Happy New Year!! Yall!! The mission still continues! I brought you an amazing amazing share with loads of information as it pertains to birth, spirituality and postpartum! There is a thin veil between the spiritual world and the birthing world. Some women describe it as an out of body, experience, and a spiritual journey, and there’s so many gems 💎 shared! Please tune in and catch the latest episode. It’s sooo good!
Published 01/29/24
Published 01/29/24
In this episode I discuss how I have transitioned to help facilitate the healing process with the purpose of closing cycles, energetic fields and returning heat back to the body through the ritual and ceremonies of closing of the bones, womb steams and Haitian postpartum bath. ✨Ways to work with Bianca at BesouleBotaniques https://BesouleBotaniques.as.me/haitianbainbath Besoule Botaniques Shop —www.besoulebotaniques.com Love the podcast spread the love by leaving a review and/or...
Published 11/25/23
Womb healing is about accessing the energies of the cosmic mother and cleansing your bloodline. Womb Healing is spiritual, womb healing is about dismantling cycles of oppression. How was your mother treated when she was carrying you? What was her birth experience? Like was it at the hospital or was it at home? Was she loved on when she was pregnant with you or was she abused and mistreated while she was carrying you? Did she feel anxiety, or did she feel loved?
Published 11/14/23
Long overdue! Yall i apologize for the delayed episode but this is good! Listen in to understand your responsibility to womb wellness and how your COMMITMENT, gratitude and staying grounded is imperative to your womb experiences.
Published 11/14/23
So mush newness for our womb wellness goddesses, so many new ways of being, we are now being called to truly tap into who we truly are and we are learning to connect with our hearts and our emotions, so this episode dove a bit deep into the importance of confronting old emotions that us women keep tucked in deep into the depth of our wombs and silly of us to think that those emotions fleet and disappear only to reappear as disease in the body like cysts, fibroids, sadness, grief, and all the...
Published 09/01/23
Short recorded episode long overdue. Recorded on a Monday, on what goes in must come out. A sensual conversation on how to embody the energy of life through our foods and through sending love to our sacred space, our wombs. This episode is all about love! Tap in to a pleasurable conversation and learn ways to practically implement love into your day to day rituals even when life gets tough! Love is in the creation, the creative process, love is in the touching, smelling, holding, love is in...
Published 07/22/23
Last Night I discussed how womb healing helps to remove fear being held in my sacred space, fear stops us as women from going after what we want! We have to consistently be conscious about our birthing portals. Removing fear from my womb helped me manifest not only children but financial support for my business. Tapping into my sacred space helped me manifest 20k in 2021, listen to hear the story! It’s juicy it’s inspiring and also I create a space for you to take action right now! Take...
Published 05/30/23
Hey queens I’m back with another episode talking womb purpose and all the things! BesouleBotaniques is expanding because spirit said it’s time. It’s time to move, grow and expand the brand and business, so NEW OFFERINGS are being birthed through my magic yoni portal! When it comes to your womb desires you must be obedient to source, god, the most high, the universe, otherwise when not followed through we experience stagnation and road blocks within our lives. So much love 💕 today to you as...
Published 04/22/23
Black women deserve a tailored approach to BV diagnosis, treatment and prevention to address Unique needs! Black women have a more diverse less acidic vaginal flora than white women, leaving us more at risk. Stress is also a factor, stress reduces the abundance of healthy bacteria Lactobacillus in our, vaginas. We are genetically and inter generationally more at risk to higher levels of stress Tap in this live podcast episode it was giving what it needed to give in regards to us! It’s...
Published 03/07/23
Queen, if you desire to finally be BV, free, if you wanna get a handle of your chronic vaginal dryness, then let’s discuss a plan. A daily plan and or routine for the health of your vagina is required and recommended! The masculine is to do, to plan, to organize to strategize your pantry, to purchase your fruits in bulk ahead of time. The feminine is to feel, to smell, to enjoy the process of creation and juicing in the kitchen. Mix that up together to create a harmonious routine and stick to...
Published 02/27/23
Long overdue, but happy 2023 goddesses! This episode is a fun, short chat about the energy of 2023 and it’s numerological importance to giving us guidance and direction. I used my 7 year last year to tap into my spiritual healing gifts and intuition and because I followed accordingly I manifested, many opportunities this year to grow and. Expand in many ways! To get the year your in = personal year = birth month + birth date + current year = add all numbers up until you get a 1 digit number!...
