  There are those who believe that speciesism can be compared to the holocaust under Hitler.  But in reality most people place relative worth to various animal species. Some also believe that humans are an invasive species that need to be annihilated. This podcast is an attempt to bring some balanced thinking to an area prone to extremism. 
Published 08/11/21
When capitalism is corrupted socialism becomes more attractive. Today many young people in western countries are much more open to socialism (especially when the promise of student debt in thrown into the mix).  Guaranteed health care , livable wages . housing  , food and whatever other needs people may have sounds very appealing. But ultimately  this is a seduction that no socialistic system of government has ever been able to completely deliver.  
Published 07/31/21
This podcast highlights 3 corrupting influences on capitalism. Plutocracy , the debt economy , and consumerism are highlighted. Finally, there are good  choices that individuals  and  families  can make to create their own economic well being to overcome these corrupting influences.  
Published 07/24/21
Victimism is a scourge in our culture whereby individuals and groups claim victimhood to gain power, control or to perpetuate deviant behavior. Our world is full of victims who live by the SEF moto. SEF  is Somebody Else's Fault . As long as the ills in society and in our personal lives are someone else's fault there is no need or urgency to change. There is, however, a better way. 
Published 07/17/21
Elitism is a mindset of a group of people who by virtue of their social standing believe they  are supremely qualified to run the lives of those beneath them.  Being from a certain family , education, wealth, positions of power and influence are seen as qualifiers to this social standing.  These qualifiers do not necessarily make one an elitist. Elitism is a character flaw. The cure for elitism is genuine servant leadership. 
Published 07/10/21
The dignity of humanity is directly related to our origin.  Origin is ultimately a faith position. It cannot be historically or scientifically verified. It is a presupposition that will inform one's understanding of the nature and purpose of humanity. The only question is what faith position is more feasible. 
Published 07/03/21
The dignity of humanity is rooted in our origin, nature and purpose. Evolutionary humanism holds that homo sapiens came into existence through  the  accidental process of time and  chance. Theistic creationists believe all of life has its starting point in the Creator and that humanity is a distinct and unique creation. Both are faith positions as no human being  was able to witness the beginning of all things.  Evolutionists hold their beliefs are backed by science while creationist can make...
Published 06/26/21
This new series tries to bring a calm voice to various fields of science and the humanities. The first discipline is  anthropology .The origin of human kind is explained today from one of 2 faith positions. The religion of humanistic evolution begins with the belief there is no god  in our human  origin only the time, chance dogma of evolution. Theism begins with the faith belief there is an Almighty God who created matter ex-nihilo - out of nothing by his creative word. Both systems of...
Published 06/19/21
Sloth is a condition of perpetual laziness. A sloth is the sluggard who is unwilling to do the required effort  to start a task , complete a task , or to pay attention to doing the details the task requires. The opposite of sloth is diligent productivity.
Published 06/12/21
Gluttony is greedily taking the desire for food to an excess.  Obesity and food addictions are the obvious consequences of the sin. Many experience gluttony as a result of using food as a source of comfort or to deal with boredom. The alternative to gluttony is celebrating and consuming good food; a feat not easily attained in our fast food culture. 
Published 06/03/21
The final 3 deadly sins are bodily desires and needs taken to the extreme. The sexual appetite of lust when carried to the extreme by its very nature cannot be satisfied. It is only when sex is expressed in the confines that God gives that it can ultimately satisfy.
Published 05/31/21
This podcast outlines the dangers of envy. Particularly when one experiences difficulties envy rears its ugly head. Envy also causes sickness , mental anguish and spiritual deformity. The solution to envy can be found in Asaph. 
Published 05/26/21
This podcast features the 6 faces or components of the 3rd deadly sin.  Anger is not corrupt in itself but can quickly lead to many other corrupting behaviors if anger is not conquered.  
Published 05/19/21
This podcast considers the 2nd deadly sin : Greed. The characteristics of greed are outlined including the qualities of greed being insatiable, distracting, oppressive, idolatrous and dissentious. More importantly, the opposite virtues to these qualities  are emphasized.
Published 05/12/21
This new podcast series concerns a calm voice in a corrupt world. This corruption erupts from the 7 deadly sins : pride, greed, wrath. envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. These characteristics will be paired with their   corresponding virtues to fully explore what brings death and life to the soul. Podcast 1 in the series explores pride;  the chief root of all sin.  The corresponding virtue of humility which opens the soul to the healing grace of God is also emphasized. 
Published 05/10/21
This episode outlines 6  influences America is experiencing moving us down the road toward socialism. 
Published 05/08/21
Woke Tribalism in America has brought new tensions that threaten our unity as a nation. These tensions include conflict between red and blue states , censorship of elites  , globalism  vs. nationalism, and a conflict of values. The ease of tension will...
Published 04/27/21
The gospel of Jesus Christ breaks down ethnic, economic and gender barriers.  Woke tribalism creates barriers in the name of the causes of the tribal group. At its heart the gospel calls us to love every person and leaves no room for exclusive...
Published 04/22/21
In this podcast woke tribalism is defined. The dangers of woke tribalism are also introduced including perverting the gospel of Jesus Christ, the prospect of a second civil war and authoritative socialism.  These dangers are real and pose the greatest...
Published 04/20/21
In this crazy world we need times to laugh and cry. Yet many have learned to suppress emotional tears when suffering loss or trauma resulting in devastating consequences. This podcast explores the benefits of crying and the dangers of  neglecting   this...
Published 04/17/21
This podcast outlines 4 main subjects of our laughter. The most difficult is to laugh at ourselves and then to laugh with others and not at them. Deep seated joy and laughter comes from learning to laugh with  God and finally we must learn to laugh at...
Published 04/11/21
Egocentric self love is at the core of many the troubles we experience in our narcissistic culture. This podcast explores 3 loves that contribute to our perilous time that are prevalent in these last days. 
Published 04/02/21
The US government has been  giving out free money hand over fist. The dangers of all the free money include increased government dependency , runaway inflation and unsustainable debt. What steps can we take to avoid some of the inevitable pain of...
Published 03/26/21
People learn words  and their meaning from infancy and early childhood in the family unit. As  a child grows the tribal unit and institutions have a greater influence on  the meaning of words. Government , special interest groups and social media also...
Published 03/24/21
Gender identity is a hot topic in our day.  Transgender values are being imposed in politics, the medical community, religious institutions,  education and in sports participation.  The vast majority of people simply recognize gender  to be genetically ...
Published 03/19/21