Employing true critical thinking in our current cultural environment requires no small measure of courage. Our guest today, Fr. Raymond de Souza, is no stranger to making his thoughts known in the public sphere as one of the longest standing columnists for the National Post (among countless other titles and accolades). Father de Souza shares with Jake and Brett his proudest commentaries published by the paper, how his critical thinking was developed at the family dinner table, and the...
Published 10/19/22
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Navy SEAL? How do SEALs stay the course under the most brutal circumstances and what can we learn from them as men living in our own arenas? In this episode, Jake and Brett sit down with Sam Blair, a trained and experienced SEAL who shares the importance of being called to your work, how excellence comes down to training, and why knowing your why is the secret to persevering when things get tough.     Guiding Quote:   He who has a why to live...
Published 10/05/22
Do you feel disillusioned by the state of the world? Are you feeling lukewarm in your faith? Jake and Brett talk to Peter Herbeck of Renewal Ministries about judgment, the grinding down of truth, redemption and hope. Peter shares pieces of his own story and how he is unafraid of dark places and hard things because of what Christ has done for him. Peter Herbeck is the Executive Vice President of Renewal Ministries, a leading voice in evangelization and renewal throughout the world.   ...
Published 09/21/22
Jake and Brett share their highs and lows of the summer, and introduce the theme for Season 12: Men in the Arena. Over the next few weeks, we’ll hear from five men who are living ‘in the arena,’ including a Navy SEAL, a priest and columnist for a major publication, a ministry leader, a priest engaged in parish renewal, and a high-level business executive. Jake and Brett explain what made them choose to interview each man, and tease some surprising turns in the conversations.    Guiding...
Published 09/07/22
In this final episode of Way of the Heart before a summer hiatus, Jake and Brett discuss the feelings that the summer evokes for them and what this says about the Father’s heart.   Key Points   Brett recounts a hilarious story about a mistake at the hair salon The feelings that summer brings up for Jake Brett’s experience of family and summer at his friend’s cabin The Father wants us to enjoy and live a full life The deeper things that Jake connects with through riding his motorcycle The...
Published 06/27/22
In a recent conversation, Jake had an image come to mind of planets revolving around the sun, except instead of planets they were people, and instead of the sun, Jesus was at the centre of everything. Jake and Brett spend the episode breaking open that analogy and putting into perspective why saying that ‘you’re not the centre of the universe’ is an invitation to a rightly-ordered life rather than a judgement.    Guiding Quote:   “You are not the centre of the universe” - Jake Khym   ...
Published 06/13/22
Jake and Brett have a rich conversation covering everything from the principle of asceticism, to how true self-actualization is found in Christ, to what it means for us to be living in what George Weigel describes as the ‘Age of Witness’. The hosts challenge us to consider what captures our attention and time, and reveal how giving up good things to pursue something greater can offer us freedom and intimacy in our friendship with Christ.   Guiding Quote:   It would seem that Our Lord...
Published 05/30/22
Jake and Brett look back at one hundred episodes of the Way of the Heart by sharing favourite episodes, what they wish they’d talked about more, and how they’ve watched each other grow over the past four years. The show wraps up with some unscripted feedback as the men offer each other words of encouragement and observations about potential blindspots. As always, the show is a window into the brotherhood the two share, and a blueprint to help navigate the way of the heart. To celebrate our...
Published 05/16/22
If you’ve ever listened to the podcast and wondered, “What on earth do they mean by ‘orphan mentality’ or ‘foxhole friends’?” then this episode is for you. Jake and Brett zoom out to explain some of the vernacular they use regularly on the show. Whether you’re a faithful listener or new to the Way of the Heart, this episode is full of a-ha moments as they provide context to terms like the foxhole, wounds, scripts, performance orientation, and orphan.    Key Points   The foxhole: in...
Published 05/02/22
Why does it matter to know and define our personal values? Jake and Brett argue that discovering our personal value system can help us understand and live God’s unique design for our lives. Whether we have taken the time to define our core values or not, we all live out of an unspoken code. The more we seek to live a well-ordered life and come to understand what makes us tick, the better we can fulfill our unique mission in the world..   Guiding Quote:   But let your word 'yes be 'yes,'...
Published 04/18/22
Jake and Brett continue the conversation from last episode about what’s going on in the culture. The topics on the table are “cancel culture” and the digitization of everything, but most importantly how these trends affect the way of the heart.   Guiding Quote:   “The Church has always had the duty of scrutinizing the signs of the times and interpreting them in light of the Gospel.” - Gaudium Et Spes (4)     Key Points Shoutout to Forte Catholic - thanks for editing our show! Why we...
Published 04/04/22
Bishop Scott McCaig, CC is back to share what he sees happening on a heart-level in our culture today. If we want to truly live the way of the heart, we have to understand the culture we’re living in instead of burying our heads in the sand. Then, we must engage there from a place of love. Join us for an enlightening conversation that closes with a challenge and a dose of hope.    Guiding Quote: Faith and Reason are like two wings of the human spirit by which it soars to the truth. - St....
