Dr Zainab Bagudu talks about systemic barriers preventing Nigerian women from accessing cancer care.
Published 01/30/23
In this episode, we are going to talk with Doreen Shempela and Cynthia Banda about the value of diagnostics in fighting pandemics and strengthening health systems
Published 12/05/22
Teresa Graham invites Natalie Buford Young to discuss the need for greater research and funding for women entrepreneurs and women-led companies.
Published 11/11/22
En este episodio conversamos con la Dra. Judith Zilberman acerca de las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) y las diferencias entre cómo afectan a los hombres y las mujeres.
Published 09/29/22
Virginia Abello, presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología (ACHO), nos habla sobre cómo podemos hacer frente a las barreras del acceso a una atención oncológica de calidad y reforzar la capacidad de recuperación de los sistemas sanitarios ante futuras emergencias, partiendo del análisis de los aprendizajes y repercusiones que ha traído el Covid-19.
Published 09/16/22
Life after cancer comes with a new set of challenges. Fertility shouldn't be one of them. Yet, sadly female cancer survivors don’t always get the timely access to counselling and treatment that’s needed.
Published 05/24/22
En el marco del Día Mundial de Hemofilia, conversamos con dos referentes sobre el potencial del trabajo en red en la comunidad.
Published 04/28/22
We interview Peruvian Blogger and patient advocate Indira Oropeza Aguillar about the many challenges in accessing the care and treatment for women with cancer.
Published 04/21/22
In this episode we talk to Mah-Sere Keita, Director of Programs, African Society for Laboratory Medicine, shares her thoughts on why focusing on women’s health is integral to future proofing African healthcare.
Published 02/22/22
Neste episódio do Vozes pela Saúde, o Dr Cesar Abicalaffe, presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Valor em Saúde (IBRAVS), explica os desafios e benefícios para a implementação da medicina baseada em valor no Brasil.
Published 02/19/22
¿El cáncer de cuello uterino puede ser prevenible? Conoce la respuesta de la Doctora Lucía Rodich en nuestro episodio "Mitos y verdades sobre el HPV".
Published 02/11/22
In this episode, you will meet Dr. Daniel Kraft, a Stanford and Harvard-trained physician and innovator, who serves as faculty chair for medicine at Singularity University. Daniel has over 25 years of experience in clinical practice and healthcare innovation. We spoke to him about how crises force new ways of thinking, how the pandemic has accelerated collaboration and scientific progress, potentially ushering in data-driven, more personalised healthcare in the future.
Published 12/15/21
Embora algumas doenças individualmente possam ser consideradas raras, coletivamente elas são tudo, menos isso. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, 13 milhões de brasileiros convivem com essa condição. Para saber mais sobre este universo e os cuidados fundamentais à primeira infância, escute o novo episódio do Vozes pela Saúde com Stephanie Amaral, Oficial de Saúde do UNICEF. No podcast, você também conhecerá um projeto inédito, conduzido em parceria pela Roche e UNICEF para colaborar com melhorias...
Published 11/29/21
In this episode, you will meet Dr. Robert Winn, Director, VCU Massey Cancer Center, who is at the forefront of addressing health disparities, promoting health equity, and advocating for diversity and inclusion in healthcare. We spoke to him about how the zip code is a better predictor of a person's life expectancy than genetics, how did the pandemic disproportionately impacted women, and lastly, how the place and space where a woman lives.
Published 10/25/21
Muita gente não sabe, mas é possível contribuir para as discussões sobre quais medicamentos, procedimentos e tecnologias devem ou não serem incorporados aos sistemas de saúde. Neste episódio do Vozes pela Saúde, Aline Silveira Silva, PHD em Ciências e Tecnologias em Saúde e pesquisadora da Universidade de Brasília, explica a importância das ferramentas de participação pública para uma gestão mais assertiva da saúde. Para conhecer mais sobre o trabalho de Aline, siga @_opaciente no Instagram.
Published 10/18/21
Con el avance en la comprensión del cáncer de mama, así como la evolución en el diagnóstico y tratamiento, nos encontramos en un momento trascendental para vencer a esta enfermedad. El abordaje integral y el trabajo articulado entre los distintos actores de los sistemas sanitarios juegan un papel fundamental. Para profundizar sobre el estado y desafíos en Latinoamérica, conversamos con la Dra. Isabel Alvarado, Jefa del Servicio de Patología en el Hospital de Oncología del Centro Médico...
Published 09/27/21
In this episode Dr Stacey Rosen, Senior Vice President, Women's Health at the Katz Institute for Women’s Health, shares her thoughts and plans on empowering the female patient to be a better advocate for herself.
Published 08/23/21
Our healthcare systems are failing women - it’s time to put women in the spotlight, passionate about making a change! In this episode, you’ll meet Dr Lydia Dsane-Selby, CEO of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Authority, who has done so much to ensure people in Ghana can afford healthcare. We spoke to her about her work in Ghana, why she thinks women are central to their families’ health and to business, and what her big asks to industry and policymakers are.
Published 05/20/21
En el marco del Día Mundial de la Hemofilia, conversamos sobre el estado y acceso de la atención integral de la hemofilia en América Latina con César Garrido, presidente de la Federación Mundial de Hemofilia, y Andrea Lisman, madre portadora de la condición y líder de un grupo de apoyo en Colombia.
Published 04/16/21
¿Cómo puede América Latina acelerar su búsqueda de inmunidad para el COVID-19? Dialogamos con los doctores Pablo Bonvehí y Carlos Arturo Alvarez Moreno sobre los desafíos de trabajar colaborativamente entre gobierno, academia, sector privado y sociedad civil; y la importancia de tomar decisiones basadas en la evidencia.
Published 04/01/21
In acknowledgement of World Cancer Day, we spoke with Gilberto Lopes about the initiatives of the Union for International Cancer Control, UICC, to provide continuity of care for cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published 02/03/21
En el marco del Día Mundial del Cáncer conversamos con Gilberto Lopes, médico oncólogo y miembro de la Unión Internacional contra el Cáncer, sobre la necesidad de priorizar la prevención, detección y tratamiento del cáncer durante la pandemia del Covid-19
Published 01/29/21
The actions and behaviors of citizens can have a significant impact on individual and collective well-being. We talked with Alberto Alemanno, expert in public policy and author of the book "Lobbying for change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society", about the role of citizens in transforming health systems.
Published 01/12/21