Can you be a professional-super-talented photographer and filmmaker at only 21 years old? Yes! If you're like Alexandra, also known on Instagram as Lostinayaland. She and I talked about her background, how she discovered photography and learnt how to use a camera without going to college for it... And how she managed to become the artist she is now, while studying architecture. Yes. That's a lot. We then discussed what makes a video good, storytelling, editing... And tons of other interesting...
Published 11/11/19
An anecdote, tons of examples, mentions of old French authors, new media moguls, as well as basic probabilities analysis... What's not to love about this episode? I wanted to make a whole Tide episode about the importance of self belief and how confidence in your ability to do something is the basis of any form of success... So I did it!
Published 10/28/19
Erin Michele Soto came to LA with a plan: She was going to make a living off dancing and acting. But an accident shook up her life plans as she had to quit dancing altogether, forcing her to realize a few things about herself: Although she liked dancing, she never had a true passion for it. She just knew how to make money off of it and saw it as a stable source of income... But on the other side was a burning desire to become an actor. Here's how she won Best Actress at Film Fest LA and...
Published 10/21/19
Christina Sturgeon is a talented actor and dancer and GREAT podcast guest! She and I started by talking about her job and the movie industry in general. But that's not all! Christina told us her story, how she found her passion for dancing and acting, before talking about concepts like manifestation and how important it is for you to believe in your own ability to do something to actually achieve it.
Published 10/14/19
In this episode, Maia Sancia tells us about her purpose as a manifestation coach. She explains why she became one, when and how she decided to suddenly quit her nine to five job and completely change her life... And obviously teaches us all about Manifestation and the law of attraction! She gives us a six-step method to help us manifest our biggest dreams and life goals before experimenting on yours truly, to show how one can manifest the love of his life. I'm really hoping this one works.
Published 10/07/19
Amy Suto tells us how she got in touch with her creativity at a young age and kept exploring it through her writing before studying screenwriting at USC... And finally becoming the professional writer she is. She writes for the LA Times, creates her own shows, gives classes... And much more. But as logical as it sounds, her journey has also been very tough at some point as she had to work VERY hard to make it that far that fast. So pay attention to her story and her creativity-enhancing tips!...
Published 09/30/19
After our first interview last November, I still had a lot of questions for Hannah Siddiqui. For example, what it is like to be a creative person and how to deal with your emotion. Then we progressively got into the business side of it all. We actually talked money, which is usually a big taboo for everyone but maybe even more in the creative industry. But we got to this topic when Hannah said a phrase that caught my attention: It's important to know your worth.
Published 09/16/19
Haters' gonna hate hate hate hate... What if I used DJ Khaled and Taylor Swift to talk about "haters" and how the way we deal with negativity impacts our life AND our chances of success? Well funny you should ask cause that's exactly what I did here! I used remembrances of that time I interviewed hypnotherapist Stephanie Kwong as well as personal experiences to see what haters are and who "haters" are. "They don't want us to succeed" says DJ Khaled. "Wait but who is "they"?!" replies a very...
Published 09/09/19
As an olympic skier, Victor White has had to prove his determination to succeed in several occasion. First he had to win competitions to get noticed by professionals, then come back after serious injuries, and finally deal with some awful personal hardships. Despite all of these, he's always managed to get back on his feet and look forward. In this interview, he tells us about how he managed to do all that at only 22 years old, and shares what helps him stay focused and find motivation when...
Published 06/10/19
As Sly says it herself: she, like many of my guests, wears many hats. From her life as an entrepreneur, to her new podcast, but also working as a dancer and even appearing in a hit movie... She's done MANY different things. So it was great to talk to her and try to understand more about her journey. Sly told us about the way she manages her time to increase her efficiency when working from home, how she finds clients, her different marketing strategies... And tons of other tips for...
Published 05/27/19
My recent conversations with Stephanie Kwong and Celinne Da Costa had a great impact on my life and helped me identify many of my bad habits, understand them and get rid of them... So I thought I would use these discussions to try and answer the question "How To Get To Know Yourself?" Both of these amazing women have a lot to teach us and approach this issue in their own way, making it possible for us to understand it even better! Remember to follow Waves Podcast on Instagram @wavespodcast!
Published 05/20/19
Laura Rigon is an amazingly nice actor who lives between Melbourne and Los Angeles, also working as a model sometimes. She was kind enough to answer my questions in this super long episode of Waves Podcast. We talked about a looot of things but the main one was obviously her experience as an actor. She told me how she discovered acting, theater, why she decided to go to LA to look for new jobs, and shared a lot of interesting tips on how to start as an actor in the US coming from a different...
