It’s Seasonal Thursday and I’m so excited to have you here today. Welcome to the We Nurture Podcast with me, your host, Chinyelu. Today, I’ll be talking about the benefits of creating a summer seasonal table for you and your child. Waldorf Education calls it a nature table and it is all about creating nature scenes that reflect what is happening outside in nature, during that season. I’ll speak to you about how a seasonal table opens up opportunities for creativity, engagement, bonding,...
Published 07/14/22
Welcome to a new episode on The We Nurture Podcast! Today is Inspirational Wednesday, and I will be talking about five Waldorf-inspired practices that I believe will help you cultivate a more balanced, nourishing lifestyle for your family (and for you too!). No matter your parenting situation, looking after little ones is no easy task. While focusing on the five practices, which are self-care, rhythm (one of my favorites!), daily routines, family values, home life and connecting with nature,...
Published 07/13/22
Welcome back to another bountiful episode of blossoming Tuesday on the We Nurture Podcast. I’m your host, Chinyelu. Today, I talk about how you can use stories to calm your child when they are distressed. Your child could be agitated due to a break from routine or nervous about an upcoming event. In any case, stories are a way to capture your child’s attention and imagination, in an effort to bring calm to a situation. I will tell you how descriptive language is great for early childhood...
Published 07/12/22
Welcome back to another bountiful episode of blossoming Tuesday on the We Nurture Podcast. I’m your host, Chinyelu. Today, I talk about how you can use stories to calm your child when they are distressed. Your child could be agitated due to a break from routine or nervous about an upcoming event. In any case, stories are a way to capture your child’s attention and imagination, in an effort to bring calm to a situation. I will tell you how descriptive language is great for early childhood...
Published 07/12/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Mindful Monday, and I will be discussing why giving a child a timeout doesn’t work. Timeouts, which are ineffective and punitive, never serve their intended purpose. While delving deep into the topic, I explain why we need to change our perception of dealing with negative behavior, and how by doing this, we create an opportunity to support our children, connect with them, and build a relationship. I try to help you understand the...
Published 07/11/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Mindful Monday, and I will be discussing why giving a child a timeout doesn’t work. Timeouts, which are ineffective and punitive, never serve their intended purpose. While delving deep into the topic, I explain why we need to change our perception of dealing with negative behavior, and how by doing this, we create an opportunity to support our children, connect with them, and build a relationship. I try to help you understand the...
Published 07/11/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Q&A Friday, and I am going to be talking about how to manage bedtimes when you have children of different ages. I am going to talk about the power of healthy, daily rhythms and having a holistic overview of the day. Before I get deep into today’s episode, I recap the six foundations of a healthy rhythm and give some quick examples of how to make sure you achieve these. Then, I will help you understand the effect a busy day has...
Published 07/08/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Q&A Friday, and I am going to be talking about how to manage bedtimes when you have children of different ages. I am going to talk about the power of healthy, daily rhythms and having a holistic overview of the day. Before I get deep into today’s episode, I recap the six foundations of a healthy rhythm and give some quick examples of how to make sure you achieve these. Then, I will help you understand the effect a busy day has...
Published 07/08/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Seasonal Thursday, and I am going to be chatting about how to create, and maintain, a nourishing, balancing summertime rhythm to nurture your child and family. We all know that the summer season is notorious for unplanned, changing activities. So, when reflecting on our rhythms, we need to focus on creating predictable and consistent routines that will support our child's ability to self-regulate, have a sense of normality, and...
Published 07/07/22
Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Seasonal Thursday, and I am going to be chatting about how to create, and maintain, a nourishing, balancing summertime rhythm to nurture your child and family. We all know that the summer season is notorious for unplanned, changing activities. So, when reflecting on our rhythms, we need to focus on creating predictable and consistent routines that will support our child's ability to self-regulate, have a sense of normality, and...
