 
Published 02/15/22
In this month's episode of the Vanguard, the Vanquishers get caked and the players get cancelled. (Thanks Shira) However, both groups are able to compose themselves to further their case against Paradigm, gain some unexpected allies, find out more utterly terrifying news, and go to the club - for some high stakes business of course, not for fun. Sloth had the Flu in this session, sorry for the heavy breathing into the mic. 
Published 02/15/22
In this month's episode of the Vanguard, the Vanquishers regroup and reacquaint themselves with a former nimble-toed foe for a heist! They must infiltrate the Major City Mayoral Debate, fly under the radar of new and old members of the Dream Team, and record the damning evidence the Asset warned them of in order to clear the Wallaby's name.
Published 01/15/22
In this month's bloodcurdling episode, the Vanquishers are still on the high seas! In the aftermath of their sudden boarding of the James Tesla, the Vanquishers thought they would finally have a proper explanation from Mr. Nobody, but to no avail. Instead they discover insidious secrets, and even darker, hungry silhouettes in the shadows. Baby dragons are released (but remain leashed), Mr. Nobody flees, Lazarus gives chase, Oreo takes the wheel, Wally takes a nap, and Hoshi casts fireball....
Published 01/05/22
In this month's bloodcurdling episode, the Vanquishers are still on the high seas! In the aftermath of their sudden boarding of the James Tesla, the Vanquishers thought they would finally have a proper explanation from Mr. Nobody, but to no avail. Instead they discover insidious secrets, and even darker, hungry silhouettes in the shadows. Baby dragons are released (but remain leashed), Mr. Nobody flees, Lazarus gives chase, Oreo takes the wheel, Wally takes a nap, and Hoshi casts fireball....
Published 12/16/21
In this bony minis episode, Hoshi and Boogie set out to find the next avatar of Rage; their choices are between a passionate boxer, a high-strung ceramicist, a verbose pirate radio host, and an unorthodox "community event organizer". Which one will fit the bill as the next avatar of Rage? Find out in this fun mini episode!
Published 11/15/21
In this episode of the Vanguard, Mr. Nobody infiltrates the shady cargo ship and proves to Wretch's waking daymare. Lazarus and the rest of the Vanquishers are not far behind from their mysterious teammates' distress c̶a̶l̶l̶?̶   cough emoji. Lazarus finally gets to show off his inventions, Hoshi separates machine-gun toting mercenaries from their dignity with her spear, the Wallaby falls into the smack, and Stampede brings her child to work
Published 10/15/21
**THIS MONTH'S EPISODE INCLUDES A CONTENT WARNING: Suicide, Self-Harm  These are mentioned:  1:06:30 - 1:07:15 suicide pill mention 1:34:10 - 1:34:17 self-harm 2:02:10 - 2:02:26 self-harm  Mental Health Resources mentioned:  - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  1-800-273-8255 - National Suicide Prevention Website: suicidepreventionlifeline.org  - Crisis Text Line: Text TALK to 741-741 - Other resources for more specific emergency services can be found here:...
Published 09/15/21
In this "bony minis" episode, Mr. Nobody finds himself in the aftermath of a drunken bender with no cash, no phone, but a new job opportunity.
Published 08/31/21
In this month's episode, the Vanquishers dive deeper into the mystery and meet with new faces and obstacles along the way. The team is strained; the Wallaby's pockets are emptied as he is charged with his actions, as well the Asset's instructions from beyond her stone grave. Lazarus digs into No. 6's memory, Hoshi trails an ominous new force in Down-Downtown, Stampede seeks out her old mentor, and a Halloween Hell-In-A-Cell Showdown is set! Don't miss it! THE WALLABY & HOSHI vs. THE...
Published 08/15/21
While the rest of the Vanquishers investigate the mystery of the Asset's stone petrification, the Wallaby gathers his own clues while playing Magic the Gathering back in the Vanguard interrogation room. Will the Wallaby crack or will the Vanguard reveal their hand within their questions? (We are not sponsored by Magic the Gathering.)
Published 08/04/21
In this month’s episode, the Vanquisher Tower has been drowned in a deluge of mystery! The Asset has been turned to stone and the blame is being turned towards the Vanquishers. The Wallaby has been taken in for questioning, while Lazarus, Mr. Nobody, and Hoshi are left to investigate the incident. In the meantime, Stampede becomes a teenage single mom. Can anyone in the Tower be completely trusted? Can Stampede handle this new responsibility? Can all of Hoshi’s cats fit in the tower? All...
Published 07/15/21
In this month’s episode, the Vanquisher Tower has been drowned in a deluge of mystery! The Asset has been turned to stone and the blame is being turned towards the Vanquishers. The Wallaby has been taken in for questioning, while Lazarus, Mr. Nobody, and Hoshi are left to investigate the incident. In the meantime, Stampede becomes a teenage single mom. Can anyone in the Tower be completely trusted? Can Stampede handle this new responsibility? Can all of Hoshi’s cats fit in the tower? All...
Published 07/15/21
In this month's episode, we get a look into Mr. Nobody's humble beginnings and his action-packed and slimy path on becoming, well, Nobody. The Wallaby grapples with his greatest foe so far: computer illiteracy, Lazarus brokers a deal between the Vanguard to hand over rogue Number 6, Hoshi goes out on the prowl, and Stampede quickens the horror within.
Published 06/15/21
Our heroes open the doors to their new detective agency and the world is already spreading. They've been hired by two new clients in their first week. Good bye Vanguard Hello Vanquishers!
Published 05/15/21
Our heroes open the doors to their new detective agency and the world is already spreading. They've been hired by two new clients in their first week. Good bye Vanguard hello Vanquishers!
Published 05/15/21
The gang find themselves navigating the webs of Communism, a hostage situation, and the sudden shut down of the Buddy Core. An old mistake comes back to haunt Lazarus as he travels with Buddy Prime to the Buddy Core, and everyone makes a new enemy of...
Published 04/15/21
The gang find themselves in quite the Pickle™ on this month's episode of Vanguard! Stampede and Lazarus, the two bad eggs of the bunch in possession of THE baddest egg, have become wanted fugitives by the order of the Vanguard. The Wallaby navigates the...
Published 03/15/21
The gang finds themselves at Pilgrim's Pass, Crystal's ranch, as Ginny goes on a pilgrimage through her own past. Hoshi, Wallaby, and Mr. Nobody are initially tasked with precariously making sure she is safe in her "state of mind", but their task...
Published 02/15/21
The gang quickly make arrangements for the aftermath of their battle with the Boy (formerly) in the Mirror, Noah Barr. Fresh off their victory, they grow closer as a team and are emboldened to take a new opportunity to stay together - becoming the new...
Published 01/15/21
Happy 1 Year Anniversary! The Boy in the Mirror Taskforce regroup and begin the final stages of closing in on their elusive quarry as their key witness Jeffrey Melton illuminates more about his mysterious master. Mr. Nobody gets closer to the inner...
Published 12/15/20
The Boy in the Mirror taskforce enjoy the calm before the calamity with a bit of a surprise from Stampede. However, it doesn't last long as they chase a lead into a deadly faceoff with the Boy himself. Mr. Nobody prepares to go on the prowl for vampires...
Published 11/15/20