Hear it Here - adbl.co/3NGOSXs Figure out what you need, focus on that, and ignore the rest. That's the actual key to success in life. Learning can be OVERWHELMING. So much info, so little time. But what matters? What will actually help you get an A+ grade, or take you to the next promotion? Read this book. Find the 20% of knowledge that will contribute to 80% of your performance. Easily. The 80-20 Learner will force you to dramatically change the way you approach learning. It will help you...
Published 04/29/24
The Social Singularity: How decentralization will allow us to transcend politics, create global prosperity, and avoid the robot apocalypse By: Max Borders 00:00:00 The social singularity 00:04:23 CHAPTER ONE THE END OF POLITICS 00:12:25 The Worst in Us 00:16:07 Hobbits and Hooligans 00:20:07 A Teardrop in the Ocean 00:23:23 The Unicorn Problem 00:25:40 Why People Vote 00:32:04 Local Knowledge 00:34:04 Trench Warfare 00:38:10 The Rise of Hierarchy 00:43:16 Better All the Time 00:49:21 Phase...
Published 04/25/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/3SztAyt The Anxiety Cure is a simple guide to making your every waking moment a calm one. It’s not full of woo-woo advice that you can’t use—it’s 100% actions that you will scientifically reduce your anxiety, and also increase your happiness, dopamine, serotonin, you name it. Each idea has true science behind it, and includes a plan for implementing it into your daily life. This isn’t a blog post with abstract ideas, this is a book of action and implementation. Welcome...
Published 04/22/24
Fire up your lanterns of liberty! We're diving into the first two chapters of Thomas Paine's revolutionary pamphlet, "Common Sense." Published in 1776, this powerful text challenged the British monarchy and ignited the flames of American independence. In this video, we'll explore Paine's arguments against hereditary government, analyze his concept of "common sense" as a foundation for society, and unpack his fiery critique of the British monarchy. Was independence truly "common...
Published 04/18/24
Perpetually Broke: Living Beyond Your Income? Get a Financial Makeover in 7 hours, and Achieve Prosperity By 40! By Tom Cromwell Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/perpetuallybroke 00:00:00 Perpetually broke 00:03:38 Running Out of Money before Next Payday 00:06:33 Not Knowing the Size of Overdraft or Debt 00:16:25 Paying off Debt that Eats a Huge Chunk of Your Income 00:18:34 YOLO Lifestyle . 00:20:33 Looking for “Get Rich Quick” solutions 00:25:13 ​Understand your behavior and how it is...
Published 04/16/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/3SztAyt Small neuroscience tweaks that can completely change your relationship with your own thoughts. Time to find your anxiety cure instead of endlessly thinking about it. Anxiety is a funny thing. We can’t always define it, but we know it when we have or don’t have it. Well, forget defining it—just use scientific and psychological tips to get rid of it! Learn to wake up excited and energized each day, not dreading your life. The Anxiety Cure is a simple...
Published 04/15/24
Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic By Charles Hugh Smith Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3Ob427H www.audible.com/pd/B07M689SMP/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWU-BK-ACX0-138545&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_138545_pd_us America teeters on the precipice: our government is now captive to special interests and big money, twin cancers that threaten our democracy. This accelerating crisis is exacerbated by a toxic social media-fueled tribalism that has replaced...
Published 04/11/24
Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3WjBwT0 00:00:00 The art of statistical thinking 00:03:31 1. Sample versus population 00:06:57 2. Descriptive statistics 00:15:42 3. Sample statistics and population parameters 00:19:26 4. Descriptive statistics for relative position 00:24:09 5. Data Visualization 00:26:25 6. Comparing alternative distributions 00:30:21 7. Normal distribution 00:34:32 8. Checking the normality of a distribution 00:38:03 9. Concluding...
Published 04/09/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/4cPoequ Unleash your inner Einstein, channel Sherlock's keen eye, and master Plato's rationality. These eminent figures share one extraordinary trait: unparalleled critical thinking. But what set their minds apart, transforming them into intellectual giants of their times? • They championed the art of slow, deliberate thought, resisting snap judgments. • They put every fact and opinion under the microscope - even their own. • They were thorough investigators, amassing...
Published 04/08/24
Your Will Be Done by Todd Saylor Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/4b9Pq25 https://www.amazon.com/Your-Will-Be-Done-Differently-ebook/dp/B0C6FX36HN In this dynamic third installment of his Wired Differently series, Todd Saylor sheds a brilliant light on the fundamental principle of achieving a Supremely Purposeful life: that your success is ultimately the actualization of Your Will Be Done. He relates how his father created incredible outcomes and from these dramatic examples, Saylor gained...
Published 04/03/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/4cPoequ Unleash your inner Einstein, channel Sherlock's keen eye, and master Plato's rationality. These eminent figures share one extraordinary trait: unparalleled critical thinking. But what set their minds apart, transforming them into intellectual giants of their times? • They championed the art of slow, deliberate thought, resisting snap judgments. • They put every fact and opinion under the microscope - even their own. • They were thorough investigators, amassing...
Published 04/01/24
Follow The Money: How China Bought the World by: Michael William McCarthy Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/3S4pRag 00:05:58 Not familiar with the Opium Wars? 00:15:57 Kinmen Island, Taiwan 00:34:18 The Korean “War" https://www.amazon.com/Follow-Money-China-Bought-World-ebook/dp/B0C7RBW3S7 While anyone can hop on a plane and fly anywhere in the world for work or a holiday, investigative journalist Michael McCarthy combines the two, using his frequent press trips as research for hundreds of...
