Not everyone approaches grief with the compassion needed. Some reactions can be so hurtful and upsetting they can bring up anger we never knew we had and sometimes the loss in and of itself can spiral us into deep depression and a sea of endless thought and longing for those we miss the most. This episode was not the easiest to flow through and record at many points I lost my train of thought or just plainly wanted to cry so there will be a part two when I feel called to continue it because...
Published 11/21/23
Are you approachable or do you think you’re beyond reproach? Is a convo with you a safe space or a battleground? Hunni … in short can people get through to you are is it a nightmare? Join me on this episode to get down to the nitty gritty of how remaining open and not taking it all so personally can really be the key to propelling ourselves into greater success, fulfilment and overall joy! Let’s get into it 🤗✨🪄
Published 11/16/23
Published 11/16/23
Often we know exactly what’s for us and what’s not but we spend so much time ignoring ourselves sometimes that we become numb to the signs signals and warnings our bodies send us to alert us that whatever we are doing ain’t for us or at least not any more or not right now. This episode explores some signals our bodies send us when it’s time for change. Intuitively we know, we’ve got to stop suppressing the signs when the body “talks”, it’s time to listen.
Published 10/26/23
Looking for support and validation from expected yet incapable sources can be one of the toughest pills to swallow and dealing with it can most definitely get the best of us. I’ve dealt with this a lot and I’m still learning but who says I can share my findings as I grow so hopefully we can grow together. Enjoy 🤍
Published 10/25/22
You may not understand them, you may have a hard time establishing your gem but I assure you we ALL need them and equally importantly we ALL neeeeeeed to respect them. In this episode I uncover why we lack boundaries how to keep them and why they matter so much. Remember to like share and subscribe it helps this podcast immensely!
Published 09/23/22
I’m definitely a woman of metaphors and connecting the dots is a tool I utilise for growth. I am highly comparative and that sometimes really helps me deduce massive and crucial lessons from sometimes what might be deemed as very simple situations. This episode touches on everything from imposter syndrome to internal glass ceilings, to how judgmental preconceived notions can really impede our ability to see peoples’ truth and even our own. My journey has taught me so much and I hope it can...
Published 07/07/22
Who do you choose to be around? Does your day to day bring you any semblance of joy, peace, or whatever fulfils you ? Are you in autopilot mode or are you actually assessing what you need ? These elements truly change our quality of life join me on todays episode to figure out how to improve how your life feels 🤍
Published 02/04/22
Yeah yeah yeah resolutions and vision boards are everywhere and they’re beautiful but mindset? Child, mindset definitely matters and often it’s what’s going to make the vision board vision, a reality… and isn’t that what we actually want? The reality and not just the visualisation? Join me on this episode to learn better ways to navigate ourselves- the how and the why. No more lowering the bar to feel “satisfied”. We are setting the precedent and riding the wave, even if the current shifts...
Published 01/11/22
The intensity of living on the hamster wheel, so to speak, is one of the most distracting ways that we seek to reach success. Join me on a short journey to a less robotic more fulfilling approach to an easier view of life.
Published 12/01/21
Are you one of those people who picks up things ahead of time then questions yourself because you want to give things the benefit of the doubt even though you know you know better? Well this is the episode for you.
Published 11/15/21
Do you ever feel like you dare my belong in the room so you don’t even try even though when you think about you’re exactly what the room may need? … well hunny this one is for you.
Published 10/26/21
We’ve all been there… assessing our competitors more than we lean into our strengths. The irony is that what sets us apart and keeps things flowing is actually the magic that is in us. So if you’ve ever felt like you had to be better and do better for you or what you’re doing to be valid have a listen. This one’s for you.
Published 10/21/21
So many of us are currently at our wits end and completely over the shutdowns, lack of work, lack of love, lack of desires being fulfilled etc and just of feeling lesser than or dissatisfied with where we are at. This pod outlines some great little tips to begin to shift our realities to a different truth that can often be more beneficial for us and definitely can help us to process life and it’s situations more healthily, especially when we feel like we are at the end of “hope road”.
Published 03/29/21
Leave out the the self doubt and tap ( back ) into the self belief, the confidence you never imagined you could have or that you lost touch with for a while. At the very least, remind yourself of what’s for you, who you are and what the hell you came here to do. This is a pod about reconnecting to how incredible we each are individually minus the opinions that made us believe otherwise. Happy New Year! It’s time to reconnect to some good energy 💎.
Published 01/05/21
So much to tell you in this episode. I discussed the windy path to entrepreneurship, self discoveries, what happens after anxiety and how to keep going after you’ve gotten started. The journey truly matters ! Listen for more.
Published 07/12/20
You’ve talked yourself out of ideas a million times or you’ve started and stopped or perhaps a whole lot more than you’d prefer to admit, or you’re scared to even give it a go to begin with. You may want to start in the perfect conditions or create an optimal environment or even an optimal you but sometimes you just gotta hit the gas pedal and press accelerate on your life or that particulate project or area. Fear and PERFECTIONISM and simply not feeling ready can be exceptionally paralyzing...
Published 04/29/20
With so many different moods and levels of panic in the air how do we tap back into creating the right energy for us to stay sane and survive the endless information overloads and emotional overloads coming our way? Join me on the pod for a perp into my experiences and how I’ve been dealing day to day.
Published 04/15/20
Hey there I want to take a moment to share this soothing exercise to release the bad vibes that may surround us at times and tap into a much more calm state of mind. A part caring for our immune systems is making sure our mind is right so join me to soothe your mind and release the tension you might be holding in your body. Remember, healthy mind, healthy body.
Published 03/24/20
Let’s face it, most of the world is at least a little bit worried right now and understandably so, but what can we do in times like these to calm our stress and ease our pandemic stresses ? I’ve got a few tips ❤️.
Published 03/15/20
Nicole and I sit and chat candidly about life, entrepreneurship, careers, marriage, and a whole lot more. Join us for more the second half is lit!
Published 03/09/20
Ever felt like you’re not where you need to be ? Or as if you’re not getting what you want and to where you want to be quickly enough? In this episode I uncover how all these expectations impact us and what to do when you’re feeling like you’ve wasted time or aren’t getting to your goals and desires quickly enough.
Published 02/26/20
In this episode I touch on a rude awakening on how stress can really damage the body. Some of us give until we are empty and don’t know how to fill back up and feel selfish for setting certain necessary boundaries. It’s time to put yourself first a little more for a change(one step at a time of course), show yourself a little more kindness and compassion and don’t go lighting yourself on fire in order to keep others warm. Self Compassion matters so much ! Let’s talk about how to break this...
Published 02/19/20
Let’s get real - So many of us aren’t as satisfied with various areas of our lives and love is often a pretty big gray area for so many people ( even those who pretend it’s not ). The big question is “ Why? Why aren’t we satisfied?” The reality is there are so many reasons why. Whether you’ve lost love, been hurt, given up or just feel completely beat down by the whole concept I wanna share a couple things with you. I can’t tell you not to hurt but I can show you some other ways to deal with...
Published 02/12/20
I finally did it ! The #WakeUpToWisdom Podcast is finally here and I’m so excited about this journey. I have no clue where it will take us but I know it will be fantastic. What better way to kick things off than to explore what it means to start by actually starting. To start where we are is to learn a whole lot more about who we are. Yet ... so many of us never even get going. Join me on this journey to explore why you need to get started right now and keep starting over and over again.
Published 02/05/20