Published 05/14/19
Celinne used to work a 9 to 5 job she didn't love that much, and realized it was slowly killing her creativity, until she decided to drop everything and go travel. For a year, she slept on friends' couches all around the world and met people from very different cultures. In this episode, she tells us all about her experience, how it changed her life and helped her start her business as a storyteller... And much more! She also shares tips on how to use your "low energy moments" to create more...
Published 05/06/19
In this episode Stephanie Kwong talks about how to see if your beliefs are holding you down, how to identify and question them constantly to update your mind AND so many tips on how to convince your subconscious that you CAN do what you want! As a hypnotherapist and mindset coach, she knows a lot about how the human brain works and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage to grow and to feel better! We talked about Gary Vaynerchuk, brain waves and a lot more so please go ahead and have...
Published 04/15/19
This week's episode is about the comfort zone! I used a quote from one of my favorite songs to explore that matter, going from what is a comfort zone, the different levels it can have, why you may want to get out of it... And then took a different point of view for those who have already left it and are already succeeding: How not to fall back in it and how to beat nostalgia of former comfort.
Published 03/11/19
What does "choosing" not to care mean? And what does it imply? Should we just pretend we don't care? These are some questions I answer in this episode, in the hope that it might help you not only succeed as a creative or entrepreneur, but also feel better as a human being.
Published 03/04/19
How to start comedy, making jokes as an introvert and the difference between doing stand-up and stripping... These are a few answers Shereen Kassam AKA The Funny Brown Girl brings us in this episode. She tells us about her creative journey and why she went from a corporate career to comedy. An inspiring story that proves one thing: It's never too late to start being creative. Shereen also tells us about her amazing podcast Creative Breakthrough, one of my favorite in the game, before focusing...
Published 02/25/19
I recently realized while talking to a friend that we don't all find our passion as easily... So me and that friend had a chat about it and I summed up as clearly as I could. I shared my experience and how I personally found my creative "voice" and how natural it was... And then I focused on what my friend told me, as she is still trying to figure out what is her passion, what is that thing she wants to do. The gist? Try things. Focus on your interests, stick with a few and see if they turn...
Published 02/18/19
This week's episode of Waves Podcast is a bonus one! No guests, just me talking about something I find important... And as we get closer to Valentine's Day, I thought we should talk about something related to it. So I basically tried to explain the sentence "blabla are trash", said by women, then men and showed that everybody's just as "trash"... Plus what is "trash" even? Who decides what's trash behaviour? Isn't the problem a simple lack of communication? Spoiler alert: It might, and the...
Published 02/11/19
Youtuber Andrew James tells us about his journey as an artist, from his first video at 13 years old, to reaching 110,000 subscribers at only 17! He talks about creativity, motivation, starting making tutorials and seeing his channel blow up... Before getting into more personal and "serious" topics like bullying, finding his voice through filmmaking and what he thinks is the key to succeed on YouTube.
Published 02/04/19
In this episode of Waves Podcast, Francis James, actor and lead singer of Suspicious Minds, tells us about his journey, his band and opens up on various other topics. From his passion for music, to the link between self love, mental wellness and success, we dealt with all the usual self improvement and personal growth topics without even noticing. Oh and, peace of mind and emotions function the exact same way whether you are using them "at work" by creating music... Or not. So you might find...
Published 01/28/19
Through his personal experience, anecdotes and life stories, Sober takes us on the journey that made him the artist he is now. From his passion for travels, to relationships, and obviously his love for music, the young rapper shares his thoughts on life and on what being an artist means to him. Honesty and vulnerability are the keys of this incredibly inspiring, motivating and soothing episode of Waves Podcast. A source of knowledge on well-being, life balance and peace of mind for everybody...
Published 01/21/19
Funnily enough, I thought this episode of Waves Podcast would be different from the others. More technical, less spiritual... Well it wasn't! Turns out if you want to manage your money well, you need to manage yourself well. Be at peace and feel good. Then you can invest. That's what Aleise Kay taught us, before getting into the different steps you can take, the tools you can use to start investing your savings. Well-being is the key here again!
Published 01/14/19
In this episode of Waves Podcast, I share my view on New Year's Resolutions and why I don't really care for them. To me, it is a lot easier to undertake such changes during Spring or Summer, as it highly increases my chances to make them last longer. Otherwise, they'll turn into "re-solutions" that I will take again in 2020... But it's up to you obviously! If you love winter, go for it! Take as many resolutions as you can! But I know I should wait a little and avoid social media in the...
Published 01/07/19