Published 03/27/24
Doing things you hate is a skill. And it's a skill that is always in high demand. Look, you can teach hard skills. You can teach a monkey to do lots of things that humans can do. But you can't force them to work without a monkey revolt on your hands. All growth comes from discomfort and the ability to push through. How To Do Things You Hate is a primer on how you can embody the self-discipline to live the life you want. It's not easy; otherwise everyone would be there. It requires surmounting...
Published 03/26/24
When You Can't Go On: Burnout, Reckoning and Renewal By Charles Hugh Smith Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3OFQ1MB 00:11:09 Triage 00:12:15 Get Help 00:14:23 How Long Will It Take to Get Through This? 00:17:58 Make a Simple Recovery Plan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B14BG9QL When I burned out, what I wanted but could not find was a practical guide by someone who had experienced burnout themselves. None of the material I found spoke to what I was experiencing or to my sense that our economy is...
Published 03/20/24
The Backyard Homestead Guide for Self Sufficiency: Learn How To Have A Self Sufficient Backyard; Grow Your Own Food Organically, Raise Farm Animals For Sustainable Living, and Make Money By: Irwin Cordero 00:00:48.559 What Is Homesteading? 00:07:46.580 Benefits to The Earth 00:22:21.250 Is Homesteading For Me? 00:27:10.440 Planning, Budgeting, And Skill Acquisition 00:40:04.590 The Rooftop Up Top! 00:53:15.670 Consider the Lifestyle Changes That You'll Have to Make 01:11:23.550 The Skills You...
Published 03/12/24
Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3u0rxtc Making new friends doesn't have to be a chore. Learn how to do it quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Networking events? Big group dinners? Karaoke parties? Please, no. Get past boring small talk and deeply connect with others. Make Friends Easily - it's a simple task, isn't it? But why is it so hard in our modern age? There are so many distractions, so why should people pay attention to you? That's your challenge and task, and this book provides...
Published 03/11/24
Self-Reliance in the 21st Century By: Charles Hugh Smith 00:13:33 What Are the Essentials of Human Life? 00:18:54 Global Disruptions Are Affecting Everything and Everyone. 00:25:14 Our Unsustainable Economy in a Nutshell - Energy and Resources. 00:34:27 The End of Cheap Food. 00:48:42 Cheap Energy, Specialization and Economies of Scale. 00:53:57 Complexity and Dependency Chains. 00:57:18 Scarcity, Fragility and Technological Constraints. Hear it Here -...
Published 03/05/24
Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3u0rxtc Making new friends doesn't have to be a chore. Learn how to do it quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Networking events? Big group dinners? Karaoke parties? Please, no. Get past boring small talk and deeply connect with others. Make Friends Easily - it's a simple task, isn't it? But why is it so hard in our modern age? There are so many distractions, so why should people pay attention to you? That's your challenge and task, and this book provides...
Published 03/04/24
Thinking in Algorithms: How to Combine Computer Analysis and Human Creativity for Better Problem-Solving and Decision-Making (Strategic Thinking Skills Book 2) By: Albert Rutherford 00:01:41 The Truth About Our Gut 00:04:52 Our Brains in Efficiency Mode 00:20:40 Machina Sapiens 00:25:08 AI Algorithms and Advertising Hear ir Here - https://bit.ly/ThinkingInAlgorithms https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FH2JGXW Think creatively like a human. Analyze and solve problems efficiently like a computer. Our...
Published 02/28/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/3uCyvoG Doing things you hate is a skill. And it's a skill that is always in high demand. Look, you can teach hard skills. You can teach a monkey to do lots of things that humans can do. But you can't force them to work without a monkey revolt on your hands. All growth comes from discomfort and the ability to push through. How To Do Things You Hate is a primer on how you can embody the self-discipline to live the life you want. It's not easy; otherwise everyone would...
Published 02/26/24
Hear it Here - https://https://adbl.co/3OsoIY1 Have you ever encountered a challenge that demands diverse perspectives and innovative solutions? Enter the IRADE method, a unique approach that transcends conventional thinking. This article delves into the core principles of IRADE, exploring its origins and applications across various fields. From strategic planning to climate change resilience, discover how IRADE empowers individuals and organizations to navigate complex situations and achieve...
Published 02/22/24
Hear it Here - adbl.co/3uCyvoG Doing things you hate is a skill. And it's a skill that is always in high demand. Look, you can teach hard skills. You can teach a monkey to do lots of things that humans can do. But you can't force them to work without a monkey revolt on your hands. All growth comes from discomfort and the ability to push through. How To Do Things You Hate is a primer on how you can embody the self-discipline to live the life you want. It's not easy; otherwise everyone would...
Published 02/19/24
Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3SztAyt 00:00:14 University of Cambridge psychologist Sandra Matz 00:03:35 Though Most of Us 00:09:27 In another 2008 study by Dunn and colleague Richard Norton 00:11:33 There’s One More Conventional wisdom tells us money can’t buy happiness. But there are some more surprising findings to be explored, and one of them is that spending money can, in some ways, make you feel better. University of Cambridge psychologist Sandra Matz and her research team did an...
Published 02/15/24
After Collapse: The End of America and the Rebirth of Her Ideals By: Max Borders Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/AfterCollapseBorders America is in her twilight. Our systems are headed for collapse. So say goodbye to politics as we know it. In this audacious book, Max Borders shows us that American society is breaking down: Our socio-economic models are faulty. Our hierarchies are strained. Our belief in the founding ideals is fading. Our systems of mutual aid are dying. Our collective...
Published 02/13/24