People will always talk whether you do good or bad.
Published 07/28/21
"Your enemy's enemy is your friend."
Published 07/07/21
Hard work is needed for survival. Manifesting requires work too. Don't waste time thinking you can achieve things without putting in the work. PUT IN THE WORK!
Published 07/07/21
There are a lot of people who are in toxic relationship but due to having normalized toxicity they fail to walk away.
Published 07/07/21
There is nothing damaging than allowing negativity to consume one. Negativity and its effects are not talked about mostly hence many people do not know the power of negativity over one's life and mind.
Published 07/07/21
There are different types of friendships. From my observations and past experiences, there are more bad types of friendships than good types of friendships. Associate yourself with people on the same mission as yours. Have good friendships that will last a lifetime.
Published 03/02/21
Published 03/02/21
Insecurities don't exist, we create them. Avoid negative thinking and letting what people say affect you as it leads to one having insecurities, most of the time. Imperfection = I'm perfection.
Published 03/02/21
Don't get yourself into a polygamous relationship because you feel like you will never love a person as much as you love your current partner. Get into a polygamous relationship because you know what is in for you and you are emotionally and financially stable and ready. Know your worth and value.
Published 12/09/20
Lack of support makes people do things they not proud of. It makes one feel like what he/she is doing is not good enough or he/she is not good enough. Lack of support shouldn't make one start caring about what people think and say. Supporting ourselves is always the best thing to do. In all that we do, we need support. But that shouldn't make us lose out on certain things.
Published 12/09/20
The healing process doesn't mean that we will fully heal from past traumatic experiences, but it actually makes us know how to deal with things that trigger past traumatic experiences. The healing process is hard and long, it needs a person who is patient.
Published 12/02/20
Raising awareness about Free Pads Campaign
Published 10/26/20
Losing a loved one has to be one of the most painful things a human being as well as an animal can experience.
Published 10/26/20
It is sad that many people have normalized gender-based-violence. A violence that doesn't only prove that opposite genders don't respect one other but also shows that a person belonging to a particular gender will always be ready to prove a point...
Published 10/26/20
We are different people with different journeys.
Published 09/22/20
Jealousy can block your blessings. Normalize being happy for other people when things go right... Your time is coming.
Published 08/23/20
Depression & Anxiety is real! Learn more about it. Get help as soon as possible!
Published 08/23/20
Self confidence is important. Many people have let opportunities pass them because of having no confidence at all. Change that! Have as much confidence as you can possibly have and more if you can have more.
Published 08/23/20
Listen to my podcast in order to get to know the definition of low self-esteem, it's negative effects and how you can improve your self-esteem.
Published 08/17/20
The healing process is hard. There are times whereby we feel like giving up. There are times whereby we feel like we have a lot to deal with. But that doesn't simply mean that we should give up. Yes, it is hard. But it doesn't simply mean that we should give up. Giving up is not the solution! The healing process can be as long as it wants, but we definitely not giving up.
Published 08/17/20
African spirituality is what many people avoid talking about. African spirituality has always been here in Africa and will continue to be here. African spirituality is truly holistic!
Published 08/17/20
Having a favorite child is normal but don't put it out there. You ruining your children's relationship by doing so.
Published 08/13/20
I talk about how many of us disrespect the single parent that raised us because of the other parent that was never there for us. THE OTHER PARENT WOULD HAVE BEEN A PART OF YOUR LIFE IF SHE/HE WANTED TO. Don't throw away a diamond for a mere rock.
Published 08/13/20
Don't be a victim of peer pressure. Some friends are not the sh*t.
Published 08/13/20
Few words to motivate you. Don't stop believing in God. Put your faith in Him.
Published 08/13/20