Published 10/19/21
Allie Casazza, the life minimalist and author of Declutter Like a Mother, joins me today and we chat about getting rid of the excess stuff in our lives, homes and hearts so we can make room for what matters most. Allie and I discuss contentment vs. consumerism; what minimalism looks like as a mom; what decluttering has to do with faith; practical ways to live a simple life; and why capsule wardrobes aren’t for everyone! Do you consider yourself a minimalist? Maybe you’ll want to after this...
Published 10/19/21
We know mental health is vital but how do we implement those practices and teach our kids to do the same? I chatted with Michelle Nietert about the warning signs we’re not okay and what to do when our brains, bodies and hearts (and our kids’) are in need of some TLC and healing.
Published 07/08/21
The hard parts of our stories are more than just that; if we look close enough, we’ll see there’s so much beauty, strength and goodness to be discovered within ourselves. Mary Marantz, author of Dirt, joins me to chat about facing our pasts and allowing them to positively shape our futures.
Published 06/28/21
Friendships are important but they’re not always easy. Jeanette and I chat about honesty, intentionality, vulnerability and expectations in friendships. Isolating ourselves and thinking we can do it on our own is for the birds. We need our friends! Listen in, laugh with us and be encouraged to be a good friend and let your friends love you back, too.
Published 06/09/21
We have a creative God. And artist Courtney Kibby Cooper believes the beauty and creativity He’s given us (in the world and within ourselves) can help us heal and grow our appreciation for the beauty and good gifts in our lives. 
Published 05/19/21
Adoption is an incredible gift but it’s also born out of loss. Julie Zihong, an adult Chinese adoptee, shares about the common questions and emotions that come with adoption. She speaks honestly about dealing with feelings of abandonment, finding your identity in Jesus and offers encouragement for adoptive families.
Published 04/27/21
How do we change our perspective on instant gratification? How do we embrace the long winter seasons of our lives? Jennifer says, “Time is our friend,” and rather than fighting it, there’s so much goodness, healing and harvest that comes from Growing Slow. Listen in as we talk all about un-hurrying our hearts.
Published 04/13/21
What does it look like to have a no Plan B kind of faith? Are we really relying solely on God to make His Plan A happen? And what do you do if your Plan A falls through? Listen in as founder of Coffee + Crumbs Ashlee Gadd and I chat about faith, fears and all the good going on behind the scenes whether our plans come to fruition or not.
Published 03/23/21
We know how to put physical things where they belong, like bread left out on the counter or toothpaste in the drawer, but what about the emotional and spiritual things? Are we taking time to bring those things to God? Listen in as Sonya and I chat about how to practice putting things where they belong.
Published 03/09/21
Neidy Hess shares about what it was like to grow up in the United States as an undocumented citizen and the shame she carried with her because of that label. We talk about generational sin, poverty, the hardships of parenting and ultimately, how the love of Jesus can wipe clean all feelings of unworthiness, no matter what the circumstance.
Published 02/23/21
Are you spending more time on your phone than reading your Bible, talking to God or hanging out with friends and family? Do you pick up your phone every chance you have a spare second? It might be time for The 40-Day Social Media Fast. Listen in as Wendy and I chat about signs you might need a fast; the hardest about it; and the immediate and long-term effects of laying down social media for Jesus.
Published 11/24/20
Why do we feel like we have to have it all under control all the time? How do we adopt a different mindset, the truth, that God has it all under control so we don’t have to? Author Jennifer Dukes Lee, a self-proclaimed recovering control freak, shares valuable and practical information on how we can let go, let God be God and make the most with what He’s given us.
Published 11/17/20
Anxiety. We’ve all had it. Maybe you have it right now? It’s crippling, daunting and real. So, how do we acknowledge it, validate it but not let it rule our hearts or lives? Scarlet Hiltibidal shares how fear and anxiety played a big role in her childhood, college years and early motherhood and how she faces those things today. If you’ve ever felt anxious about anything, this one’s for you.
Published 11/10/20
How do we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus in the midst of all the feelings of 2020? What is the hardest part about keeping an eternal perspective...from day-to-day challenges all the way up to the big, life-changing events? Rebecca George says we need to redirect our hearts and minds back to God and she helps us do so with scripture and practical advice.
Published 11/03/20
How do we create a Christ-centered home for our children without putting unnecessary pressure on ourselves as parents? Jessica Smartt encourages us to steer clear of technology; let boredom come without trying to entertain it away; and spend time and energy creating traditions and memories with our kids.
Published 10/27/20
Adventuring together with your kids builds the best kind of connections. You don’t have to climb mountains or even like camping, but Greta Eskridge is convinced we need to break free from routine and escape the comforts of our homes with our kids. Listen in as we chat about adventuring (including some unexpected ways to adventure), homeschooling and connecting with our kids.
Published 10/21/20
We live a lot of our lives living in the in-between. Waiting for husbands and homes and babies and jobs and so much more. What are you waiting for right now, friend? Are you living your best life while you wait? What is God teaching you? How is He showing up? Tune in as Jess and I chat about the challenges and rewards of living in the in-between.
Published 10/13/20
You might not be biracial, but I bet you know someone who is. Join me as Korean American storyteller Tasha Jun brings light and insight into what it’s like to grow up in a multicultural home; misconceptions about mixed race women; how to embrace the place where cultures collide; and how faith intersects with ethnic identity.
Published 10/06/20
Maybe you’re tired of trying to be someone you’re not in this extroverted culture we live in? Maybe you need some space or solitude but you’re not giving yourself permission to take it? Maybe you’re looking for a way to make the most of who God created you to be, as an empathetic, observant introvert? Wall Street Journal bestselling author Holley Gerth joins me to talk about the powerful purpose of introverts.
Published 09/29/20
What happens when we try to put on a brave face or live fearlessly? The hard stuff still comes. It’s time to get honest with ourselves about the root of our fears. It’s time to look upward and live out God’s command to “fear the Lord.” For when we do, our troubles look and feel different, knowing we can trust Him.
Published 09/22/20
What is Biblical obedience? Why do we do what God says? And, how do we hear Him in the first place? Join me as Christian blogger Shanté Grossett and I chat about what obedience looks like in our own lives; when we’ve been resistant to God’s guidance; and the goodness that comes from walking in daily obedience.
Published 09/08/20
How do we hold plans loosely? How do we approach God with our hopes and desires and at the same time let go of expectations of how we think things sho®®†uld go? Listen in as Brooke and I talk about what it looks like when life doesn’t go according to our plans and how those times are actually an opportunity for us to grow closer to Jesus.
Published 08/25/20
Are you taking care of yourself? Are you making time to create art, community, therapy (or anything else you know you need), or are you too busy to take the time to write, draw, process, connect and heal? Join Josefina as she shares her journey, why she believes art is so important in healing and why she’s eager to remind you that you are worthy of care.
Published 08/19/20
How does raising a child with Down syndrome change you? How can we have more empathy for families who have kids with disabilities? What is a mom’s greatest fear and hope for her child who has Down syndrome? Jillian Benfield shares her family’s story and her heart on all of this in Ep. 046.
Published 08/12/20