Published 02/13/23
Have you associated the health of your yoni to be connected to the health of your gut!? Episode 11 we discuss a few things from the etymology of the word patient and why the medical system is secretly performing word spells on us women. Repeatedly going to the Obgyn for chronic back and forth yeast Infections, and bacterial vaginosis makes you a lifetime patient. The word is rooted and defined as a stranger who is passive and suffers and accepts interventions. That person does not sound...
Published 12/13/22
One cannot deny our family, nor our mothers legacy. When we confront our mothers’ stories and our mothers’ birth stories, we begin to move towards wholeness, otherwise we subconsciously repeat what they did and relive their pain. Cleansing our livers, cleansing our digestive organs will help us clear trauma from our bodies. It will help us clear old, angry, resentful, narrative’s and storylines from our Legacy. The liver is a digestive organ that holds our anger and rage. Spiritually our...
Published 11/06/22
Your ancestors 👑will be watching as you go through your initiations. Your ancestors want to see how bad do you want what you desire. Your traumas, your pains, exist so that you can see how powerful you are, are you willing to embody your specific trials and test? Are you going to give thanks and gratitude to the ones that have come before you? Before you can create you have to shed and shedding ain’t always easy, let me tell you whooo!!! In this episode we discuss my initiation, which was in...
Published 09/14/22
In this episode we discuss the importance of being open to receiving your blessings and the things that you desire. The feminine energy receives information both physically and spiritually. She then takes the information; the energetic exchange and acts! She acts boldly and doesn’t double back, she’s fearless because her guidance came through from her spirit guides, her ancestors and gut intuitive feelings. Everything or the possibilities are aligned. When you put a desire out into the...
Published 09/08/22
In this episode with Wake Up Your Womb we discuss how when we as woman are aware of the foods we put in our bodies, knowing the womb eats and absorbs energy, we are more intentional about the sacred spirit aspect of our wombs. We discuss the connection between grounding our bodies and our sensual sacred feminine energy, because a comfortable woman who feels protected and rooted can send high vibrational energy to her sacral, pelvic, womb chakra and reproductive systems with ease. We also...
Published 07/10/22
In this episode I cover: 1. cleaning your home ,your room, your closet, underneath your bed. 2. The deeper you clean the more potent the healing. 3. Masking our pains with purchases, buying, things/material 4. The pains of our ancestors can either heal or hurt us 5. Addicted to trauma and pain, not cleaning deep and the risks
Published 05/28/22
In this episode we discuss how you can Birth souls like our ancient ancestors did by simply planning and executing how you want to give birth. I also discuss the importance of community and help as we deserve to be well rested postpartum to heal. Benefits of getting a doula for both birth and postpartum is highly recommended.
Published 04/17/22
Hey goddess! Listen to the latest podcast episode on how I experienced this diagnosis, (self diagnosed) and finally got relief from plant medicine, in depth. If you are experiencing VULVODYNIA symptoms: Dry Pussy Painful sex (vaginal canal opening) Burning sensation outside of vagina and after sex Vulva inflammation Vaginal Irritation Vaginal Itch. If you are interested in healing this diagnosis or vaginal issue naturally you may wanna catch this! Screenshot this episode and Tag me at...
Published 03/07/22
A short episode that came directly from the heart and higher source within me to share with you. The reason why you are attracted to womb wellness and womb wisdom lies within the words of these affirmations. We have work to do sistars! Sending love and also this serves as a reminder. Screenshot and Tag this episode on Instagram if you feel called to @besoulebotaniques
Published 02/27/22
I haven’t recorded in a while because My mother recently passed in January and the main theme that has been coming up is heart healing. Journey with me through this conversation about how the healthy menstruation, mental wellness and fertility are highly dependent on the state of your Heart. Tending to your heart is how we can transform pain, loss, and heartbreak into our magic and our purpose in life.
Published 02/13/22
In this episode we talk about magnetizing the energy of feminine embodiment and fertility. Tune in to find out how I had my first baby and created a soul aligned business to help other women cleanse their wombs and heal their vaginas, the holistic natural way. Don’t forget to follow @besoulebotaniques WEBSITE https://www.besoulebotaniques.com
Published 12/26/21