Published 03/21/22
Show Notes:   Jake and Brett welcome Bishop Scott McCaig, CC back onto the podcast to revisit a quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church that addresses the way of the heart. They each share reflections on the heart as a place of authenticity, decision and encounter. The Catechism describes the heart as “the dwelling-place of where I am.” If we want to live in full freedom, we must understand our own hearts. This episode is a great place to start.   Guiding Quote:   The heart is...
Published 03/07/22
In this episode of the Way of the Heart, we host special guest Bishop Scott McCaig, CC. We dialogue about discerning the internal critic and what voices belong to the enemy, the self, and the Holy Spirit. We discuss how the enemy and the self often condemn us, whereas the Holy Spirit lovingly convicts us of the truth that brings about good fruit in our lives. We distinguish that condemnation leads to shame, but conviction leads to repentance and hope. We also focus on the need to experience...
Published 02/21/22
Jake revisits his low from the last episode, which revolves around friendship dynamics and his shortcomings. Brett presses into the recent and humbling experience Jake had with an old friend, and the two launch into a discussion about the power of self-awareness, safety and virtue when you’re experiencing relational drift with a friend. This is heart-level stuff, but as Jake says, it’s important to engage at this level if you don’t want to be an a*****e (plus, Navy SEALs aren’t afraid of...
Published 02/07/22
Brett’s low this week leads to an extended conversation about the internal critic, a diminishing voice that tends to show up when we least want it to: during a work meeting, right before an important exam or in an important conversation with a loved one. Where does the diminisher come from and how can we tell the voice of the enemy from the voice of God? Brett and Jake share their reflections and offer suggestions about how we can react maturely in ways that draw us back to reality and our...
Published 01/24/22
As men, we often find it difficult to look at our woundedness and need for healing. Why is that, and what can we do to engage the process better in this important area? In this episode, renowned Catholic psychologist Dr. Bob Schuchts joins Jake and Brett to discuss healing in a deeply personal way. The three men share examples of healing in their own lives, and Dr. Bob helps Jake work through a childhood memory live on the episode. You can hear more from Dr. Bob and Jake on their podcast,...
Published 01/10/22
Loneliness is epidemic among men today. The thing is, we’re not meant to live without deep friendship. Join Jake and Brett as they get real about the strength they’ve found in their own friendship and how they have intentionally invested in it over time. They share why every man needs true brothers who will walk with them through the trenches of life, and how to go about building friendships like that.     Key Quote: Be a son. Love the process. Close the gap.    Key Points Jake asks...
Published 12/27/21
In today’s episode, Brett and Jake engage with deep questions of the heart as they discuss the shrinking church. While they begin by citing Canadian stats, this trend is evident in other Western countries. Brett and Jake address why it is that culturally speaking, Jesus isn’t seen as relevant anymore. They also share some thoughts on why it’s crucial that the Church as a whole accepts a share in the responsibility of this downward trend. The following episode does not seek to provide all the...
Published 12/13/21
How often do we pause to think about how we’re spending our time? Are the things that are taking up our attention truly making us feel alive? In this episode, Jake and Brett explore a list of the things they turn to for life. Naturally, prayer, close relationships and sports make the list, but there are also a few surprises!   Key Quote: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” - John 14:6   Key Points What we mean when we say, “What gives you life?” The misunderstanding of...
Published 11/29/21
Now is not a very popular time to be a Catholic. The culture which was once steeped in Christian ideals is now hostile to those same ideals and beliefs. In this episode, Jake and Brett discuss a book that’s currently taking the Catholic world by storm which can help us understand this shift. “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” is a short and pithy book that’s easy to read and extremely relevant, giving us a lens through which to understand how the Church fits into the current culture. The...
Published 11/15/21
Our lives are increasingly distracted, and our constantly connected state can threaten to overwhelm us. Jake and Brett discuss how the art of benevolent detachment can help you ‘get your life back’ and stay focused on what’s most important. Benevolent detachment allows us to re-prioritize our time to be more loving and frees us from self-reliance. It can help us to live happier and holier lives.   Guiding Scripture: "Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7   Key...
Published 11/02/21
We all have times in our life where the stress piles up and the tasklist seems endless. This week, Jake and Brett go down an unscripted route as they dive a little deeper into the reasons behind our desire to control as men. They talk about how to handle busy seasons as a man of God, how to find some sanity and learn the important difference between domination and dominion.    Connect with Way of the Heart: Facebook: @wayoftheheartpodcast Instagram: @wayoftheheartpodcast Website:...
Published 10/18/21
This week, Jake and Brett take a special, extended look at their highs and lows. They both share great stories of what God is doing for them in their families and what new adventures they’re tackling at the moment. They also share about challenges due to Covid, election season and returning to school. We are all still dealing with the difficulties of a stressful and disunified time in our world and we hope this conversation reminds you that you're not alone.    Connect with Way of the...
Published 10/04/21
In this second part of a conversation with Fr. Richard Conlin about winning the battle of the mind, Jake and Brett discuss how to prepare for the battle of the mind before it even begins. Preparations include spending time in prayer, immersing yourself in scripture and surrounding yourself with allies. The three men share common scenarios that men find themselves in and how to change thought patterns during these crucial moments.   Connect with Way of the Heart: Facebook:...
Published 09/20/21