Published 07/07/22
Did you know that when your child plays with a toy, they actually build a relationship with the toy and the material that the toy is made from can affect how they play with the toy. It’s important when we are intentional about the kinds of toys or play materials that we give to our child. Does it have warmth? Does it invite your child to play? How does it feel? How does your child engage with it? These are all good questions to ask.  Just  by watching your child, you can see how much their...
Published 07/06/22
Did you know that when your child plays with a toy, they actually build a relationship with the toy and the material that the toy is made from can affect how they play with the toy. It’s important when we are intentional about the kinds of toys or play materials that we give to our child. Does it have warmth? Does it invite your child to play? How does it feel? How does your child engage with it? These are all good questions to ask.  Just  by watching your child, you can see how much their...
Published 07/06/22
Welcome to the We Nurture Podcast. Today, I will be talking about the importance of doll play in your young child’s development. Doll play can nurture compassion in your child, and give them the ability to care for someone or something else. Waldorf education states that dolls are the archetype of the human being and I have seen this to be true in my experiences with preschool children. I will show you how doll play can lead to you, as a parent, being more mindful, what to avoid when you are...
Published 07/05/22
Welcome to the We Nurture Podcast. Today, I will be talking about the importance of doll play in your young child’s development. Doll play can nurture compassion in your child, and give them the ability to care for someone or something else. Waldorf education states that dolls are the archetype of the human being and I have seen this to be true in my experiences with preschool children. I will show you how doll play can lead to you, as a parent, being more mindful, what to avoid when you are...
Published 07/05/22
Today on Mindful Monday, I will be talking about the four temperaments as a tool to better understand your child’s personality. By understanding temperaments, we, as parents, can meet our child's needs in a more effective way. The four temperaments, which can be defined as traits and characteristics, are known as air (sanguine), water (phlegmatic), earth (melancholic), and fire (choleric).  “Although each temperament has specific qualities, we can expect that every one of the qualities will...
Published 07/04/22
Today on Mindful Monday, I will be talking about the four temperaments as a tool to better understand your child’s personality. By understanding temperaments, we, as parents, can meet our child's needs in a more effective way. The four temperaments, which can be defined as traits and characteristics, are known as air (sanguine), water (phlegmatic), earth (melancholic), and fire (choleric). “Although each temperament has specific qualities, we can expect that every one of the qualities will be...
Published 07/04/22
In this Q & A Friday Episode , I’ll be talking about Self-Care for Stressed Parents. This question was asked on our instagram poll when we asked parents to submit their questions for Q & A Friday on the podcast. It received a lot of votes which made it the clear choice for this episode.  If you would like to ask a parenting question you can submit it on Instagram @we (underscore) nurture on Mondays during season 6!  Listen in as I guide you through how to acknowledge your stress,...
Published 06/24/22
In this episode, I talk about Forest Bathing, the benefits and why it's a healthy activity. What is it about forest life that draws us, heals us, and brings us joy?  What does it mean to bath our senses in the atmosphere of the forest? In the forest, nothing is asked of us so we find ourselves listening, observing and noticing what’s around us. We relax. And when we are in a place where we can calmly take in our surroundings, particularly in a forest where our senses are bathed, we become...
Published 06/23/22
As parents, we know how important play is for young children. For the young child, play and learning are one and the same. Through play, children try out their ideas and develop new capacities at their own pace and in their own timing.  It's been said that the most effective way for a young child to be educated is to let them learn through play at their own pace. - To let them learn when they are ready and interested.  The types of play that I’ll focus on is based on research that was used as...
Published 06/22/22
Welcome to another inspiring edition of Blossoming Tuesday on the We Nurture Podcast.  Today, I talk about how to nurture your child’s ability to self-regulate. I highlight three stages of learning - supporting self-regulation, co-regulating, and achieving self-regulation  that, when nurtured, builds your child’s ability to regulate. You’ll come to understand what role your triggers, as a parent, play in your child’s self-regulation journey.  I share insights on the importance of breathing,...
Published 06/21/22